I think when life is empirically studied; it becomes evident that life has some apparent purpose. Certain choices, motivations and attitudes get varying feedback, such that if the results were mapped out you start to see some of the eastern philosophies. Simple exercise to test this is to spend an entire day resenting everything and make all intent from this source - be aware of how life unfolds - and compare that to prolong periods being appreciative in every intent.
Synchronicity tends to develop more frequently where life has some co-operative properties with how you think, what you believe, and what you need to learn, such that the way events unfold appear to be strategic. This if true is suggestive that you and life around you have a meaningful quest.
This I have described requires nothing theoretical; even If you lived life as if you were the first person in existence you could find this implied meaning. That said theoretical purpose is much harder for people to put into words in either a logical argument for or against. That requires some blend of intellectual mastery of cumulative knowledge mixed with some prophetic wisdom of an old soul so to speak.
Some general principles of this:
1. The world is not something your 'on' it’s something that is a construct 'in' you that you process
2. Discovery and creation requires some special 'transient seeming magical ingredient'
3. Life is the process of cultivating and mining that ingredient to become enhanced
4. That which doesn't evolve disappears.
Every choice we make is a quest to find meaning and to find purpose. The issue is this magical ingredient {free-will} that allows discovery, creation, learning, and optimal evolution has a downside. Not only do we find meaning and purpose but we can synthetically define it as well. To learn and lower cognitive entropy requires the ability to self-modify. This ability can help and add clarity or hurt and distortion. Lots of the time people realize a synthetic value of the ego is hollow and come to a conclusion there is no real purpose.
F{ego}= Summation{Sv*(1+risk)^confusion
Where: Sv = coefficient based on propagation of synthetic value n
Risk = likeliness that value n is in jeopardy
Confusion = intellectual stochastic tangledness
When F{ego} gives a high value we have many urges but we can't find meaning we thought we would in the urge. When the F{ego} function is low we feel more like all the meaning we create is our purpose.
For me I feel a purpose and a strong drive to create or build or achieve some ecosystem that allows people to live differently. Such as:
1. Create a collaboration website so people can join niches to be self-employed and freelance, with little beer symbols you click to give a few bucks for the softer science services.
2. Build a zoo but for people with a sign up basketball league
3. Explore and map out the metaphysical realm.