Let's say us humans are compelled to eat once a day. I give this no thought, I get hungry...eat. You probably do not understand me, will try to explain this perceptual illusion. See, I always take for grant the food will be there. Then, what if I was in nature, in the wilderness, that would be a bigger problem. I would need tools, time to hunt, weapons, clothes, shelter, a place to live while building, making all this etc. It would take all my time. I am 'one', make no different, could be 10, 1000, a million. Numbers are immaterial in regard to nature, it is still the same. Out there is nature, I, a million cannot live without effort, some of us need to know how to hunt, build, even those mean old rulers. But there is Agriculture, someone 'saves' seeds, plants them & harvest them. It is about next years food supply. No, you do not touch your stock seed, if you do, it is over with. 'Space for the seed to grow, space for buildings, for tool making, for production, for stuff one needs...Kant, 'It's logical, but logic has nothing to do with reality.' Kant's philosophy is the biggest booby trap in the history of philosophy. It is so full of holes. Kant had a hatred for the innocent, the able, the good for being good, the strong, self-interest, individualism, freedom, man, life, mind. Control..control, control, enslave, enslave, communism, collectivism, he loves these things. It is all opposite the America way, America refutes Kantianism.