To provide context, early 2022 I decided I would reignite an old flame with someone from the past who I hadn't spoken to in years aside from small interactions via public social media channels. That relationship originally ended with me on the shitty side of the stick let's say. I was very tragically hurt in a senseless way and the girl in question had little to do it besides wanting to be done with my baggage.
I'm not the type of person to try pursing anyone at all, as I hardly feel compelled to. So it was abnormal of me to try it out and I'm pretty sure I came on strong but whatever. I figured if something worked in the past it would work again so I invite them out to a night on the town.
They show a positive attitude and willingness to meetup some time soon. When I follow up they change their mind and basically tell me to wait for them to be in a better place (mentally).
Weeks pass, probably at least 2 months and I don't hear back from them. Something abnormal happens. So abnormal it made me feel like a "player".
A different girl from back then hits me up- which only happens when a girl wants something from me typically. The possibility that these people know eachother aren't exactly low, but still a stretch, and speculating is pointless because I really don't have enough information.
Anyways. She moved away, went to another state again, years ago, and messages me saying that she may be coming to town soon. We talk for a couple days and it's setteled that one of us would go visit the other at some point because our cities are nice attractions.
hat old flame just doesn't seem to be comfortable sending direct messages to me- though occasional social media interactions I guess. Communications with that second girl dry out.
This whole time I feel kinda akward.
First, tt doesn't make sense that the second girl would go to me of all people because she had other friends that lived in the area, and there was a clear implication of attraction if not some other incentive that involved me being already established in the city.
Second, I don't really try to hedge bets with the ladies that often. I typically just court one person as why would I waste time finding multiple mates if I'm not selective, and if I have selected one I think is right, why not devote all my time to that courtship? Especially since the person your courting would be unhappy that you are trying to hustle up other opportunities on the side.
But I make peace with myself because, well I was left in the dark by the old flame, and the second girl seemed all to eager to meet me from my past.
So communications with that second girl are fading.
One morning I go outside to the driveway to drive to work. I must have been throwing garbage away as well.
I see with not explanation, two blue poker chips. They look a lot like the poker chips I have, but how would they have gotten here. The neighbors maybe? The look dirty and weathered.
I figure since they probably aren't from my set, I'll keep them for myself, and use them like a fidget toy. Like spinners, dice, that you just move around in you hand.
My memory gets foggy here. Can't remember if it was that same day or some days later, but I have become accustomed to fiddling with them one-handed.
I come home from work one day it's kinda dark. I'm trying to decompress from the day. I think:
"I'm going to just hang outside. You know what- I'm going to use those new noice canceling headphones I just got."
So I go outside in the calm of the night, and I go down some train of though I can't remember. Poker chips in hand. I start to ponder some question and my curiosity moves me to look for something via my phone.
So I get up- again outside take out my phone. I start pacing. Because now I have my phone in my hand, the poker chips are in my non-dominant hand. I think about how weird that feels and how strangely it feels as opposed to my other hand, but I continue to use my phone, one handed pacing back and forth on the large patio of my backyard.
So I have my noise canceling headphones, I'm on my phone, and I'm playing with poker chips with my non-dominant hand.
Suddenly, I drop one of them. I swear, I saw it hit the ground flat. I swear I heard a small chip hit concrete lightly through the headphones. But I haven't seen that chip since. It, from my view vanished at that instant.
OF COURSE: It is darkish- getting darker. I reject the idea that this poker chip just clipped out of reality, so I pull out my professional grade lights and point it everywhere in the area I believe it would be. I'm out there for at least 2 hours looking now in places it would probably never be in.
I go nuts, I record myself and tell people on social media about that weird experience. Describe exactly what happened because I'm just fucking cracking up at that point
Why did I care so much? Why do I need to have both poker chips? Why even have one?
I inspected the sole chip I had at that point, it is misprinted. Defective in some way. I go inside, they look exactly the same like my poker chip set. Probably some manufacturer in china distributing them to everyone in the states.
I tell a friend about it- and of course he saw it on social media, and he says he saw one outside where he lives, but it's red. "Cool, can I have it?" He at some point picks it up off the floor and gives it to me.
As said I recorded the incident. At least the direct aftermath of that. While I was watching myself explain the extraordinary lengths to find it with no luck. I realized that these were parallels.
I had two apparent opportunities with two separate women, who both expressed eagerness to engage with me. Ultimately however I didn't take either one seriously. They were just chips that I might be able to cash in at some point, and at some point, via gambling I would lose one of them.
The second girl who lived in another state got married a couple months ago. I still haven't found the other chip. And now one of the originals remains.