What do you think sets us apart from other animals more? Our wills- a desire for dominance, power, grit and glory, or our ability to rationalize- to plan ahead, strategize, contemplate and scrutinize? What is more us, will or wit?
I'm going to go against everyone else and say willpower.
Spite is derived from will and humans are without doubt the most vindictive species on Earth, if something preys upon us we don't just flee from it or fend it off, we take offence. Even if we're not the one who was attacked the mere notion that anything would dare harm a human is enough to send us into a cold calculating murderous rage, a state of mind so innate to our nature we're hardly aware of it.
Every apex predator on Earth has at some point been pushed to the verge of extinction by humans and they're just the ones that survived, during the paleolithic era we exterminated all the megafauna predators. In the modern day lions instinctively avoid African tribes, they know what happens when a human is killed because we've branded it into their DNA. Tigers likewise avoid humans and when they don't they fear to attack us head on, they're bigger, stronger, faster, but on some instinctive level they know there's something different about humans, something terrifying.
Wild orcas don't attack humans and it's not because they're mammals or we're not the right size for them, we're the same size as a seal and sometimes just as fat. Orcas and dolphins are known to kill for fun but only those that have been kept in captivity and lived for years as circus animals that will finally lose whatever it is that's holding them back, and only then will they attack their keepers.
We think of sharks as being these emotionless killing machines but the truth is whenever you're swimming at a beach there's probably a shark nearby if not in fact several. Sharks have ample opportunity to attack people at beaches across the world but it very rarely happens and when it does the apex predator of the sea usually swims away after the first bite. If a shark really wants to kill you it's going to kill you, there's no if or but about that, they're perfectly evolved for they're environment and we're barely able to swim, they have skin like body armor and have maws full of razor blades and we have no armor, no weapons, nothing.
But who is more of a threat to the other, the shark or the human?
Wits are great, wits enable humans to build cities but it's not wits that enable us to rebuild those cities after they've been flattened by an earthquake. Knock down our towers and we'll build more and we will build them bigger and stronger. Our wit is a tool that enables us to do great things but it is our will that powers it, without the will to act in spite of adversity our wits would useless.