Together forever
Anyway I still have 15 days before I have to choose between psychology or CS. In case I choose CS(It is about a 80-20 chance that I will pick CS atm, there are only so many facts that psychology is a stupid choice that I can ignore).
I need to pick between these programs at my university. Which would fit an INTP best (don't give me the answer that it doesn't matter, I have to pick one after all and I have no clue which is better).
I will start learning all about programming from scratch btw.
Information Technology
Year 1: Discrete structures
Object Oriented Programming
Perspectives on Information
Mathematical Basic Course
Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Computer Networks and Internet Protocol
Physical models
Communication in the workplace
Year 2:Linear Algebra
Data Structures and Algorithms
Useful systems
Language technology for information retrieval
Interaction Programming
Flervariabel- and vector analysis
Electromagnetism - theory and application
Linear systems of communication
Probability theory
Computer technology
Year 3:Mobile networks
Numerical calculations
Combinatorial optimization with environmental applications
Database technology with environmental applications
Control Engineering with Environmental Applications
Project: Secure mobile systems including candidate projects
Master Profiles:Computer system
Programming and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Game Programming
System Technology
Secure systems
Signal and Image Processing
AI, cognition and interaction
Medical Engineering
Computer Science
Year 1: Discrete Mathematics
Perspectives on Computer Engineering / Computer Science
Programming in Python
Computer Systems and Programming
Oral Presentation
Mathematical Basic Course
Calculus 1
Imperative programming and Ada
Calculus 2
Digital Technology
Engineering Professionalism
Year 2: Linear Algebra
Object oriented programming and Java
Data Structures and Algorithms
Concurrent Programming and Operating Systems
Computer technology
Multi-variable analysis
Computer Engineering
Mathematical Statistics
Engineering Professionalism
Year 3: Interactive systems
Software Engineering Theory
Combinatorial optimization
Construction of microcomputers, Project Course
Candidate Projects in Software Development
Signals and Systems and Transforms
Signals, information and communication
Control Engineering
Engineering Professionalism
Master profiles: Computer systems
Programming and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Game Programming
System Technology
Secure systems
Signal and Image Processing
AI, cognition and interaction
Medical Engineering
Software Engineering
Year 1: Perspectives on Computer Science
Programming and Python
Discrete Mathematics
Computer technology
Object oriented programming and Java
Project: Mobile and social applications
Formal languages and automata theory
Engineering Professionalism
Year 2: Software Engineering
Data structures, algorithms, programlanguageparadigms and C ++
Linear Algebra
Preliminary analysis
Multi variable analysis and differential equations
Large-scale distributed systems and networks
Engineering Professionalism
Year 3: AI
AI project
Database Technology
Probability and Statistics
Physics and Mechanics
Signals, information and photos
Control Engineering
Candidate Projects in Software Development
Technology Based Entrepreneurship (part of the bachelor thesis)
Engineering Professionalism
Master profiles: Software Production
Game Programming
AI and data-driven decision making
Secure systems
Also I would love some online resources for a beginner.(I will search myself, but thought I would ask since some of you probably know already)
I need to pick between these programs at my university. Which would fit an INTP best (don't give me the answer that it doesn't matter, I have to pick one after all and I have no clue which is better).
I will start learning all about programming from scratch btw.
Information Technology
Year 1: Discrete structures
Object Oriented Programming
Perspectives on Information
Mathematical Basic Course
Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Computer Networks and Internet Protocol
Physical models
Communication in the workplace
Year 2:Linear Algebra
Data Structures and Algorithms
Useful systems
Language technology for information retrieval
Interaction Programming
Flervariabel- and vector analysis
Electromagnetism - theory and application
Linear systems of communication
Probability theory
Computer technology
Year 3:Mobile networks
Numerical calculations
Combinatorial optimization with environmental applications
Database technology with environmental applications
Control Engineering with Environmental Applications
Project: Secure mobile systems including candidate projects
Master Profiles:Computer system
Programming and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Game Programming
System Technology
Secure systems
Signal and Image Processing
AI, cognition and interaction
Medical Engineering
Computer Science
Year 1: Discrete Mathematics
Perspectives on Computer Engineering / Computer Science
Programming in Python
Computer Systems and Programming
Oral Presentation
Mathematical Basic Course
Calculus 1
Imperative programming and Ada
Calculus 2
Digital Technology
Engineering Professionalism
Year 2: Linear Algebra
Object oriented programming and Java
Data Structures and Algorithms
Concurrent Programming and Operating Systems
Computer technology
Multi-variable analysis
Computer Engineering
Mathematical Statistics
Engineering Professionalism
Year 3: Interactive systems
Software Engineering Theory
Combinatorial optimization
Construction of microcomputers, Project Course
Candidate Projects in Software Development
Signals and Systems and Transforms
Signals, information and communication
Control Engineering
Engineering Professionalism
Master profiles: Computer systems
Programming and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Game Programming
System Technology
Secure systems
Signal and Image Processing
AI, cognition and interaction
Medical Engineering
Software Engineering
Year 1: Perspectives on Computer Science
Programming and Python
Discrete Mathematics
Computer technology
Object oriented programming and Java
Project: Mobile and social applications
Formal languages and automata theory
Engineering Professionalism
Year 2: Software Engineering
Data structures, algorithms, programlanguageparadigms and C ++
Linear Algebra
Preliminary analysis
Multi variable analysis and differential equations
Large-scale distributed systems and networks
Engineering Professionalism
Year 3: AI
AI project
Database Technology
Probability and Statistics
Physics and Mechanics
Signals, information and photos
Control Engineering
Candidate Projects in Software Development
Technology Based Entrepreneurship (part of the bachelor thesis)
Engineering Professionalism
Master profiles: Software Production
Game Programming
AI and data-driven decision making
Secure systems
Also I would love some online resources for a beginner.(I will search myself, but thought I would ask since some of you probably know already)