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The structure of a MBTI test?


Local time
Today 5:01 PM
Aug 21, 2010
Yes hello, this is my first post so be gentle, also keep in mind that I'm a young punk and that English is not my native tounge. So I've been taking loads of these MBTI tests, also read up quite alot about Jung and i think I got a pretty good understanding about my various functions, and the relationship of my counciousness aswell as some great revilations about my subcouncious.

The last 20ish times I've taken the test I've gotten the result of INTP. It's pretty good description of me aswell eventhough there are some criteria that I dont agree with, for example I wouldn't call myself a "smart" person, but I supose thats a common missbelief about intps, as everyone is extremley stupid to some point.

Anyhow, I can't really accept the results of these tests as I don't fully understand what the questions actually are about.
As far as I can see the questions are based around 4 criteria One for I or E, F or T etc. But I've also come to the understanding that everyone posses these functions and noone is truly introverted nor extravertet, so the first letter in my combination "I" just tells me that my dominant function is Introverted, and seeing as I'm also perciving, that means that my rational function is introverted "Ti" or whatever.

But say that I would form one of these test of my own. How would i form it? Do I make one question for each criteria? In other words do I create four types of questions, and there on 8,16, 32 etc based on these four types?

Take http://www.mypersonality.info/test-personality/ for example.

I can see the formation of this test as both 2 types of questions, one question to determine N or S and one for T or F, but are there two more sorts of question? That is one for I or E and one for P or J?

My thoughts are
random orderly
for example, can both tell me if you use tor iNtuition or your Seensing, but it might aswell be a question if you're judging or perciving..

Seeing as I,E xx J,P only tells me about the structure of my functions can you really form a question about them? The introverted and extraverted questions, sure I can accept that. But seeing as the P tells you that the rational function is introverted, do you determine this by an own type of question or by the stats from the other ones.
For example say that someone gets
E 40% I 60%
N 90% S 10%
T 60% F 40 %
Seeing as the intuition is the most defined function, this means that the main function will be Ni right? and the irational will be Fe, and there for J?

Sorry if it's a bit messy, but if I don't post this now I'll be here all night and probably end up not posting, we all know how Intps are right? :p

Edit: Also a quick question about age, is a persoanlity type really definite in early age? I'm just 18 atm and I got a loooooong way to go before I consider myself mature in anyway, I'd like to think I'm a child who been thrown out in a grown up mans world (pfft, damn adults think they've gotten somewhere and just have to drag me along with them:P!!).. Is it possible that I might one day will grow up into an ENTJ flower for example?


Local time
Today 5:01 PM
Aug 21, 2010
Well yes ofcourse, but its the Ps and Js I've gotten stuck on. They tell us about which of our functions that are dominant just as much as the I or E does, xxxPs will always have thier rational function (Thinking and feeling) introverted, xxxJ's will always have Te and Fe.
INTP for example has the dominat Ti, and second Ne as we all know.
INTJs however are just the same but still opposite, dominant Ni and second Te. In other words for the INTJ the irrational function is the dominant...

When I say that intuition and seensing is irrational, and thinking and feeling is rational, I'm borrowing that from Jung, as T and F acutaly tells something that is absolute, a true thought or feeling is allways based on something real (more or less), S and N however are never based on something real.


Local time
Today 5:01 PM
Aug 21, 2010
Basicly all I'm trying to figure out is, how you determine the if someone is judging or perciving? Is it an entirely individual question or is do you base it on the results of the previous three combinations. Jung is pretty clear when it comes to the functions and what extro-introvertion is but the MBTI standards just makes me confused. As I said probably because I don't fully know what the author of the tests means by every question


lust for life
Local time
Today 8:01 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Judging comes from having personal/critic/subjective functions in your top 2.

Ti- Understanding
Te - Controlling
Fi - Understanding
Fe - Manipulating
Ni - Critic
Ne - Expression
Si - Critic
Se - Expression

For example INTJs have Ni-Te which are both subjective functions, therefore the J is justified. INTPs have Ti-Ne, expressive and objective fucntions therefore it's a P type.

For thinking, you could ask "do you gain knowledge to understand or control things". Respectively, the answer would imply Ti or Te. I think your test has to be dynamic in some way because it has two jobs: One, to figure out J vs P and two, to figure out the hierarchy of the functions.

Personalities change throughout life. People are expected to develop their inferiors later on in life so the best way to tell a type is by determining the most consistent top two preferred functions.

Also congrats on your first post :D
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