For me I find that it's the irregular things which give me the 'dopamine' feels.
Like tidying the house, it doesn't happen very often but when it does I get those feels. The same goes for tidying up my desk, I have a placard saying "A cluttered desk is the sign of genius" but it really isn't as I can never find anything. A tidied desk makes me feel good, but is usually a mess again by the following day.
DIY. I hate it, I'm bad at it. Who needs instructions anyway? But when you complete the task, those feels. I often find it quicker to look on Youtube for a 5 minute instructional video on how said DIY task is done than sitting and reading instructions.
Going to the gym, I like to look after myself and when I've had a good session I think this is the most natural dopamine release. I like to think of my body as a tool, I like to nurture it and push it - after that hard session I get outside of the gym, sit in the car, my heart rate is still elevated, my legs feel like jelly, I'm thirsty and needing hydration, the ultimate dopamine reward usually follows.