Without money - the costs of exchange are much higher. Money helps even out the exchange ratio and keeps prices more steady.
Notes from finance class:
Unit of account: Exchange ratio between a backpack and every other good.
Price without money would depend on what other good you want to trade with.
So, it would cause huge fluctuations in values every day if you did not have money units.
$ is created by banks when they make loans. Money makes exchange a whole lot easier. It facilitates exchange.
Coins: gold and silver. They held value and you could use them for other things, this kind of money is called full bodied or commodity. Value goes down with inflation. If a shortage occurs -just supply and demand cause inflation.
Price goes down because gold and silver are a limited supply.
In the 14-16th century total supply of gold wasn’t changing much from year to year. Today we still find gold but its so small in comparison to what is already there.
Gold is representative of full bodied paper money - but its cumbersome, and paper is lighter and easier to carry. Someone decided they could build a building to keep money safe. You get a receipt to show proof its there, or certificate for every gold piece, you exchange,. Our money is backed by faith, the paper itself has no value. At the end of the confederacy they over printed and in Russia at end of soviet union they did too, and nobody would exchange dollars for the leftover when it was phased out.
Fiat money is backed by faith, its called fiat, government fiat, legal tender.
By law, seller has to accept it.
Money doesn’t represent wealth. Wealth happens when you command goods over services.
Checks and checking accounts are substitutes for fiat money, we don’t want to carry around the money too much - so checks are a practical way to avoid this. Electronic money: direct deposit, eft transaction is exchanged over wire.
A pay check is directly deposited, electronically wired to credit union. Volume of money is very large now.
ATM cards, debit cards, receipts, are needed for exchange. The evolution of money.
Currency, checking accounts, demand deposits, travelers checks; when added up, all together this comes to M1.
(all money out there). The size of $ supply has an effect on inflation.
Savings accounts: Money market funds, mutual funds, places you can park money and are a cross between checking and savings. They take money and buy mm instruments M short term low risk bonds. Treasury notes, etc. Higher interest rates. Always pay higher rates, these accts very liquid with little loss of value.
M1 is the money supply that encompasses physical currency and coin, demand deposits, traveler's checks, and other checkable deposits.