Intelligence is not just a single number, but the single number is still pretty good. The idea behind the single number is that all the diverse tests of mental ability are correlated with each other, meaning, if you do well on one sort of test, then you are more likely than not to do well on another sort of test. The common factor of ALL the tests is "g" for general intelligence, and IQ is designed to estimate g. Even so, you can have some idiot savants who are very good at one particular task, but they are stupid at everything else, and that shows the limit.
Plenty of other factors, for example the prospective element of the Prospective/judgement domain in the INTP, when compared with the average number of sucessful applicants to mensa sits at around 0.7. I posted this on the forum a while ago, so if necessary I will bury through the trenches if you seek evidence. Motivation is another example, most tests are taking at a clock where you have to respond fast, people that are motivated to score high on the test will perform better than those that don't need statistical validation. Of a similar vein to the first point, IQ conventionally measures processing speed because it can be inferred "Well, if you think fast it follows you will grasp complexity easier" but people can garner a deeper understanding of the world through longer thoughts, I'll call these thoughts "deeper processing cycles", for the computer nerds. And lastly, people can identify different patterns in vector matrixes in IQ tests, granted this set of questions is used to measure abstract intelligence but its ultimately quantified in a standard model. There is no room for interpretation and I can certainly interpret mathematical patterns that do not yield the answer they wish for. Sure my answer isn't mediated by occam's razor but it's nonetheless intellectual conjecture in an area of abstraction.
I have no problems with IQ as an estimative measure, but all people do not fit this model. Even the commonplace of the SAT in america which is quite like an IQ test shows that the tests itself are used to show how fast people think rather than the complexity of their thoughts. I know IQ tests quite well, so I'm not ignorant to any convincing argument you give me, I'm just saying that IQ is a) static and b) representative (representations aren't totalities). So this whole endless IQ test discussion simply involves 3 parties, but I find 1 and 2 are the essence of most people's arguments, with people that speak contrary to the psycho-social frequency of success being people in the 2nd point below. So again, not ignoring IQ is the best statistical measurement for intelligence, but rather the standardized model isn't definitive, and IQ is seen as a means to define intelligence in its totality. Or at least, people in the 2nd point are opposing the people that use IQ as a tool in conversation to assert dominance over others.
1. IQ measures intelligence.
2. IQ does not measure intelligence in its totality.
3. IQ doesn't measure intelligence in anyway.
There are big differences in intelligence (not just IQ) among races. Races are much more than just skin color, but races represent an expansive set of biological differences, both external and internal, as every medical doctor knows, and such differences include the psychological traits such as intelligence, if not genotypic, then at least phenotypic (but it is probably genotypic). Races represent subsets of a species that have diverged away from each other, following different evolutionary paths, on their way toward many different species. This happens for any species that diverges geographically. The human species is just one example among thousands in the animal kingdom, not some special exception.
So, races are more important to human biology than believed by most people, especially the academic experts, who have seemingly turned their schools into churches of anti-racism. A surprisingly large number of anthropologists freely misquote Ruth Benedict, "The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences." That would be a great slogan for a political activist committee, not a science. The purpose of any science is to get to the truth. Medical doctors are the last hold outs against the advance of anti-racist ideological corruption within science.
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Well, when we discuss race it should only be from a genetic standpoint. We shouldn't consider geographical differences because they are inconclusive: Geographical regions = / = propegation of a race, this is a transitive dependency we must eliminate to understand the subject of intelligence and race. When I mentioned Erectus, Sapiens and Neanderthalis that is for the most part the genetic influences of races since Neanderthalis had an isolated evolution in europe for a few hundred thousand years, Erectus mainly inhabited Eurasia/India and Sapiens stayed in africa for the 6ish million years they've been around. So yes, isolated evolution is a factor but most humans today can still propegate with each other having little reminiscent DNA of their ancestors. A person native to germany over the last 1,000 years will probably have more DNA of Neanderthals.
Though the likes of Neanderthalis and Sapiens has been proposed to have evolved from Heidelbergen subspecies, yet to be unknown but a popular belief and a suitable example of my point: Evolution causes change but it is driven by evolution. We share a lot of genes with various sub species of ancient humans to the extent that (again, a widely popular but ultimately seems realistic compared to a systemic erosion of every neanderthal) repetition and stability brings a lot of modern humanity genes into alignment. Phenotypes are not as dominant as genotypes given environmental changes have stabilised since the start of civilization: We have not went through any major extinction event, or evolved to recent changes in the climate.
Tell me what genes fluctuate between races, and how from those differences emerges differences in cognition that yield degrees of intelligence between these races if you wish to approach this scientifically. Given that people are propegating across continental, country and other artificial barriers quite rapidly over the last 100 years, all intermingling and producing progeny, the concept of isolated evolution is becoming increasingly significant in the modern landscape. Consider the andaman tribe off the coast of india: they've lived in isolated evolution for so long that a simple flu could eradicate them, it happened with another tribe who's name I can't recall. So really, the concept of race is becoming insignificant because isolated evolution just isn't occurring in the civilized world. Think of all the countries that have formed in Europe, Asia and India, and how the concept of peoples and civilizations have changed: enemy's in a bygone era intermingle under one nation, only to divide 80 years later, integrated into another nation. Now it's just ridiculous to isolate a person's genes to a geographical region hence we use visual markers like pigmentation to designate race, which really makes it an unscientific concept to that degree.
Interexchange of different genes diversified the pool, restricting genetic information to small populations causes recession: deformities, neurological diseases, organ problems: Practically anything dastardly you can think of.
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