It's ok for a template, though overdone.
You could add a bit of blur to the image to avoid the text issues.
The social network items are useless unless they actually go somewhere, remove otherwise.
The floating menu on top right is pointless for such a simple page; off with it.
I'd replace the current logo with at least, the name of the site (Trinity Port & Cheese Society). The page opens and starts to say "we are working... " and yet I have no idea who this we refers to...
The About Us icon, get rid of it. And pull the text up while you're at it. And capitalize the name ffs. Also, you say port and cheese, cheese and port 3 times in two sentences; methinks that's a bit too much. Furthermore, "The finer pleasures in life" is a bit too... cheesy. I'd reconsider rewriting it all.
The contact area, could you put the info side by side instead of Address on top and Emails (sic) on bottom? It seems so empty on the sides. Also titling them could be considered redundant; it's pretty obvious what the information is. The email itself could use to be a mailto link.
Finally, get rid of the green. I'd rather have some light tan (not unlike the ones on the map) to go with the burgundy and greys. Also desaturate the burgundy a little. You could also introduce a more wine-like purple-red for more variety.