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what the hell is human nature


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Aug 15, 2013
how do you define human nature, how is it different from robot machine nature or animal nature

it seemed like to be overused and over-generalized term with no specific meaning or illed defined

the closest thing to human nature i can see is hedonism pleasure vs plain) vs nietzche's will to power

its human nature to be selfless

its human nature to be selfish

its human nature to be good or bad at same time

its human nature to be greedy

its human nature to exploit the weak
its human nature to help the weak

its human nature to be lazy and take the easiest route

its human nature to sleep eat shit sex and so on

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 5:15 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Aug 15, 2013
if I am to school a robot about the laws of human nature, what am i suppose to teach

maybe human nature are lawless and random, and is generally unpredicble?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 5:15 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
if I am to school a robot about the laws of human nature, what am i suppose to teach

maybe human nature are lawless and random, and is generally unpredicble?


Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 5:15 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
There is motivation but also the ability to reason about causality. Motivation is a reason to do things. Causality is reasoning itself.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 1:15 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Imagine a human like a mecha and you're in the cockpit, what do you see?

There's status indicators for hunger, thirst, warmth, cleanliness, comfort, things like that and as the operator of this mech you need to consider each of these needs and how best to maintain them. Which is no simple task, sometimes food will make you thirsty, sometimes you'll need to sacrifice cleanliness and comfort to acquire food, you can't just pick one thing and focus on it exclusively.

Then there's more abstract considerations like safety and freedom, if someone offers you free food/drink are you sure you can trust them, if someone offers you safety in exchange for your freedom under what terms is the trade worthwhile and what terms can you absolutely not compromise on?

Also there's psychological needs, you can live on bread and soup to save money but it's a miserable existence and if you don't look after yourself mentally your mental health will begin to deteriorate.

Finally you need to think strategically, helping others might not help you directly in the short term but to survive and succeed in this world you need friends, allies, associates, you need other people to help you or at least do right by you so you need to consider what sacrifices you're willing to make to benefit others.

Is it any wonder that human behavior is complicated?

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 6:15 AM
Feb 24, 2021
I think human nature is just doing what you don't want to do and not doing what you do want to do.

This might sound pessimistic, but that's the way most people live their lives IME.


enter text
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Aug 14, 2013
look at flag
everything reduced to its constituent parts is a sloppy atomic mess, every constituent part as old as the universe, and in our system originating from the nebula that was once our young star.

billions of divergent variables forces the observer to take the baseline as starting point, ie. the organic human machine and the innate behaviors that have been formed via millions of years of evolution.
shared traits across all divergent human genetic lines, such as the asymmetric snarl over fangs that no longer exist, the arched-eyebrow greeting, the sideways glance while eating etc... All human cultures share such traits, proven by ethnologists and their study of tribes who had no contact with 'modern' humans.

what then is human nature? Human nature is, simply, what it is. Divergences from common bio norm occur(both in body and mind) and with such a complex species working just off the baseline is sure to create errors in judgement. On the whole, looking at things from an alien perspective, the human is little different from other organism-consuming, self-perpetuating creatures. Complexity enters with three simple elements: Imagination, Environment, and Socializing. Without these elements, humanity as it is today would never have come to be. It takes mastery of environment, ordered imagination and a social structure for the human collective to achieve feats such as building pyramids.

Thus in the collective view, the human is a planet-changer by employing imagination and/or convincing his fellow beings to exert energy on behalf of an unrealized ideal. Crusades, moon landings etc. are all collective endeavors that differ vastly from anything that any other species, at least on earth, can achieve.
Surpassing us in this is nature, for while we can build drydocks and launch spaceships, we are still far too far in our infancy to cause supernovas or winnow down mountain ranges--though with nuclear power we have gained, in a way, mastery which natural forces planetside cannot recreate. Such capabilities pale when compared to the heart of even the smallest star, however.

Individual basis: Complexity enters and there are approximately a hundred billion different theoretical case studies, going on current estimates of how many humans in toto have existed. Figure in that humans change from childhood to late life, and it's very easy to state that this 100 billion could be expanded greatly to, say, 1000 billion or more as you consider that each baby is different, each child, each adult, and even year by year and month to month the human can vastly differ mentally and physically depending on diet, social milieu, health etc. etc. Simpler to take the 100 billion individuals, or the 8 alive today, but it's easy to see how the complexity compounds itself.

As said, baselines exist, and some humans will adhere frighteningly close to them, others not so. Think of twenty rats inserted into a maze; eleven are smart enough to get the cheese, four remained at the starting point to fuck, two killed each other when the one trod on the other's tail, two only went searching for the cheese after the others found it, making sure to bully their way to a good chunk, and one wears a tophat, hums Beethoven's 9th, and has escaped from the maze and found the larder before the experiment even began.

Interesting book, though outdated, is The Human Animal by Hans Hass. Great view, Hass expresses amongst other things that technology is so very very intrinsically part of humanity, it is our 'artificial organs'.

There are definite patterns, and immutable biological requirements and mechanisms---other than that, it's a free-for-all freakshow and we're all part of it.

What is human nature? Fuck if I know.

***Edit: kek just found out thanks to this thread that a copy of above book as hardcover, which I bought for USD 0.73, goes for USD 471+ on amazon. Sho : P


Junior Hegelian
Local time
Today 9:15 PM
Dec 7, 2014
Human nature is to seek truth in its many aspects, but never being able to know truth in its totality.


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 5:45 PM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
Human nature is being able to be randomly patternistic. Human nature is meta but not particularly inclined towards fine tuning. Human nature is being able to inflict change and unconsciously change in the process without realizing.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Aug 15, 2013
Imagine a human like a mecha and you're in the cockpit, what do you see?

There's status indicators for hunger, thirst, warmth, cleanliness, comfort, things like that and as the operator of this mech you need to consider each of these needs and how best to maintain them. Which is no simple task, sometimes food will make you thirsty, sometimes you'll need to sacrifice cleanliness and comfort to acquire food, you can't just pick one thing and focus on it exclusively.
i had never thought about it this way before.

One is that is not human nature is self harm and doing things detrimental to ourselves.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Aug 15, 2013
perhaps human nature= human behavior or can be reduced to such

what can represent human action and human behavior?
representation is the closest thing to equalvilence

perhaps then the answer can founded.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls

Ability to defy instincts





Efficiency and efficacy


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Aug 15, 2013
i still dont comprehend what human nature is , but we can do simple representations of human nature and behavior, and we can teach that to a computer program

does doing drugs represent human nature
does eating represent human nature
does violence represent human nature
does love and hugging represent human nature
does backstabing represent human nature
does masturbation represent human nature
does saying the opposite of what you mean represent human nature

anyway, the cockpit model in brain/mindis also insightful.

Human nature is a very general statement that has no meaning, because its completely general
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