I would love to try out an idea though, just walk in to some asshole who wants to interview me and be like, "Hey, there, guys, I have no money, no job, no degree, but I really, really wanna work here, and I have all the experience I need. Check out my experience points."
And then they'll be all randomly non-serious and say, "Okay! You got it!" *thumbsup*
Unfortunately, once people learn about free software (and I don't mean freeware), you will never, ever think about programming the same way again. You will question the ethical value of proprietary vs free software. But if you just don't care, and the companies won't care, just go be a code monkey for a random butt-wad from morning-til-midnight and glance over, and over, and over at the same 400 lines of code again until you can figure out what exactly you want or need to do next.
It sounds like a code hell instead of a code dream. And it probably is.
Go over to computer engineering while you still can, folks!
It'll stimulate your brain more.