Well, yeah. My self confidence HAS gotten a boost, that is true. I feel way more masculine, I can actually feel that my whole body feels harder. Less fat, more muscle. My previous jello-y(you know, not fat, not chubby, but not skinny either...) torso is now turning into a more 'triangle shaped' torso, too. And of course there's no more feeling exhausted after running up 4 stairs at school, shopping bags don't feel as heavy, et cetera.
You're right about the physical activity phobia. I always cringed when I heard the word 'exercise' or 'sports' or even 'going out to town'. Now, I still hate going outside, but that's more because it's very grey at the moment and there's not much to do. But I now enjoy going to the gym and such.
And this all after 2 months. I have changed my thoughts on this now. Thinking and typing about it, I realized I have changed quite a bit in the positive sense for just 2 months. Imagine what the effects will be in a year!