Is this true? It could be, something to think about. I even wonder if global warming is simulated, ie, with aluminum that they spray from airplanes, I think it creates a dome that doesn't allow heat or cold to escape and it makes global warming worse.
Fearmongering Is a Tool to Foster Obedience
This video is from 2014, and I think he is right:
It’s important to realize that the "threats" posed by COVID, flu and RSV are being magnified for a reason. The biosecurity crisis needs to continue indefinitely because it’s the primary justification behind The Great Reset. At regular intervals, there must be another Chicken Little warning that the sky is still falling and that we must not let down our guard.
At some stage, you must realize that the more you give in and obey, the more you must give in and obey. There really is no end to what they can and will take from you, and holding on to the belief that your government would never [fill in the blank] is becoming more dangerous by the day.
It’s also important to realize that your government isn’t the ultimate power. Our government officials take orders too, from what is often referred to as the deep state. It’s not a government at all, but a global, hidden power structure that is accountable to no one, while influencing and manipulating everyone to bring about a new world order.
In years past, this shadowy cabal of power brokers were referred to under the term the New World Order. In 2020, the World Economic Forum came out on the public stage and announced The Great Reset, which is nothing but the NWO rebranded.
In the video above, investigative journalist Harry Vox talks about disease outbreaks, quarantines and curfews being essential tools in the ruling class’ toolkit, and how these tools were planned to be used to usher in the next phase of control.
The interview, which took place in 2014, sounds more than a little prophetic today, as these three indispensable tools for totalitarian control have been part of our reality since 2020. In it, Vox also refers to "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,"20 a document by the Rockefeller Foundation, in which they laid out a "Lockstep" scenario, which details the global response to a fictional pandemic.