Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
This is a message I posted on someones blog about IQ.
I thought it was worth posting here if anyone would agree or had something to add?
I think that intelligence begins with a map in your head. Abstraction is the building up of layers that reduce the resources needed to represent these maps. This is a form of Structuralism. What references have meaning are determined by where they point. So as an example Sigma is a sum. But then a sum refers to all the functions that also have symbols that refer to other functions. These are branches that can be feed back into a main equation as self referential (z=z2+c). But even though a person has self reference what makes them intelligent is the ability to use that reference to find their relationship to the world and all objects in relation to all objects. To do this those branches must arrange themselves to form a good map. Intelligence is the ability of entropic compression to increase the resolution of the map by which we learn the consequences of our actions as a self model (meta) and a model of causal relations. Adaption is the ability model some aspects of reality effectively (skills). General Intelligence is the ability to model all aspects in equal measure. Abstraction allows you to model the world in the most efficient way and this is because of branching. renaissance painters had high abstraction in the vision cortex.
The contents of this message has more abstract meaning than the segmentation of words used which would score lower on a vocabulary test. My comprehension was really high on school tests but I am a really bad speller.
I thought it was worth posting here if anyone would agree or had something to add?
I think that intelligence begins with a map in your head. Abstraction is the building up of layers that reduce the resources needed to represent these maps. This is a form of Structuralism. What references have meaning are determined by where they point. So as an example Sigma is a sum. But then a sum refers to all the functions that also have symbols that refer to other functions. These are branches that can be feed back into a main equation as self referential (z=z2+c). But even though a person has self reference what makes them intelligent is the ability to use that reference to find their relationship to the world and all objects in relation to all objects. To do this those branches must arrange themselves to form a good map. Intelligence is the ability of entropic compression to increase the resolution of the map by which we learn the consequences of our actions as a self model (meta) and a model of causal relations. Adaption is the ability model some aspects of reality effectively (skills). General Intelligence is the ability to model all aspects in equal measure. Abstraction allows you to model the world in the most efficient way and this is because of branching. renaissance painters had high abstraction in the vision cortex.
The contents of this message has more abstract meaning than the segmentation of words used which would score lower on a vocabulary test. My comprehension was really high on school tests but I am a really bad speller.