@bronto why are comments that are superficial the way you like them?
There's this one person that reminds us of Woody Allen... I initially went ahead of felt comfortable proposing entp for him after watching Annie Hall, although istp turned out to be an interesting choice. So this person who had been agreed upon by at least a few people myself included that reminds us of Woody Allen could be of the same type. For this person that reminds us of Woody Allen, a particular stereotype of istp could be reasonable. They not only vaguely look alike but they seem to act alike as well (from what we know of WA I suppose, if you got to know him he could be a little different. what we see of him could be him with his personality turned up to 11, or if he's slightly more quiet and unresponsive you could maybe still see the parallels between him and his screen persona - probably just in different moods (for all intents and purposes, still the same person?)). Considering his profession, he might also be an S type.
But it sort of seems vaguely dependent on W A's type. If anything one could be E and the other I, but it's just a way of explaining any similarities one might find. Similarly, one can see the parallels between intp & istp but some people could still claim them to be way different.. The default functions just seem to be a way of explaining any sims or differences one would see.
Basically, there was this one guy someone said I reminded him of. What was funny was that we are of different ethnicity, so it's not like we look alike or anything, for the most part. When he showed him to me I concluded it was partially because of the voice and manner of speaking, as well as some vague similarities to the style of dress. It was interesting... We also had quite a few similar interests in a particular area which is when it sort of started to get 'annoying', for lack of a better word. Could be some other thing going on of course
So I had to think that dude could be intp although intj seems to be rather likely as well. Yeah, all sorts of things should come along with this. I suppose someone would have to check the veracity of one's interests to determine affinity. I think the friend that told me that told and showed some other people, and now they might see it too it seems. Last time I was over there he said, "Once you see it, can't unsee"* which seems like a fair amount of pressure.
So whether Elvis or Dean would relate to INXP... I think phenotype could quantitatively play some role, perhaps not arbitrarily, but there could be some merit in, say, observing functions or behaviors in certain instances where people seem similar in some manner. What for? If people turn out not to be of the same type there's probably a difference of a letter, the s/n or p/j. The existence of certain things is apparently due to using mbti as something similar to ether.