I think the shyness might also be, that you feel different and its a mechanism that protects you so, the shyness on one hand is helpful motivation to be careful, but on the other hand, too restrictive for growth. So here I'm combining how to set goals and how to get unstuck in combination with social anxieties.
Have eyes open for better road maps and goals and allow changes to it, as you go, but when you get distracted from it, admit you are lost, off track, and then begin again or refresh your goals and re-visit them a lot.
Put those goals on paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror or some place you will have to look at them all the time. This will help you stay on track. Go within and connect to the inner you first so you can figure out if its truly a goal you care about. Release any that aren't that important.
Create a list on paper, or in word program or a chart or spreadsheet in excel and put down as many goals as you can think of, then list them in matter of importance. Perhaps a calendar style where each day of the week or the thirty days of the month have one thing you want to accomplish. You work on something specific each day. Maybe Monday and Saturday are socializing days where you force yourself to go to a movie theatre alone, eat at a restaurant, go to a library, have a picnic at a park, ie, go to a concert, make a phone call, grocery shop, ie, force yourself to say hello to some stranger on the way.
Subgoals. Break it up into small bits. Be ok with where you are starting from now. Embrace where ever you are right now. Love the lows as much as the highs of the process.
Create a 'goals' spreadsheet with what you want to do and plans on little steps to get there. For me, it might be clearing out space in a storage room or raking sections of the yard with too many leaves, or working on intuitive skills, or exploring artistic endeavors or eating well or walking.
You have to force yourself to have extreme readiness/drive/compulsion like the military, you have no say, it must get done. Ie, clean things out first. Sometimes you have to hire someone like a coach to help. Its like a yoke, like a burden you have to fulfill.
Experiments: If you just keep thinking and don’t test those ideas you will learn everything about yourself except the truth. Explore and Exploit. Keep saying “yes” until something clicks and then start saying “no.”
The Muddy Middle: It can feel like an epic Greek myth — but you’re Sisyphus. We always slow down in the middle. So break it up into sub-goals. You can’t get stuck in the middle if there is no middle.
Excellence vs Perfection: Perfectionism makes us miserable. You on some kind of kamikaze mission? Satisfice and strive for excellence instead of perfection.
Look on youtube for 'getting unstuck' to explore further.
The story goes like this:
You start out having high hopes and great energy towards something. Then there is always a monkey wrench that throws you off course. Distractions that either break it off, OR you desire to forgive or amend and bond back with the goal even stronger.
ie, when you go off course, determine if you really want to come back to the goal again and tend to it or drop it.
Before you can start goals though, you have to make space for it, clean out the areas that are preventing it and work at it. It takes work.