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Video type me: take two.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LOOOOOOL u destroyed me with that magestic music

i think you are either ISTP or ISFP

There is a blurb in there about you. Did you catch it? Sorry I didn't remember your username.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
@Rixus, Thoughts?


Local time
Today 8:39 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
There is a blurb in there about you. Did you catch it? Sorry I didn't remember your username.

yeah, i heard it, no problem
i have seen several of your videos and i never percieved anything there or even in your comments that would make me think of you as a mental ill person, that might be the thing in the way that doesn't let you or anyone accurately apply typology if that's even possible
i could also say you are an INFJ tbh but i stand with ISTP or ISFP cuz i remember the first video you posted you showed almost zero feeling vibe at all. that's something typical of ISFPs or Fe inferiors
about control, well i guess i just think a lot of people has called me crazy too at first and then slept with me or become friends, it highly depends on how much those people have seen compared to you, or how predisposed is their mindset to escape from boundaries
sometimes this initial rejection even gets you scared about yourself and it becomes a snowball growing bigger and bigger down the hill, anxiety and more and i guess that if the pressure is enough, the easiest way out is go to a doctor who will apply a certain formula and "heal" you, they did this with my brother and i don't think it trully helped him besides the shock effect it produced on him to spend time with actual mentally sick people. i think that was the only positive thing, that he stopped and said, damn, i'm not crazy, why i am here? it's sad to see these people like this and started controlling himself more, cuz in his case it was mostly something you could treat with self discipline
but again, it's a huge topic, and every person is a world, i don't know your case, if you are hearing voices or seeing unreal things moving next to you then perhaps yeah, therapy might be the best thing to do


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
If I come across as "normal" (whatever the fuck that means), its because I have been treated. I can tell you that mental illness is def a thing for me and others. I have had hallucinations and delusions, extreme extreme angst, depression, manic episodes and a few other things. I might come across as kinda normal because I was raised relatively conservatively and as such, I was not really exposed to more extreme/open ideas/view. I now think some of the ways my family behaves is kinda bat shit crazy and doesn't really makes much sense when you actually stop to think about it. My point about this is that I come across as a conservative in the way I present my ideas, but my actual ideas can tend to be a bit "out there" according to some people like my family.

I have adopted some more open ideas as I have gotten older, but its only because I have a natural disposition to kind of question things. I think kuu said in the discord chat that my politics that I go by was something like Anarcho Primitivism or some shit. So, yeah, I am pretty far away from the way I was raised, that being evangelical/non-denominational christian conservatism. But that's besides the point. The point is that I have ideas that seem to "fit" on this forum. So in a sense, you are right. People who are not exposed to the ideas I have been exposed to would prolly think I am nuts based on my beliefs of politics alone. And that doesn't even touch the shit that I think the mind could potentially be capable of possibly. Its to the point that I would fear being ostracized by my family if I told them just how "liberal" my views are.


I introverted think. Therefore, I am.
Local time
Today 8:39 PM
Nov 21, 2016
United Kingdon
@Rixus, Thoughts?

Well, my first thought is that I had no idea putting an @ in front caused a notification on my phone. And sorry, I was gonna reply sooner but my mother suddenly turned up at my house with a bag of cleaning products and insisted on spring cleaning the place - at 18:30. She's only just gone and it's almost nine o'clock.

I only managed to watch the first few minutes before my phone powered down, but I will watch the rest later after the kids are asleep. My first thoughts are that your mannerisms and the way you speak are very similar to how I've always imagined, which means you project a lot of yourself into your words. Most people don't. Which is interesting, but I'm uncertain what it means.

My impression is that you see a lot more than you say in general. Which is a more introverted thing, but a lot of people say this of themselves. I find with most people this is the opposite and they say a lot more than they think. You don't always say a lot, but every now and then say something that says to me you notice a lot of details that others don't and often keep them to yourself.

As I've mentioned before, my brother is a text book ISTP. Which fits as my mother tested as ISFP, my father is another INTP and my sister is INFP. We've always said that while my brother looks like the spitting image of my father, he's more like our mother than any of us. Anyway, I'm uncertain about you being an ISTP. Back to the things you seem to notice that others don't is closer to what I've seen from INFP's or INFJ's. And my experience of ISFP's is that they're strong FiSe means they come across as very selfish; always trying to excert their feelings into works of art or something. Which I've never seen from you - also, ISTP's tend to have strong skills at mechanics or electronics in my brother's case. Although, because he cannot learn in the way that schools teach he doesn't realise this or won't believe it, and I know you understand PC specs well so that maybe how it manifests.

Anyway, my conclusion is that you're an ISTP or INFP, with ST/NF fairly close. But I'll let you know after I've seen the rest of the video.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
Don't sweat it being "late", no issues with that at all.

You have some interesting thoughts. One thing that you said that no one has told me before (to the best of my recollection) is that you said that I project myself through my words. Its weird because I haven't ever really given this any thought and I don't really imagine what people act like irl in terms of mannerisms and stuff from people I meet on forums.

Which video did you watch, there are 3. Not asking you to watch all three (unless you actually want to), just wondering which one you did watch, because there are some variances in them.

There is kinda a pattern in your family it looks like - All Ji leads, interesting.

Thanks for your thoughts.


I introverted think. Therefore, I am.
Local time
Today 8:39 PM
Nov 21, 2016
United Kingdon
Yeah, we're all Introverted perceivers. Which can be a nightmare at family get togethers because no one will make a decision about doing anything and everything ends up sitting around waiting for someone else to decide when the right tone to do anything is.

Anyway, I watched part of the first and then some of the DBT group talk. I find it very difficult to work out type from a video - as someone who's studied writing a lot, I see a lot about people's internal voice from the way they write. I also find it easier to type someone who I've known a while and can relate their behaviours and interactions to a specific type.

I know about your mental health issues, which would usually make someone appear more F type, as the emotional states would be much stronger than mine, for example. But you have talked to me a little about your feelings and romantic history, which did sound a little more F type (in my experience, F type men don't come across as strongly emotional as women do), and you don't seem as sensory as other Side types I've known - like my brother who has to follow certain procedures in order to accomplish a task. You mentioned in the first video how you felt that early school involved forcing knowledge in, which is a very S-type method and suggests more intuitive ways of learning would be better. I've also observed that INFP Fi doesn't seem as self centered as ISFP Fi, which would also fit.

I'm actually starting to wonder if you're actually INFP, really, as you seen to fit those I've known of this type better.

(BTW - they music has also put me to sleep)


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
LOL at me putting you to sleep.

Its interesting that you say NF and ST are close for me, I can kinda see that actually. Because on the one hand I can see that I sorta have a ST outlook on life in terms of practicality, but at the same time I can be kinda an idealist and perfectionist in what I think the world should look like. I can see where you think I am NF based on how I talk about my values on the forum more than anything. I usually type as some kind of T (IXTP are my most common). On both officiall MBTI test I have taken, T has been the strongest out of the letters. I also have a good deal of N if I am actually an S. That's why I keep going back to ISTP... Hmm.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013


I am visibly more mentally healthy in this video.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 1:39 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Did your video get deleted because my comment from February got deleted?
Auburn has been unresponsive in the past recently I think he is very selective and cocooned in what he does with his time and what he involves himself in. Auburn is very secluded or just very introverted and has a bubble, a boundary he keeps in and out things. I saw him post a picture of a person in a chair in a blanket with headphones to show the immersion he feels with music. I just think he cannot deal with so many things and I try not to contact him anymore. He is just on a higher level now. Not saying not to try.

This message is different from the deleted one I do not know why it was deleted.

After being away from the internet a week I was unwinding in from the need for constant action. Reevaluated a ton of my theories. Yes, I constantly feel I must do stuff and I feel like crap when I do nothing. But constant doing is draining. I hate having no practical implementations for my ideas. When I was in school all I knew was that I wanted to do cool stuff but I did not know what so I did small things but they were not good enough. I could draw them but not make them. In 2001, in 7th grad, age 13, I had the Idea for a 3D printer but I did not know how to make 3D printers. It was a wasted idea. I come up with so many wasted ideas. But I do so simply because my mind needs something to do. And I constantly work at making new ideas even if I have no ideas to work with at the moment. When my mind is blank I distract myself until it is no longer blank.

I am saving this message if it gets deleted.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
Did your video get deleted because my comment from February got deleted?
Auburn has been unresponsive in the past recently I think he is very selective and cocooned in what he does with his time and what he involves himself in. Auburn is very secluded or just very introverted and has a bubble, a boundary he keeps in and out things. I saw him post a picture of a person in a chair in a blanket with headphones to show the immersion he feels with music. I just think he cannot deal with so many things and I try not to contact him anymore. He is just on a higher level now. Not saying not to try.

This message is different from the deleted one I do not know why it was deleted.

After being away from the internet a week I was unwinding in from the need for constant action. Reevaluated a ton of my theories. Yes, I constantly feel I must do stuff and I feel like crap when I do nothing. But constant doing is draining. I hate having no practical implementations for my ideas. When I was in school all I knew was that I wanted to do cool stuff but I did not know what so I did small things but they were not good enough. I could draw them but not make them. In 2001, in 7th grad, age 13, I had the Idea for a 3D printer but I did not know how to make 3D printers. It was a wasted idea. I come up with so many wasted ideas. But I do so simply because my mind needs something to do. And I constantly work at making new ideas even if I have no ideas to work with at the moment. When my mind is blank I distract myself until it is no longer blank.

I am saving this message if it gets deleted.

The messages didn't get deleted.

There was a problem with the software. Kuu was fixing stuff for days. That is why the forum was down.

The thing about doing small things is that they have to actually lead somewhere. Progress has to be made. If you want to learn about something, study that thing a little each day. I learned that from Jeffory. If you want to make something, say, a 3d printer, make progress towards making it every day. At first, you want to figure out if it can be done. Then you want to know how it can be done. After than it is just a matter of getting materials. You don't need to have all the materials at one time. Once you have all the materials, you can build it bit by bit a little each day. Eventually, you will have a product that can get patented and make a lot of money.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:39 PM
Jan 24, 2013
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