One atom of me
Sure, but when I hear Christians interpret the bible it sounds like they are just making shit up, that is what ever feels good to their ego sensibilities, and whatever seems OK to their limited minds.I have seen it talked about and discussed from many different angles.
So there is a guy called Jesus. He is very important. Getting what he says wrong would be a sin. Because if you get it wrong you will do things Jesus did not want you to do.
It could be as little as some 12 century priest taking a liberty in translation and you are doomed to do something wrong that Jesus never said or wanted.
Even different versions of bible can be understood differently.
Never mind the fact so many things in bible have lairs of coded meaning.
Which probably made sense in the old days.
Today people make up their own version of bible ergo what is literal and what is symbolic.
Almost to the point its cultural appropriation of modern humans.
See I don't actually people have the ability to do this. They barely know what Jesus said. If we distill it down to what Jesus said, its actually very few things.About obeying God and knowing his ways.
Of which many are interpreted willy nilly.
Many Christians don't really lead morally good life.At the base is a story about leading a morally good life.
They live very modern and arbitrary life, with few rigid rules imposed on them.
Of which even the ones they follow slavishly they don't really understand.
To really lead morally good life you need to understand the world a little and know what is better and what is not so good.
Most Christians know the bible the same way they know the constitution.I know most of what is inside it.
Not at all.
The few people who do know the bible cannot even explain what it means.
They just read the phrases and tell you how great the book is, but you cannot really tell what to do.
Life is complicated. Since Jesus time it got way more complicated.
Social norms got complicated.
Our lives are also longer, and we have different priorities.
We also have medicine and science.
Overall the level of intelligence we have would blow Jesus time peoples heads off.
These people had no clue about anything.
All this said, Jesus was a person whos word was recorded and written down in a bunch of writings, that were frequently altered doctored and changed on whims of popes and believers.
So this means its very much possible that what Jesus meant and said and lived might be so different from bible that it would be like taking random sample of posts on this forum, and making a self help book about it.