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Typing someone based on appearance/action


Local time
Today 1:22 PM
Apr 19, 2011
It is never going to be accurate in every situation, there are too many variables to consider before one can jump to an absolute correct conclusion, I agree.

However, let's stick to an observing point of view, a pre-judged point of view based on knowledge and former experience.
Imagine you sit in a park or anywhere else; observing the people that walk by you or people you've just met; what in their appearance or actions makes you tick off/narrow down their personality type or traits of it?

For example, every time I see a person with a scarf my instinct tell me "This person might be a feeler". Now the situation has to be taken into consideration. Is there any reason to use a scarf now? Is it cold? is it just an accessory to their appearance? If you see someone sitting inside an office with a scarf, most likely they aren't freezing and in my experience after getting to know them better, more often than not my instincts were right.

So yeah, is there anything based on appearance/actions that help you type someone beforehand?


Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Oct 16, 2008
I tend to think people who walk around prepared with gadgets of any sort are more likely to be NT types...or at least T types.

Same with people who carry non-fiction personal reading. People who make use of bookshelves. Though this could be ST too. I guess to me bookshelf with nonfiction = more likely to be T...contents of bookshelf give more information.

I've noticed that people with a physical appearance which suggests a rigorous focus on athletics are more likely to strike me as S types later on. Which is probably because there may be a correlation between being Sensing and one's enjoyment of kinesthetic activity.

People who have more neat pesonal appearances to me could be either J or P, but people who don't just look messy, but sort of...scruffy, like a dog-eared page in a book, tend to definitely be Ps. It's not about clothes or being put together, but rather about how the person carries themselves.

People with glasses have in my experience been more likely to be introverts. I know that sounds stereotype-based...but just go through a list of people you know and perhaps it will corroborate my observation here.

Because my roommate is (sadly) a IXFJ, I tend to think of people who remind me of her (plain appearance, clothes chosen for expressive reasons rather than for style, overly non-offensive demeanor, weakly smiling or laughing at anything someone says, moderately overweight, quiet voice with large range of pitch) as IXFJ or something similar.

Those are the obvious examples.


Local time
Today 1:22 PM
Apr 19, 2011
I think you have some interesting observations there Chronomar.

Chronomar said:
I tend to think people who walk around prepared with gadgets of any sort are more likely to be NT types...or at least T types.
Speaking of this, a few minutes ago I was at the store, we were 3 people in line. The first guy had to hear the price from the cashier, look in his wallet, ask again about the price and look more. Being unprepared for the transaction and using a lot of time.

The second customer had money ready in his front pocket and his vallet in the back pocket. He had thought it through beforehand, so his transaction was quick.

I notice myself doing this as well. I never go unprepared to the cashier.

Chronomar said:
People with glasses have in my experience been more likely to be introverts. I know that sounds stereotype-based...but just go through a list of people you know and perhaps it will corroberate my observation here.

Yeah same here, it's strange. Perhaps lenses or laser surgery is more appealing to extroverts.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Jan 30, 2011
I have quickly noticed that I cannot fast type most people, but I can pick an INTP out of a crowd based on how they walk, their dress, and by a few conversations with them. Us..we just have a certain air to us once everything is put together. I only know one INTJ for sure, and I could most likely pick them out rather quickly. Them extroverts..not nearly as easy, however. INTJ's tend to be a bit more arrogant in what they do than the TP counterparts.


Local time
Today 1:22 PM
Apr 19, 2011
...but I can pick an INTP out of a crowd based on how they walk, their dress, and by a few conversations with them. Us..we just have a certain air to us once everything is put together.

Could you please elaborate on this? How does an INTP walk, dress and stick out in a conversation in your point of view? Would be nice if you could be a little bit more specific about the details.

I only know one INTJ for sure, and I could most likely pick them out rather quickly.
Why? Same as above, what sticks out abling you to narrow it down?

Them extroverts..not nearly as easy
Personally, I find extroverts easier to type, since they are extroverts and give more of themselves.

INTJ's tend to be a bit more arrogant in what they do than the TP counterparts.

I think both INTJs and INTPs can be perceived as arrogant from an outside perspective. Perhaps this comes from the INT-ness.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Jan 30, 2011
Could you please elaborate on this? How does an INTP walk, dress and stick out in a conversation in your point of view? Would be nice if you could be a little bit more specific about the details.

Why? Same as above, what sticks out abling you to narrow it down?

Personally, I find extroverts easier to type, since they are extroverts and give more of themselves.

I think both INTJs and INTPs can be perceived as arrogant from an outside perspective. Perhaps this comes from the INT-ness.

As for the walk, dress, and actions, it is about they all fit together. Essentially, I simply notice the combination of them all to equate to the word 'quaint'. If everything they do just stands out, when approaching and conversing with them, I have found it to be accurate a majority of the time. This could be because I am essentially trying to find my type and thus, finding someone like me, it is easier to just look for if you make a connection with them quickly or not.

As for arrogance, I find INTJ's to be more of an 'I"m better and you are stupid because' while an INTP just points out flaws in what you say, thus tending to appear arrogant.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 2:22 PM
Jan 2, 2010
It's difficult to avoid quick-typing, since the idea is very practical in spontaneously meeting people with possibly similar interests.

I have extraneously typed according to the "glasses hypothesis" and in my experience, I found it to be a very unreliable rule.

I'm too disinterested to extract the intuitive details of my principles, but the INTP, in opposition to Zionoxis, is, in my experience, one of the more difficult to recognize. Most are too introverted to display anything on the "table." They even pass through my person-detection, as if they naturally fit within the background. What I have gathered so far is the idea that INTP's often wear "ordinary" and non-striking clothing. Body-wise, most are ectomorph.


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 12:22 PM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
I personally don't think you can tell a persons type by if they're wearing a scarf or not. :D

These are kind of misleading categories, because maybe we could say non-fiction texts are more suited to an ST type, but what happens if an NF happens to like non-fiction texts for NF reasons? People are a lot more complicated than this kind of system implies.

Behaviour isn't always an easy category, either. Roboman said extraverts are easier to identify, but what if you encouter an introvert who happens to have really developed their extraverted functions? How would you distinguish between your idea of an extravert, and an extraverted introvert? ;)

Dapper Dan

Did zat sting?
Local time
Today 6:22 AM
Aug 1, 2011
Behaviour isn't always an easy category, either. Roboman said extraverts are easier to identify, but what if you encouter an introvert who happens to have really developed their extraverted functions? How would you distinguish between your idea of an extravert, and an extraverted introvert? ;)
Exactly. This is also why INTPs are so difficult to type at a glance. That Ne looks waaaay different than the Ti we usually use. We also do the chameleon thing, but I'm not sure if that's tied to Ne or not.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
I wear a scarf when 1. it's cold and 2. I'm wearing a jacket without closure to the neck. Indifference about whether the scarf fits the rest of the clothing might be a clue I'm not concerned about details and consider stuff like that frivolous and therefore might be an INTP, especially since I'm apparently at some pains to be at the back of the crowd, not the front. However, having found myself in the middle of a fun kind of phase in which I'm exploring the full potential of "proper dress and body language to achieve success in negotiation and sales," you could now look at me and assume I might be some kind of ESTJ manager or business owner or something, since that's what I'm deliberately projecting.

In short, don't draw too many conclusions from the actions and dress of anyone unless it's a blood-splattered wild-eyed drooling berserker carrying an axe in one hand and a head in the other. Then, quick assumptions might be valid. And very important.


lust for life
Local time
Today 4:22 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
As for arrogance, I find INTJ's to be more of an 'I"m better and you are stupid because' while an INTP just points out flaws in what you say, thus tending to appear arrogant.

Nice. Notice the ego-centric certainty versus the corrective reaction.

I think in order to really get accurate on type manifestations in regards to actions and appearances, you'd have to pinpoint core type motivations and dispositions. For example, ENxjs tend to have an aversion to performing simple but time-consuming tasks, thus it seems they never have time and are always busy or too important for menial things. This can affect attire, lifestyle, behavior towards other people("do this menial task for me") etc.

Jelly Rev

Active Member
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
May 25, 2011
if I were to create a typing guide it would look like so, based on my experience

XSFJ:Very judgy about relationships and how one should act. Their reasoning is based on social norms, when questioned on logic they will scapegoat attempting to, has a b***** attitude to them

XSTJ: less judgy about relationships, but more judgy about how one should go about doing things. interacts according to social rules. has a fear mongering feel to them

ISFP: ur typical art type, thinks in an odd but straighfoward way, always wrong.

ISTP: That guy at the bar that just got done with his manual labor job for the day

ESFP: That person always smiling with no backbone whatsoever lacking a hard moral code. Is always there near the center of attention, not a leading persona, but a persona that brings warmth.

ESTP: also lacking a moral code, always wanting to go do some mundane activity
and makes it that mundane activity somewhat exciting

ENFJ:a social leader, actions many times seem manipulative at times.

ENFP: Just explodes with random spontaneous energy, unlike ESFP's which are constant in the moment energy, these ones have much more flux in energy level

INFJ:just simply messed up, u can figure out its them when they're not a thinker and have some warmth to them but are just off

INFP: Dreamland Romeo & Juliet girl, more fantasy prone that of ISFP which

ENTP:idea bouncers, with very warped senses of humor, extravert idea man with introverted burst. They look at stuff and ideas just fill their brain

INTP: concealed idea bouncers, also very warped sense of humor, introvert idea man with extraverted burst where zany humor out. Their extraverted zany behavior is how to tell them apart from INTJ's

INTJ:Task orientated, socially neither becomes the leader nor the follower, just kinda meh, doesn't care unless it is intellectually engaging.

ENTJ: Focuses on getting stuff done, very task orientated, socially either falls into position of leader or will leave, does not do well at being social follower and having typical social convos.

Disclaimer: I am not respsonsible for any mistyping you may have while using this system


Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Oct 27, 2010
I found that the best way to fast type people is to make them stray from their usual behavior.

If you interrupt someone while they are speaking - and watching how they will react... When P's would usually just go with the flow and J's would interrupt you back.

You should observe for irregularities in the human behavior because they give you most of the clues. In order to do that, you obviously have to observe quite a while to get a hang of the persons behavior first.

I also usually look at: Whether the clothes are Too clean (Si) vs Comfortable (Si + Ni [J]) vs Efficient (Ni + Si [J]) vs Standing out (Se + Ne[P]) and some other categories that I'm having trouble of thinking right now...

Ni and Si usually walk the same routes, with confidence - as Ni's belief would usually be the most efficient one, and Si would just go by past experience.
Ne and Se usually walk fast and indecisively - as Ne's usually think over the destination or get distracted by thoughts of new possibilities and Se's usually get distracted a lot by lights, sounds and etc...

People with dramatic moves and stances are usually more Ne and Se as they care for their surroundings opinions.
Careful not to be confused by accidental drama that is cause by Ni's confidence and when it fails. Or by Si's past experience of parent education and absorbed culture from surroundings (if he were to grow up in a circus).

E's are usually people who try to "feel" or "learn" all of the group, and then combing it down to an intimate group of likeable people.
While I's would tend to "feel" or "learn" individuals, one by one, in order to expand his group of likeable people.
Becareful of I's with a lot of self-confidence (if they know the surroundings well, or already have friends accompanying them), and E's with low self-confidence = because they might seem as the opposite.

Obviously there is no way to accurately type by observing only. That's why I begun writing the reply with meddling in the subject's paths. There's too much parameters with typing people as it is - even by asking them the "correct" questions you still can't really get an accurate type.
If you were to type people, I would suggest you do it with someone that has Ne or Se dominant functions on your side, because as Ti dominant we can only type after we use our Ne, while if you're with a partner you can use you're Ti while he uses his Ne at the same time. Have a wingman if you are an INTP, or regardless. It helps, a lot.
Local time
Today 4:22 AM
Dec 15, 2011
The word "should" is often the province of SJs. Watch for how they use the word or the concept of obligation.

Word play is the province of INTPs.

"Good enough" is a province of NT's. Look for the concept in the way they behave around you and in their comments. In one way or another, they will share with you how your behavior or train of thought is useful, competent, purposeful, good enough, or not.

Personal attention or intensity is a province of NFs. SPs can also be intense, but NFs have a tendency to be intensely present in the personal connection as opposed to the subject or activity at hand. They will focus on you.

Amy Winehouse

Local time
Today 4:22 AM
Dec 26, 2011
- as Ne's usually think over the destination or get distracted by thoughts of new possibilities and Se's usually get distracted a lot by lights, sounds and etc...


Im sorry, but that just gave me an idea of an Ne doing something, then questioning the efficiency by considering different possibilities and intellectually analyzing them.

And then an Se doing something and then going :rolleyes: OOH ME LIKE LOOK AT PURTY LIGHTS AHHHHHH OOOOOH
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