read it since you insisted it was worth reading. not sure what you think is meant to change my mind on what secular values are?
being religious doesn't means you're inherently ignorant of and have a conflict of interest in teaching biology. dealing with teachers who do a bad job is already something the board of education aims to do.
until there's some kind of evidence for a tangible conflict of interest existing beyond simply, "this person is religious" it'd be pretty absurd to not just hire whoever the best candidate is
if you want to make the case that simply being religious makes someone scientifically illiterate and a poor educator, you're going to have to provide something better
institutionalized religious organisations aren't the same thing as individuals with a religious belief.
Hmm I think the essential problem is within the fact that Christians nowadays specifically as well as secular humanists have the same flaw in their way of thinking, namely that of tolerance and altruism towards those who have none for them, towards the weak individuals within the society who blame everyone but themselves, who can't accept reality and manifest a morality that turns other people into a means towards their own destructive ends. In this light, a lot of Christians are very similar to secular humanists who weaken and destroy themselves and everyone around them. This is so because secular humanism at it's core is essentially Christianity without the religious parts.
It would be easy to remedy, namely via adopting hostility and distrust towards those who do not reciprocate the tolerance and altruism, and by condemning any individual who adopts a mindset that goes against the logic of treating others as ends in themselves, namely anyone who uses other people merely as a means towards their own goals. Simply put: defend yourselves & set boundaries.
For example, if Christians were to heed Christ's words and "teach ppl to fish" instead of "giving them fish", we wouldn't have the humanitarian disaster of overpopulation issue in Africa, because they would not have the means to support the growing population. Secular humanists aren't much different, their charity is often also misplaced and leads to disaster, their vision short-sighted and far removed from reality. Sweden for example. Eventually, their charity will become the end of the country and the Swedish ppl themselves.
I think such warnings, however, fall on deaf ears, but it's not a problem really as there is no escape from the laws governing reality and all the accumulation of weakness and defects will at one point break the camel's back, while ppl like me, who set boundaries and operate based on a well researched logical & moral foundation with clear macro lvl insight prosper.
Like Rome and other civilizations be4 it, the west is in the middle of a massive decline due to rotten foundations and faulty logic.
I advise reading the following works:
The Decline of the West &
Perspectives of World History by Oswald Spengler.
The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche
Critique of Practical Reason (1788), the
Metaphysics of Morals (1797), and the
Critique of Judgment (1790) by Immanuel Kant
Funny enough Spengler and Kant are both INTPs :P only Nietzsche being INTJ.
I think calling me a fascist is a little unfair, irl I’m ranting and raving to people about voting independent to break up the two party system because insofar as those two parts are the same you effectively don’t have a vote, also the centralization of power in two parties facilitates corruption since they’re not at risk of losing their power over a scandal, a single party state would be even worse in that regard. Then again I see what you’re getting at, I might not be a political fascist but at least regarding religion you could rightly call me a secular ideological fascist, but that’s like calling atheism a religion, as a secularist I’m not really standing for anything other than to stand against religion.
e_e they like to call everyone a "fascist" who does not agree with their worldview, regardless of one actually being one or not. It has been drilled into ppl by popular media. To understand why, read:
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals by Saul Alinsky (see rule 11)
As stated above imo secular ppl need to reevaluate and strip themselves of habitual Christian tendencies such as liberal tolerance & charity without discrimination. The reasons are clear as to why imo.
I fundamentally can't agree with right-wing conservatives either, it is simply flawed logic to think Christianity or Religiousness benefited western civilization. It is simply dysgenic, while more modern phenomena, such as allowing women to have a choice, gay rights are eugenic in their outcome and voluntary, therefore they do not violate the categorical imperative, which makes them ok in my book.
I could argue abortion rights violating the categorical imperative because the mother kills the potential future individual for her own ends, but that's another topic and its why as an agnostic atheist do not agree with abortion rights. I can argue the same thing about war, on top of violating the categorical imperative, it is dysgenic.