I have about three genuine night time dream visions of what we may be in for
1) very similar to the movie annihilation: the code of reality breaks down, boundaries are melting, everything explodes in energetic phenomena and transmutes, even gravity goes nuts. poor survival chances but you may transmorph into another being and you may orgasm ad infintum.
2) just the flood please. asteroids and tidal waves. we had that one before, about 20 K ago, afaik. its kinda similar to 1) but this time the waves are just matter, exteriority, whereas in 1) the waves are made from intra-physical interiority, the laws of physics underneath matter become wobbly. the fun part about it is the dying part.
3) humans die from virus outbreak, slowly, while A.I. robots are used to police the chaos of looting and the escaping / transgressing of populations from high viral load zones to safer zones - finally not much humans are left, mainly countless A.I robots who self replicate like an immune system would and they hunt down the last infected humans, because those keep violating some old laws / boundaries from a world that doesn't exist any more. the fun part of it is when you can say: there, i told you so.
obviously not really something i would like to experience.
the simple formula of life quality is this:
intelligence is a bell curve. the highest living standard at any time is largely thanks to the 5 percent of most intelligent people. they establish a standard of civilization via a teamwork, because humans work in a teamwork of cognitive typology based specialization and in addition to typology, authetntic individuation/specialzation is most relevant for authentic creativity to even be possible, so in order for ideal task forces to come together, you need huge numbers of smart people who are relatively mobile in lifestyle. and therefore, to get a huge, global team of high IQ experts in all fields of technology or social science, you need to put up with a tremendously more huge (up to 95%) population of idiot clowns such as myself, who live from basic income and have dreams about apocalypse, while robots do the work.