-I'm 6.1 feet( 185 cm) tall
- I have olive skin
-I have short hair for the obvious reason that it's the best all in all( practical, serious, clean, easy, masculine and attractive to pretty all the girls.)
-I stand and walk with a straight back, but when I sit my back is indeed arched and my head is propulsed forward.
-My eyes are indeed sorrowful and dreamy stony, blank stare..
-My lips are oftentime pinched.
-I maintain a toned face otherwise my mouthand lips falls open.
-I am pretty thin and yet muscular and solid with large shoulders. So I love to wear a casual: t-shirt, converse or similar/ comfortable shoe, stylish and almost everytime dark jeans( a bit bagy like but not too much, comfort mathers !), I love hoodies.
-I wear a lil smile on my face when in social situations, so people know I don't bite. Otherwise, I try to look neutral at school.
-Otherwise, it depends, I have a pretty great sense of fashion(although I hate fashion); Just realize that a great style is the best thing you can do to be respected on first sight by workmates, professionals and ... GIRLS. Style matters sometimes even more than physical attributes. So yes, depending on the context my style goes from messy looking to excellently great looking. The key word when it comes to style for me is CONTEXT. It's really not necessary spending time and effort wearing great clothes for nobody to see or at least for unimportant people.( My underior Fe speapks here !).It's a waste of time and energy. I'm not an attention whore, but I have found that style influences people... and can make things much easier.
-I don't believe it when they say that INTP don't hve a sense of style; personnaly I used to look the best(best style) out of hundreds of sensors(sensors are jsut more superficial and will put a lot of credit in what they wear, will compliment each other,etc..). I mean, we are architects of everything( ideas, clothes, style, design, art, science,...Etc)a nd thus architect of style. I believe rather that I don't wear beautiful clothes because I don't feel the need to do so and more precisely: It wastes my energy and precious time to please people I don't especially love !
-Another problem is I already look good, so when I manage to wear great clothes, all the girls gets dizzy and look at meih with that intense stare, intensionnaly bump into my body , asks me indications to get to a certain place... It annoys me really. It's not comfortable having all this light in your face but I'll admit it feels good at the end of the day to know That you looked goood today man ! Sad thing is when you get out whith wrong clothes again, well girls don't even notice you... I mean how crazy is that? I did it back then in a social experiment and concluded that girls were strongly influenced by style. Contrarely to us who get attracted by a girl with stunning facial features and body; girls don't seem to be as much attracted by angelic goodlooking facial features. They prefere elegance and style by far...