Me and my Grandma were having this conversation last night and I thought it would be interesting if I got others opinion. What do you think love is? or do you even thing it exists?
If you feel it, it is real. Only a deranged person would deny his own experience.
Perception is reality.
I'm in high school and I've always wondered how a couple could date for a month or two, say that they are madly in love with each other, then break up and then a week later they are back to dating someone else.
I wished I had that as a kid.
I've never gotten how they could do that. I hear girls all the time say that they are madly in love with a guy that just met about a week ago. In my mind I'm thinking how can you love a guy you just met a week ago? Better yet, do you even know what love is? Does anyone know what love is?
It is different for all people. Because we experience reality differently.
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
-- Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)
That is one opinion. I do not concur with Frost here. It sounds smart, but it is a little more complex.
A friend of mine:
"Love is somebody acting toward you in the ideal way you wish you could act toward everyone else."
-- Selfs layer
More complex, right?
First of all, let me say this, that americans use the word love way too often and so it is prone to ongoing inflation. I believe the word should be spoken rarely. If people desire so much to be told they are loved, what is wrong with them?
Should not the actions of your partner or lover show it? It should be spoken only in the most intimate and private moments. At funerals, at births, in bed. But not when you leave the house to go to work or school.
And it should never be said like 'Love ya!' Not any of that sort of abbreviated hasty style. And you should never reply with 'Love you more!' That sort of joking style is really bad.
When you tell someone you love them it needs to shock their system! There should be tears or at least glossy eyes. And must be accompanied by a heartfelt hug that is really tender. It should be followed by a moment of silence and contemplation. It may only be ended with a passionate kiss, on lips or in the neck.
That is how one uses the word love in a phrase.
In all other cases you can simply use words like appreciation, liking, greatness, wishing well.
In some ways, I've already defined what love is to me. It is rare and precious and profoundly deep.
What is love?
One part of it, to me, is that you wish the recipient all the sincere best. I love a woman right now. I do not know her nor will she even know I exist. I have no idea what her life was like, what it is like today. I have no idea how her voice sounds, what humor she has, how she moves. But I love her so deeply that I pray she is okay, doing well, that she is happy. I pray to god, though I am an atheist.
Love is that what makes you pray and wish and desire that the person you love is in the best possible way.
it was from this that I started thinking does love even exists or is it just a figure of are imagination? Kids at my school say that love is when you get butterflies in your stomach or your can't stop thinking about them or you can't stop staring at them in class.
They describe the 'symptoms'. And maybe a 'crush' or the next step, 'falling in love'. True love, probably not. Lust more likely, or a connection based on physical preferences.
True love exceeds all personal preferences. The woman I love is blond. But I have always liked black hair. Except in grade school, when I had a crush on a blond girl.
True love means that appearance becomes irrelevant. It is that what drives you to want to know everything about them.
Me and my grandma talked about can a person fall out of love?
I think that is possible. I am struggling with this right now as my relationship of 14 years is going down the drain. What I can tell you is that the girls I loved, truly loved, are still in me and they never go away. There is no closure possible.
I believe unrequited love is a trauma and as such there should be grief involved. But I cannot grieve because I cannot let go. Once I love a girl, it is for life.
She said that she didn't how a person can fall into love, back out of love, then back into love. I kind of agree with this cause if you really love a person, I think they will always have a place in your heart throughout your life. That's why I also think the phrase "I will give you all my heart" is a lie because I do think that their will be people you come across that just have a special place in your heart. Now of course if you get married, that person will have the majority space in your heart and they rightfully should, they are your spouse.
Any thoughts guys?
You re right, if the love is true, that is, 'I love you beyond personal preferences, argument, any form of reasoning.', then they will never leave your heart. All the rest is 'I like you, I like your eyes, your body.'