This sentence is very unassuming for how big it really is.
I understand.
I felt that way with my ex-spouse for years (we both did), and primarily we stayed together at first because (1) the faith we belonged to didn't really offer the possiblity of legitimate divorce for that reason and (2) we had kids. So we both resolved to make it work. Otherwise it would have likely ended. I remember being trapped, miserable, and... bored. Very very bored.
We broke up for other reasons years and years later, but I'm glad at that point it wasn't over just "losing interest." I found at somewhere around the 7-10 year mark, I began to value familiarity more than I had (even if i still value intensity) -- I knew my partner very very well, despite the disappointments, and we had weathered a lot of storms together.
It's interesting how there are different kinds of glue that can cement people together, even if I prefer one over the other.
But ... who wants to wait THAT long to feel attached to one's partner, especially if you're not even sure they should be your partner?
I have run up against this before in both having my partner offer to "make" things work and carrying the mentality myself. I'm wary because when I gave it I ended up getting abused (Sob story I know, but it was years ago. I got out and adapted.) and When it was offered to me I just couldn't accept how much work it would be for someone who really couldn't keep up with me.
Yeah. And yes, something might be a "sob story," but it doesn't make it less real. You sound like you have some healthy awareness of it. I guess I'm saying it's okay to acknowledge it, it doesn't mean you're wallowing.
Love seems to be such a temporary and situational thing. So what does it mean when you fall out of love? I can't really wrap my head around the idea of loving someone for the rest of my life. People change and everything is ephemeral. Why would love be different? Yet that's what I want. Something that will at least outlast my lifetime.
haha... yes. That was a hard lesson for me to learn. I grew up surrounded by absolutes (religious, mainly), even if I'm not an absolute-type person, and I bought into it because I felt I had been convinced it was correct and so I just neeed to adapt to it. But I couldn't in the long haul. Things are more ephemeral, that became obvious once I had a number of friendships and a few relationships.
My ex thought that everything permanent and you just fight to stay the same; I think now at this point of my life, life is change and you only stay together if you both change in similar ways (and thus like going along the same currents, otherwise you are swept in different directions... and that's not good or bad, it just IS).
But I wish there was a foundational love that endured. I still think it could be possible, but it involves being willing to change along with each other. (That's why my marriage ended; there was a lot of change, and one of us could embrace change and the other one hated it.) I still sometimes have desires for "God' like I was able to believe when young before I gained more experience and knowledge, even though I see it now as not likely; I just still have that crazy desire for something solid and dependable and transcendent. Doesn't make sense; but it doesn't make it go away either.
I figure the problem really boils down to me. As mentioned earlier there's a lot of self understanding and openness involved and I don't really see myself as being very developed. I'm still stuck in the "easier to define what I don't believe" stage.
That definitely is easier. I really only came to realize "what I believed" in the positive sense (versus "what I rejected) over the last five years or so, I think. When I look back, it's clear to me NOW that I believed those things a long time, I just couldn't put them into words.
Where do you see yourself in five years? Or where do you hope to be?
It is an alien system but it's fascinating to me. I've spent a lot of time trying to understand people. I suppose I'm just a slow learner dealing with a complex subject.
An a fellow "intensifier," where I've come to is that some types of complex subjects aren't nearly as intuitive or quick, and you learn more over the long haul. There's head knowledge, there's intuition, and then there's life experience, and it takes a long time to accumulate the latter. I still feel naive about many things. Patience, meh, no fun... but it sounds like you're aware of it, wanting to learn, and grappling with this head-on. So that's a good thing.