bvan, both you and I are displaced.
This is true. Although, a lot of people have "moved around" or "done different stuff", so I'm not so sure how many non-displaced people there are. Some of the small town folks, never venturing far from where they were born, maybe those count. I don't envy their average political views of the world. I'll take London, Seattle, and Asheville.
These experiences were positive in many respects, but they are part of a dispersal of loyalty that entails being loyal to so many people that I am not loyal to anyone in particular, which is a manifestation of my fundamental point about what happens when we travel far from home and never have a sense of loyalty to the group of which we are a part inculcated into us.
I didn't like the complete destruction of networks of friends that happened to me when I got moved around. It isn't easy for me to make friends in person, so once I landed in Seattle, I became strongly resistant to leaving there. I stayed for 11 years, which was probably 5..6 years too long in hindsight. It really wasn't working out. I tried to make it work, tried to find some neighborhood in Seattle I felt like I belonged in, but it never happened. I'd go to some other part of town in the evenings or on weekends to sort of "borrow" it, to try to spend time there. But it seemed like one could never really fit unless one was actually local, actually walking around the corner to the pub or whatever.
And even then, it was told to me that the people who have lots of friends around the tables at the pubs, are easygoing. And that isn't me. I like to debate. This eventually pisses someone off, and lots of people aren't comfortable with debate in the 1st place.
I am loyal to my own ideals and do not need external validation from some group or ethnic identity to have that loyalty. Maybe this is a key difference between us. How much of this "fall of Western civilization" stuff you go on about, is a form of external validation? I am Existentialist. I know I'm making choices and that I'm responsible for them. Culture means what I make it mean, no more, no less.
I've also been "between" social groups most of my life, often not belonging to any of the cliques per se. It is stressful, to not have a sense of belonging, but when you are quite experienced at it for many years, it is an identity that one can certainly manage.
Both you and I are past the point when most people have historically produced progeny. It is no surprise that this smorgasbord of humanity and culture has resulted in more paralysis of decisions. Both you and my experiences reinforce rather than detract from my suggested analysis.
It has occurred to me that in previous eras, due to lack of birth control and different cultural norms, I would have long since knocked some woman up, subsequently had a wife, and would have had a family. It is only because in the modern era we can completely turn off those biological and cultural consequences, that I'm single.
Although another way to look at it is, I avoided being trapped by natural phenomena. So then there's the question of making piles of money in an industrial materialist culture. Didn't do it, so most women aren't interested. Certainly had the potential to do it, may yet do it, as there's gazonkers money in programming. But I don't value making money, I value other things. I have lacked a viable intersection with women who value similar things. I suspect they are few in number and difficult to locate. The modern world has given me enormous choice, and I have been fairly fearless. So fearless, that I have walked to a place that many others won't go. In many ways I've walked out of society.
Again, I see racial feelings intricately connected to familial feelings, as procreating race traitors is harder to do than procreating children who represent a long line of heroic people.
I hope you are passingly familiar with myth making in the various world cultures. There aren't any long lines of heroic people. There are long myths about people having been heroic. They seldom are. The myths are needed by the culture to propagate and legitimize the values of the culture. It is all brainwashing. Media literacy and cultural literacy are the arts of understanding how human beings make up all this guff, so that you are not ruled by them. Once you understand, then it's up to you to decide whether you want to rule others with them. "For good or for ill", as it were.
Why would you have children of your race when your race has been shamed over and over again for producing Nazis and Confederates?
This kind of grandstanding for a "public wound" is not something I can relate to.
I'm not a Nazi, and far more white people fought the Nazis than were Nazis. Even many of the Germans weren't Nazis, as it was happening. There's no logic in white = Nazi, so unless someone with that crazy view is a terrorist, why am I supposed to care? Someone's always got some fringe cockamany idea in the public discourse.
"Confederate" is a little more complicated. However I know enough about the history, to know what is and isn't true about that. But again only an idiot says white = Confederate, so why am I supposed to care? I wasn't even born in the South, I just live there.
Indeed, why would you have children if they would ineluctably be part of an oppressor class? Why would you have offspring whose only purpose is to defy their ancestors? Doesn't that in and of itself show a breakdown in the meaning of familial bonding?
You're not talking about family bonding. Your FAMILY is the woman you find hot and the various children you spew out. Heck my family is my dog. I will kill to protect my family, make no mistake about it.
You're talking about ethnic identity. Am I going to kill for matters of racial or national pride? Nope. I'm not stupid and gullible like that. In fact, genetically I figure I'm part of the intellectual propagandists, who make up all kinds of stuff for stupid gullible people to believe in. I've just grown up in a time period with enough resources that I can be "nice".
I almost got nationalistic after 9/11. Glad I didn't get sucked into that. I thought about what I should do, just after it happened. I decided, I'm not professional military. Let's see what our volunteer professional military manages to do in Afghanistan first, before I consider going. Well, many years and clusterfucks later, including Iraq....