Not Anyone To Care For
Ayy lmao
What are your people's thoughts on the current problems between BLM and the police?
The US police and the public seems to get along a lot worse than European counterparts. It makes it hard for me to form an opinion because generally police here are very friendly, cooperative and understanding. US cops seem to have a more militant way of going about things. Of course it's this very same militant approach that alienates the population and makes it necessary. It's a deep stemming cultural issue that isn't easily fixed. The police shootings is just a cover justification for it and is fairly trivial objectively.
I don't want to repeat myself, so here is what I said:
It's a local issue that's been lampooned into a national one. There's so many different permutations to this issue to really put out just a simple blanket statement.
According to my superficial research though the war on drugs I think was started by a Republican, namely by Jesse Helms, the guy who sang Dixie on the elevator. He helped passed this act which targeted black drug uses rather than white:
Apparently blacks used crack cocaine a lot more than whites at the time, while whites were able to get a hand on powdered cocaine a lot easier.
edit: for summary:
That begs the question: Why is there social breakdown among blacks that has occurred before and in greater numbers than the number of increased breakdown among whites?
During the heyday of redlining, the areas most frequently discriminated against were black inner city neighborhoods. For example, in Atlanta in the 1980s, a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of articles by investigative-reporter Bill Dedman showed that banks would often lend to lower-income whites but not to middle- or upper-income blacks.[7]
You still elide over the point. Why did it become worse for them after Chief Justice Warren and President Johnson?
Why is the illegitimacy rate higher than under slavery?
Why are there fewer families than under slavery?
You can't play the slavery card if things were better for most blacks under that system than the current one.
Are we seriously thinking that having blacks in prison is better than having them out on the field and in the workhouses?
BLM is an immature movement in many definitions of that word (Watch video of the Selma-Montgomery march for comparison. Very, very different organization and demeanor),
This chart shows that the same forces worked against the white family structure, thereby demonstrating that discrimination was not the origin of black and white social breakdown and the vast amount of criminal activity that resulted therefrom.
Everything you say happened to black people was supposedly worse during the years of slavery and Jim Crow. How come things have not improved since these impediments were removed?
So, according to you, blacks did not get full integration.
You like to say that things have gotten 'worse' for blacks but where is your evidence?Things actually became worse and worse for blacks during the period of integration and social justice.
I say money talks. You'll need to be more specific than hand waving someone's "degenerate" behavior, whether black or white.As I said before, I fully realize that many of the things that happened to the black community also happened to poor whites. It was just that there were a greater proportion of blacks to be affected by the breakdown of society and the enabling of degenerate behavior. Blacks just had more excuses for this behavior, because people feared criticizing blacks after criticism was called a racist thing to do.
I'm not quite sure how to unpack that last statement, but you'll have to speak for yourself on that one. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area where people were more civilized and liberal about such things for the most part. "I'm ok, you're ok," looking for answers to society's problems and stopping wars etc. Having lived in some other parts of the country, most notably the Bible Belt by contrast, it's pretty clear I got something in my cultural upbringing living in that region that other people didn't. Not that SF has no problems, there certainly are some. For instance growing up in Mill Valley, I hardly ever saw any black people. That experience had to wait until we moved to Winston-Salem, NC.As a part of a class of Basic Bitch White Muts, I know that we as a group hold white trash in greater contempt than black ghetto trash. Hence, they dindunuffin.
White vs blacks... Who gives a shit? Scratch that. Does this blame game help blacks? It just makes people fight instead of help. The solutions that help white poor also help black poor.
I've found the whole "school busing" debate to be fairly baffling, because it has sure seemed to me that it would be a lot easier to move money around than people. But it seems the facts on the ground are, if you don't intermix the bodies, so that everyone suffers equally, then nobody will spend the money on black education. Unfortunately in recent years I've read that lots of places have returned to de facto re-segregation of school districts.Dont make poor neighborhoods pay for poor schools. The state should do a lot more to even the odds.
I think in the USA, it has to be remembered that a lot of people are relatively stupid and don't value formal education. They will value it only insofar as it will make them money. Then typically their view is shortsighted, only wanting those opportunities for family and social groups most in proximity to them. Especially, once their own kids are done with school, they don't want to pay for anyone's schooling anymore! Leaving other people to fend for themselves is no big deal to a lot of people. The systemic concept of "stupidity leads to poverty and then to crime" doesn't matter to them, they just moralize about it's their own damn fault.Also, advertise more on the value of child education.
This is not always easy to do in every geographic region of a large country. For instance it was recently pointed out to me that Asheville is not basically flat, so nobody wants to put large manufacturing facilities here. Too difficult to get the rail lines in and out. Which is ironic because Asheville used to have lots of trains when it was booming with lumber, that's how the Vanderbilts built their fortune. But that was then and this is now, it seems. Anyways the main economic drivers here are tourism and retirees. Young professional jobs, not so much. Jobs are scarce and wages are repressed in most sectors.Create good paying jobs so eople gave time to spend with their kids.
The two charts I provided should be sufficient to justify my assertion that things are getting worse and worse for blacks. But let's add one more thing:
So, yeah, inflation and stuff.
I think it says its adjusted for inflation at the bottom.
BlLM is a stupid movement that seeks to change the world around the black community instead of fixing internal problems within it. It's detrimental and racist to it's own community insinuating that blacks need extra help and whites are obligated to give it to them. It's been nothing but divisive. It's created two groups of people who are one dimensional in the formation of their opinions and the gathering of their knowledge.
Saying that blacks were better off in the 60's because they had less crime and a tighter family unit is ridiculous. Of course there was less crime just being black was so much of an offence back then that staying under the radar seemed to be the best course of action for most blacks, and the family structure has been breaking down for everyone.
Coincidentally the spike in black crime seemes to have begun during the mid 80s. I wonder if there were any external forces that might have contributed towards such a spike? *cough"CIA*cough*
That's not to excuse blacks though, genetics and culture(mostly culture(though I suppose that depends on where the balcks in question are())), but its absurd to pretend as though after the civil rights era blacks just had everything set up for them to be successful and that it was just squandered.
Still BLM, if it was truly cared about blacks they would be trying to fix the "communities" problems rather than attacking whites who refuse to take the proverbial big black cock up the ass. I mean really, which is more of a danger to blacks, increasing gang violence or alt right edgelords.
As far as the relation to cops and black people is concerned two things stick out in my mind.:
1) Blacks commit more crimes
2) Crime rates by blacks on a state by state level have little/no affect on police violence towards blacks.
Either way BLM is just a product of the new "liberal" SJW movement in all its wet bottomed. Its honestly a small thing. I think the much bigger threat and what will eventually be the focus on the battle between new liberals and conservatives will be Islam. The authoritarian SJWs will give credence to the authoritarian neocons and thats when shit will really hit the fan, and it will all probably revolve around Islam.
Ah, well I'm just enjoying the show
it really is some funny shit.![]()
The growth of the "Prison Industrial Complex" coincides with the decrease of violent crime. It seems like law and order worked after all:
You don't think prosecuting criminals reduces crime?
Why prosecute anyone?
If, as you imply, Minute Squirrel, incarceration enhances the amount of total crime, then how come we have such high incarceration and generally declining crime rates?
Also I don't see how having the amount of people in prison constantly growing is necessarily "law and order" prevailing.
So, you don't find it a little ridiculous that decades after violent crimes decrease the number of people in prison keeps growing and growing.
I believe the American cops have the right to shoot anyone of any race equally. BLM should be ashamed of themselves. What about the whites and Hispanics that could have been shot but weren't because of the color of their skin? That's real racism.