@peoplesuck Even if you disapprove of the acts of lets say a tribe in your area (lets just say this tribe is the "mainstream",) that doesn't mean that there are other tribes of people that aren't worth saving, or that other tribes can't take control of whatever the initial tribe is doing. Your approach is kind of the "throw the baby out with the bathwater" variety. It seems like you don't think that all people aren't worth saving, which who knows may be the case- but I think that type of judgement is beyond me, much like deciding whether "evil" people should die, if I had the choice I would put cruel offenders to death (it cost a lot of money to kill them humanly though,) or indefinitly in jail (this cost money too, and these days the capitalist have gotten their hands on the prison system.) This is overridden however by the judgement that I don't think that any ONE human can make that judgement.
We all live in a bubble you should really change yours, or change your attitudes to the one you already have.
(this isn't passive aggressive, attitudes are really important and effect our perceptions.) You like laughing at people, don't you? You can only really get mad if you think this small group of people are somehow affecting large scale change, which I'm sure I would've heard about if they were. Gimmie an example of groups of people affecting anything outside the scale of their institutions plz.
I am extremely detached, though an optimist for a future state of affairs, and I realize that the path to happiness is holding on to certain ideals. If I don't think anyone or anything is worth saving, then how can I honestly believe that I am worth saving?
Glass half full kinda person, but at the same time expect the worst. I find it fucking splendid that we have not regressed into chaos already. In a world like ours the idea of fair may seem like a joke (for christ's sake the other day I saw a video where a Cheeta/lion was eating a baby fauna from the womb of their dead mother.) suffering has been the default mode. Society is the only thing that has insisted that things do not have to be this way. Though some have just used society and organization in general to line their own pockets and pantries, very few people will actually go out of their way to ensure your suffering, and when they do, it's just business or ignorance. It's the lamest excuse of the century, and there are predatory sharks out there (BoA, scammers, thieves) but rarely will people go out of their way to commit harm if they don't need to, and if they do so, is usually because society has failed them.
Everything we have, everything that works right now, has been built on the death of trillions. Your time on Earth is a microsecond in comparison, but fuck man, any shred of happiness you've ever felt can be attributed to maybe millions of people paving the roads of tomorrow. It's silly to think you can just gaze at whatever experiance you have and make a judgement that society has failed. We have eliminated so much suffering over the last few hundred years. If you think that we are headed in a bad direction (it is possible) then explain why. For me most importantly, it is holding people accountable. That is the last peice of the pie we need to achieve. That Epstein shit is fucking wack yo.