My breakfast is always lentils, 20g of flaxseed, with carrot juice & tomato paste, nigella sativa, immune boosting garlic powder (interferron) & canned white mushrooms (beta glucans). Now is a good time for fat soluble supplements like Vitamin D. Later i eat frozen fruit mix of mango, papaya, grapes, pineapple. Then i eat 500g of frozen / microwaved broccoli and 4 Brazil Nuts (4x more selenium than needed). This has all nutrients. Extra calories, if needed, may be bananas, more carrot juice, raisins, dates, other dried fruit. These are all food with decent shelf life, except for bananas. I also eat beans, chickpeas, quiona, buckwheat but rarely. My ferritin levels are way too high, but that's probably because of a broken gall bladder, not because of my diet. But it is high in iron and everything. Take my b vitamins before sleeping. Seems to enhance sleep quality. I drink lemon, ascorbic acid, vinegar. Vinegar up regulates AMPK which is a weight loss hack, but dont know how it affects immunity. My blood counts and some other values are better than ever.