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which of these CS programs is better


Together forever
Local time
Tomorrow 12:20 AM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Anyway I still have 15 days before I have to choose between psychology or CS. In case I choose CS(It is about a 80-20 chance that I will pick CS atm, there are only so many facts that psychology is a stupid choice that I can ignore).

I need to pick between these programs at my university. Which would fit an INTP best (don't give me the answer that it doesn't matter, I have to pick one after all and I have no clue which is better).
I will start learning all about programming from scratch btw.


Information Technology
Year 1: Discrete structures
Object Oriented Programming
Perspectives on Information
Mathematical Basic Course
Calculus 1
Calculus 2
Computer Networks and Internet Protocol
Physical models
Communication in the workplace

Year 2:Linear Algebra
Data Structures and Algorithms
Useful systems
Language technology for information retrieval
Interaction Programming
Flervariabel- and vector analysis
Electromagnetism - theory and application
Linear systems of communication
Probability theory
Computer technology

Year 3:Mobile networks
Numerical calculations
Combinatorial optimization with environmental applications
Database technology with environmental applications
Control Engineering with Environmental Applications
Project: Secure mobile systems including candidate projects

Master Profiles:Computer system
Programming and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Game Programming
System Technology
Secure systems
Signal and Image Processing
AI, cognition and interaction
Medical Engineering


Computer Science
Year 1: Discrete Mathematics
Perspectives on Computer Engineering / Computer Science
Programming in Python
Computer Systems and Programming
Oral Presentation
Mathematical Basic Course
Calculus 1
Imperative programming and Ada
Calculus 2
Digital Technology
Engineering Professionalism

Year 2: Linear Algebra
Object oriented programming and Java
Data Structures and Algorithms
Concurrent Programming and Operating Systems
Computer technology
Multi-variable analysis
Computer Engineering
Mathematical Statistics
Engineering Professionalism

Year 3: Interactive systems
Software Engineering Theory
Combinatorial optimization
Construction of microcomputers, Project Course
Candidate Projects in Software Development
Signals and Systems and Transforms
Signals, information and communication
Control Engineering
Engineering Professionalism

Master profiles: Computer systems
Programming and Algorithms
Software Engineering
Game Programming
System Technology
Secure systems
Signal and Image Processing
AI, cognition and interaction
Medical Engineering


Software Engineering
Year 1: Perspectives on Computer Science
Programming and Python
Discrete Mathematics
Computer technology
Object oriented programming and Java
Project: Mobile and social applications
Formal languages ​​and automata theory
Engineering Professionalism

Year 2: Software Engineering
Data structures, algorithms, programlanguageparadigms and C ++
Linear Algebra
Preliminary analysis
Multi variable analysis and differential equations
Large-scale distributed systems and networks
Engineering Professionalism

Year 3: AI
AI project
Database Technology
Probability and Statistics
Physics and Mechanics
Signals, information and photos
Control Engineering
Candidate Projects in Software Development
Technology Based Entrepreneurship (part of the bachelor thesis)
Engineering Professionalism

Master profiles: Software Production
Game Programming
AI and data-driven decision making
Secure systems

Also I would love some online resources for a beginner.(I will search myself, but thought I would ask since some of you probably know already)


Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 6:20 PM
Sep 25, 2008
Quick question:

What's your criteria for "better" -- one that you will enjoy the most (in our opinion), one that you will do the best in grade-point wise, or one that will offer you the most job prospects / career positioning?


Together forever
Local time
Tomorrow 12:20 AM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Helps me most when in comes to actually learning what I will need for a future career within CS related areas that you think I will enjoy.


for the glory of satan
Local time
Today 4:20 PM
Sep 2, 2009
^^^ Yeah, from what I understand, Computer Science gives you the most opportunity for money. In the U.S., that is, but industry may be a little different in Sweden. Here's the deal: if you go into CS on advice and it doesn't work out, we can swap countries for a few years :D

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:20 PM
Nov 21, 2013
They are all pretty similar although the last program looks the most "serious".

Mathematical analysis is not that crucial so I can see it being pushed to a 2nd year and it has little to no circuit theory, good riddance, you don't need it as a CS and if you are into it you can do it in your own time.
The 3rd year of the last curriculum catches up on the engineering essentials such as physics, mechanics and signals (assumedly data communications). So in your 3rd year you won't be as discouraged by all the broadening courses as you would be if you were to study physics or other unrelated fields in your freshman's year. This gives you the most condensed benefit and leaves your 3rd year to pretty much score and improve on everything you've already learnt that you will need.

It is also the only listed program that allows you to master in knowledge engineering aka AI and data-driven decision making, a rapidly growing derivative field of CS that busies itself with replacing humanity and machine thinking, this will remain relevant for many years to come.


Together forever
Local time
Tomorrow 12:20 AM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Interestingly this university is the only one of the big 4 (there are 4 major CS universities in Sweden) that offers software engineering. Only CS or IT everywhere else(though the actual content of the educations are vastly different). I kinda like them for always trying new things out.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Bleh I say pick what you want to do and just do it.

The information required to learn how to do all this stuff is readily avalible on the internet and CS is one of those things you never stop learning anyway, so effectively you're paying to be spoon feed information that you really ought to know how to find yourself and for a bit of paper that suggests you might be qualified to work for somebody else.

There's a lot of people who want to make games and I tell them all to just do it, make something and put it on steam, it dosen't have to be mind blowing it just has to be fun, if you've already made some games and made money by doing so that'll impress an employer far more than any degree though of course by then you'll be more interested in finding people to work for you.

Of course I'm not saying there isn't lots of money to be made as a specialised systems engineer, if you're the only contractor in the country that can fix something they'll pay you just to be on standby, but getting into a niche like takes a long time and a lot of work.


Together forever
Local time
Tomorrow 12:20 AM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
I am leaning towards the last one myself blarrun, I am just worried that I will not have enough necessary hardware knowledge taking that one(since I am starting out from scratch). Though I am really interested in AI... hmm I really wouldn't want to miss out on that. And if the hardware courses on the second one aren't essential, this becomes easier to pick from.

Also this is Sweden, I don't pay tuition. I will have a 50k$ low interest debt by the end of this for 5 years of living costs though.

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:20 PM
Nov 21, 2013
Bleh I say pick what you want to do and just do it.
It is easy to say. Did you make profit from a skill you have learnt without formal education?

I don't say it's impossible. I am doing it myself, though I still want to get papers at some point. It's noteworthy and quite obvious that formal education makes it easier to find a job if one doesn't have a wonderful business plan, it's a useful confirmation to have.

Suppose they want to become a researcher, or an academic figure?
Self-taught unconfirmed people don't get to say anything there.

Another thing is that being exposed to an environment of individuals all knowledgeable and interested in attaining the same thing is conducive to skill acquisition.

I am leaning towards the last one myself blarrun, I am just worried that I will not have enough necessary hardware knowledge taking that one(since I am starting out from scratch). Though I am really interested in AI... hmm I really wouldn't want to miss out on that. And if the hardware courses on the second one aren't essential, this becomes easier to pick from.
Circuit theory is basically physics course that branches from Maxwellian equations on electricity and nodes. You are dealing with DC/AC and four types of hardware (resistor, capacitor, coil, voltage/current source). Then it just teaches you how to assemble basic circuits and how to calculate power, voltages, temperatures, etc. Useful if you were to design an electric circuit or a power supply unit for your computer. Not helpful at all if what you want to do is to use one of the widespread programming languages and utilise them on an already provided machine.

The theory is somewhat interesting and useful to know to get an idea of limitations and basic industry slang.

Another part of circuit theory is logic circuits. It's about designing switching gates that use binary logical operators such as (and, or, nand, nor, xand, xor) but you will be quickly told to focus on industry-viable nand-only implementations (not that it matters). So later you get to theory about FPGA (field programmable gate arrays) and this is what actually might be useful to you as a programmer, but this is toward the end of the course anyway, so I'd suggest you check it out when you feel you need it, maybe after finishing your education your employer will give you a training in FPGA, or another multi-purpose platform.

So out of 100% I'd say it's 40% interesting and 15% useful ;).

Also this is Sweden, I don't pay tuition. I will have a 50k$ low interest debt by the end of this for 5 years of living costs though.
Yeah, you get to study whatever you like for a few years, so why not use this free time.


Professional INTP
Local time
Today 4:20 PM
Dec 25, 2010
  1. First one if you want to be some kind of IT or support person, or a manager.
  2. Middle one if you want to be a professor.
  3. Last one if you want to go into industry (most common).

Personally I'd pick the last one.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 11:20 PM
Jun 20, 2012
Have you considered going to study abroad? I have a friend from Sweden, he studies in Edinburgh, we have a good CS program and since you are EU national, you would only need to afford cost of living and university is free.

The curriculum is here: http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/15-16/dpt/utcmpsi.htm

The only caveat is that we study 4 years but if you are good already(actually another friend was not that good), then you can go to 2nd year directly and instead study for 3 years.

First two years are a lot easier and seems similar to other universities but 3rd year is insane and only strongest survive. It is worth coming over here if you are interested in compilers(world-class researchers teach here), computer architecture but all other subjects are also interesting and taught with varying quality(some lecturers just suck, like Computer Security...eh.) But overall, most of the people I know who graduated from CS here are very happy.

If you want tot check out what we are taught and how it looks like, then just navigate to the link above, click on subject of interest across the years and go to course website of interest. You can check out slides, assignments etc.


Together forever
Local time
Tomorrow 12:20 AM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
My grades suck, I flunked the last year of high school. I'm entering using the national acceptance test in Sweden, which is only valid for Sweden. (Some interpretations would have me barely reaching minimum entrance requirements, you need more to actually enter.)
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