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Type and the Brain

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 7:05 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
This is a ruff draft and it is kind of incomplete. I had an idea and a ran with it. I have been reading a book called The Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and it explains allot about which brain areas do what. The book really helped me understand more about functions. This thread also has allot to do with these threads bellow. Tannhauser is skeptical on the theory of MBTI which he currently thinks is a taxonomy. This is in response to him and others what Extroversion and Introversion is. I/E is the theory of MBTI and I/E is the result of the right and left frontal lobes.

What's the point of typology?

What makes MBTI not complete bullshit?


I now know what Introversion and Extroversion are. Introversion is the right frontal lobe and Extroversion is the left frontal lobe. The right lobe withdraws from the world and the right approaches / engages with what is present. When active the right inhibits the left and turns inward focusing on the internal reality of the self. The opposite happens with the left side. The left side inhibits the right side and engages with the external reality.

Perception is automatic and handled on both left and right brain.

With Si everything is reviewing past stimulus, Se is continuously viewing new stimulus. Se has a richer view of the world but Si is more certain of what it has experienced. With Ni it is continuously connecting concepts internally referenced. Ne is externally referenced. An external object triggers a new relationship for Ne. Ni forms ideas through insight, Ni looks for what is already inside the mind and what new possibility it can make with everything else on the inside.

Judgment is more controlled and deliberate. Decisions are made by what effects they have internally or externally.

Fi is aware of the body though the insula. Fi actions are determined by what disturbance with change the feelings on the inside. For example if the person knows ice cream will make them feel better they will eat ice cream. If they know that at this moment they feel happy they will not seek out what will cause any disturbance to that feeling. Fi is withdrawn so it decides what to do by the focus of the inside. It detaches itself from disturbances. Fe on the other hand is completely attached to external disturbances. To Fe every object creates a feeling in the body. So then actions always change the environment and thus the feelings in the body. Fi is detached and only by choice attaches to objects, action do not necessarily lead to a change in feelings. Fe must take action to feel what they want to feel. In a way Fi perceives the body more thoroughly than Fe because Fi takes no actions to induce feeling the body. Fi is quiet and settled. Fe is quite active in inducing feeling.

Thinking takes place in the frontal lobes. As above, the left approaches and the right withdraws. Te is constantly learning how to change the environment. Te is constantly active in the world. Introversion is reviewing. Just like Fi is deeply aware of feeling Ti is deeply aware of metacognition. Few external references are needed for Ti to contemplate on the nature of what thinking is or philosophically what epistemology is. Epistemology is the ontology of knowledge or the question of what it means to know and understand knowledge itself. Te is empirical because it learns what the world is like by action. Te is skeptical of hypothetical reasoning that is not grounded in an objective reality or that which which is subjective in nature. Ti forms its own nomenclature when reasoning and this is why a conflict between Te and Ti exist. Te needs clear cut standards and rules of operation. Ti can develop such standards but must translate from its subjective schema what those rules are. Te often will no question why such rules exist but apply them for there results. Ti will question what it knows on its own premises. A faulty premise leads to the misunderstanding of knowledge even if the logic of the deduction is correct. Te induction may get results but the nature of organization and deduction makes it possible that there is more than one way to the same destination.


angry insecure male
Local time
Today 3:05 PM
Jul 18, 2015
It would definitely be interesting to observe whether increased activity in certain parts of the brain can explain an inward or outward propensity. For example if a subject with higher activity in their left hemisphere is talking to another person and that person says something – will the subject start thinking about stuff inside their head or will they try to further engage the other person in that topic.

But I am not sure whether that would speak against or in favor of the taxonomy idea. If you attribute these various propensities to activity in certain parts of the brain, that just seems to imply that brains differ between people and you can classify them based on the differences. I am not aware of any connection between the Jungian theory and the physiology of the brain, but maybe someone could point to it.

Artsu Tharaz

The Lamb
Local time
Tomorrow 1:05 AM
Dec 12, 2010
I like the association you've made between Feeling and the body; it is reminding me to maintain greater awareness of my own body and how the emotions that are being generated around me are affecting me, and likewise how my own behaviour is inducing changes within myself and the environment around me.


think again losers
Local time
Today 11:35 PM
Mar 17, 2011
I turn my back for a few months and anime started using paragraphs like a boss? Huh.

I haven't read the book you're talking about, but it's rarely as simple as localising function to specific areas, especially when the categories you're using are so broad. Even the most simple process is typically an interaction between diffuse networks.

The visual system:


The brain is not something that is at all intuitive, if you're making these leaps you need to justify them really well at each step or you can and will end up headed in the wrong direction. History is pockmarked with psychologists doing painfully stupid and often tragic things due to leaps in logic that assumed a simpler model of the brain than is actual. There are any number of things that could result in a preference for environmental engagement, including many things not mentioned here (such as energy modulation and reward systems for instance, which is where I would begin if I were undertaking your task).

It's also not clear from what you've said how introversion and extroversion are dictated. I have both a left and right frontal lobule, am I an introvert or extrovert?

What happens when both areas are active at once?

How is the extroversion lobule module responsible for such different functions such as Se, Te, Ne, and Fe which have vastly different inputs?

If you want to do this right, I think you should forget matching MBTI to the neurological, and focus on making the molecular, neurological, and structural sides meet the behavioural output, or matching MBTI to behaviour. Not because MBTI is wrong, but because if it's right you'll arrive at that conclusion regardless. Trying to match neuro findings to MBTI stuff when both matching MBTI to behaviour and matching neurological underpinnings to behaviour are still works in progress, is overambitious to say the least.
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