I grew up in a family of SJs. Both my parents are ESFJ. All my life I've been xNTP so it was hell. When I was younger, I was ENTP and still somewhat acceptable to them. They thought I was bright. As I became more introverted, they started thinking I was crazy. My mum literally said in my face that I'm crazy when she caught me spacing out. I was aware she (and my brother) was staring at me, but I didn't want to lose my train of thoughts so I ignored it.
When you try to explain something to them, they can never ever fully comprehend it. At times, they'll act like they understand, or perhaps they think they do understand. But they obviously do not.
I don't know if this is typical of Sensors or not, but my whole family loves nature. Since young, I've been the only one not liking nature. Oh yeah, all of them for more physical activities than me. I'm a sloth.
They do not care if they do things without a reason. They don't think about the future, though they do save $$ for rainy days. They won't think what they'll be doing in the future. My brother says he doesn't even know why he's studying, but he knows he needs the certificate and so he'll study, even if he's unsure what the hell he's gonna use the subjects for. Also, he never chooses the subjects he prefers, but what he scores well in.
Really don't want to sound condescending, but they think too simply. While I'm no genius myself, they can't understand something that is really quite simple...
I don't think this is a sensor's trait, but maybe it is? They're really really anti-fat people, especially my father and brother. Somehow, I usually have best friends who are overweight, and they never fail to insult them (behind their backs, of course, they're cowards).
They can't stand mess. They can't stand not bathing for a day. I could go two days without bathing (more days, in fact, but they'll be suspicious), and they can't tolerate even a day without bathing.
They don't like having meaningful conversations. They love small talks. My father always try to make small talks with me, and that annoys me to no end because I absolutely detest him (he was an extremely abusive father in the past). He talks about the most mundane and useless stuffs.
This is just my experiences with sensors, in particular, SJs. One interesting thing to note is that they're really double-faced. Be it my friends or my family members, they can bitch hard about someone yet smile so brightly in that person's face.