Do you know if you’re able to hallucinate?
I have been hospitalized twice for hallucinations.
Is there anything different about your external vision?
not at all
What about recognizing faces? Is that a hard thing for you to do?
face recognition is ok
I don't like drawing though.
I never found it to be fun mostly because I suck at it.
having aphantasia places you somewhere on the autism spectrum (I noticed others say)
Autism, or Asperger’s do you think?
Have you done many self-tests/experiments?
I wonder if the absence of mental imagery would have caused your brain to rewire itself in such a way as to give you unique talents that the rest of us don’t typically have.
I’ve noticed this trend in people with Aspergers in-particular. Those with Aspergers seem to have a better memory for isolated facts than the average person. So, remembering dates in history, for instance. They also seem to have a better capacity for analytical thinking, but it creative thinking.
Particularly when you sleep, there is so much brain activity....If your brain is working to retrieve and analyze memories, but you do not have mental imagery, how might that manifest neurologically? Or does it matter that you don’t typically see your dreams? Are dreams just an unnecessary side affect?
I’ve always been inclined to think that the emotions we feel in dreams are caused by the imagery we see in dreams....this is really making me think though. See. I would think that the hippocampus retrieves memory fragments, which are viewed in the minds eye and associated with emotion from the amygdala, roughly speaking, and the anterior cingulate I suppose would generally determine which fragments of memory are the most essential to fixate in based on responses from the amygdala...
but what if you didn’t see dreams? How might the amygdala respond with emotional cues?
This is just all conjecture on my part as to how dreams work. Maybe I’m dead wrong. In a waking state, we do not need to see anything at all in our minds eye for this kind of brain circuitry to work just fine to give us emotional reactions to stimuli....So perhaps the visual aspects of dreams themselves aren’t actually a critical aspect of the process? Perhaps they’re a pointless side affect.
Perhaps it could even be that seeing visuals from this neural activity is a biological disadvantage. It may cause more stress - nightmares or night terrors or even mental confusion...Hmm...
This is a whole can of worms worth investigating.
I’m really curious to know if you’ve ever explored any topics like this yourself? Have you looked for forums where other people have the same condition?
Have you ever compared your senses to other people’s senses? Like, sense of touch for instance?
I bet there is something special about the way you operate. Discovering it could be really enlightening.
How common is this disorder? Have you ever thought of participating in scientific studies?
I’m sorry. Hopefully you’re not feeling like I’m treating you like a lab rat. I might go see if I can find that book Musicophilia and see if that’s where I read the term...I know I’ve read about it somewhere...