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The over-correction is coming


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009

The demographics are getting older and woke third wave feminism is reaching its natural conclusion, comedians aren't afraid of being cancelled anymore, social commentators have an entire orchid of low hanging fruit to choose from. There's a wave of young trans people coming out who are publicly lamenting the damage done to their bodies and the motives of the people who advised them to take hormones at such a young age. This may even progress to class action lawsuits. Also entertainment and tech companies are purging their ranks, it seems the "go woke, go broke" message finally got through to them, that's nice, the damage has already been done but at least its coming to an end.

I'm calling it now, there's going to be an over-correction, the world is going to swing conservative.

Right now conservatism is cool, its edgy, it's what being liberal used to be back when videogames were allegedly brainwashing kids to be murderers and D&D was satanic because the mainstream right now is liberal and conservative is the counter-culture but that's about to change and we're looking down the barrel of 20-30 years of conservatism every bit as bad as it used to be but this time it will be worse because this time it will be justified.

People will cite the early 2020s as the reason why conservatism can't go too far, and it will.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
I'll watch what you put at some point.

My first take based on what you wrote: Really it all depends on what lessons the younger generations has taken. Yes, we are all overreactive and impulsive, but there is a wild card here in how these native web users have acclimated to the environment. I guess this would be a litmus test for how well the plutocracy controls the narrative and blinds their "constituents".

Millennials seem don't seem to be that different politically outside of social issues. They are inheriting power right now, along with Gen X and what not. The decisions this generation makes will set the tone for Gen Z and following generations.

In what you say that conservativism does have some attractive qualities I agree. But the people most likely to opt into that are people who are that age or that already have power. Hopefully our friends in high places gives the people at bottom opportunity. Employment is at all time low in the US. Things look good as they are. Is that what you are pointing out?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
usually, the left is based in language and the right is based in vision.

abstract vs concrete

ideas vs doing things engineering practical

the divide is very strong because most cons are not college people

cons work with their hands, produce things, manufacture.

that is what Trumps base is.

it is why Joe Biden talks about jobs so much now, to gain that base.

woke conservatives are the worst because they believe in all the conspiracies about the left.

like how we should no longer associate with liberals as such.

or that there should be an economic separation between libs and cons.

I see horrible ugly things said all the time. things that are not true factual or possible.

someone said Jan 6 was not because of Trump but a leftist conspiracy.


The person that said that wrote a blog on why people should spam the Kurzweil forum because he believed we should not discuss things he deemed immoral such as machine consciousness. God told him it was the right thing to do I guess.

I remember he spammed a lot of my threads because it was the moral thing to do. :beatyoukitty:

people that the cons see as their enemies are not even liberals they are the moderates, their worst enemies. anyone not extreme is left to them. even those that vote for trump because pointing out errors in their logic is a threat.

Everyone in the gov that is not a right-wing representative (less than 500 people) is a leftist they say. The whole gov is left and after the cons. The pentagon the State department the agencies. "If the US is invaded the military should stand down because that would show the left we don't care about them" - quote

woke cons just are old and don't understand real conspiracies.

sick of it.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
woke conservatives are the worst because they believe in all the conspiracies about the left.
I have been on INTJforum. Politics was always about people bickering about left vs right conservative and liberal.
Most of the time when two parties fight the third party wins.
The third party is people at the top.
They need idiots to bicker for no reason what so ever.
Best way to do it is convince people that there is no middle ground.
Radical position of liberal progressives is as toxic as radical conservatives.
They are essentially the same group of people with same mentality.
Hate the ones that take our (insert X) value.
Conservatives and liberals alike don't really have value.
Those values change how it fits them.
The idiots at the bottom then go on internet and think if you are not with us you must be against us.
So if you disagree with conservatives they call you libtard.
If you disagree with liberals they call you bigot.
Those conversation always lead to one conclusion.
Our side knows best at all times, we are the future, and if you disagree you must be the devil or evil one.
In such toxic climate you can never get a reasonable discourse, you only get class war and envy and hate. And of course if you say something critical of anything then you are demoted to a pest.
Easy to rule bunch of folk who cannot agree on basic elementary things.
Easy to convince such folk they have to fight for what they all ready have.
Easy to invoke zero sum logic.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
The idiots at the bottom then go on internet and think if you are not with us you must be against us.
Are they idiots or do they think they (should) know everything?



One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
The idiots at the bottom then go on internet and think if you are not with us you must be against us.
Are they idiots or do they think they (should) know everything?

Not even intelligent people know, thats the illusion.
The intelligent have to work for working class.
That is how society grows.
Make intelligent work for themselves or compete with other intelligent and its lose lose.
The intelligent at the top of hierarchy can then exploit the hp of intelligent, and the working class and middle class grow more divided.
Its pretty visible in US.
But progressive people like to point out that conservatives are stupid and unenlightened.
The irony is this was common in Russia, but Russian without irony used to point out the peasants were lazy and stupid, despite being slave class essentially that had nothing going for them.


think again losers
Local time
Today 10:13 AM
Mar 17, 2011
I think the over-correction is already here. The world isn't turn-based.

People are canceling anyone who plays the new Harry Potter game. This is... Retarded. But then people are also buying multiple copies of the game to prove the SJWs wrong. People who would not have played the game, are playing the game. This is also retarded. The culture war is real-time. People don't wait to respond, they react with the greatest fluidity of information the world has ever known.

You and others have been "correcting" for wokeness this entire time. What is going to change that pushes it over the edge? What's the catalyst?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
it is in making things
doing things with hands


social studies and social work

not intelligent vs nonintelligent

rather it is vision and sound used for different things.

classes are not really a thing but urban vs rural is.

social isolation vs people, people, people.

reactive and nonreactive

libs and cons do not operate by the same emotional drives and do not understand them in the other.

cons cannot calm down fast enough so get stuck in one set of emotions, that of certainty, libs calm down faster but to the cons, anything they do is sporadic and uncertain so don't trust them, cons cannot handle nuance because it gives them no ability to know what the fuck they or the libs should be practically done.

What do we do? What do we do?

cons, this, this, and this
libs, maybe this, maybe this, and maybe this

easy short practical vs complex hard and social.

that is the barrier, that is the divide.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
The intelligent at the top of hierarchy can then exploit the hp of intelligent, and the working class and middle class grow more divided.

Tangentially, culture nowadays trys to make most smart people look good. Flawed is charming. Corrupt is misguided.

In the 90s we had someone like Jaffar in Disney's Aladdin was pretty much the person who ran the Kings country. If you ever saw Schindler's list, he was basically the guy who actually ran the business while Shindler got rich. This was his motivation and it made him compelling.

Now "bad" people are just misunderstood or radically obsessed (insane), which could be close to the truth. People don't want to accept that whatever someone may believe themselves, that there are people who literally would do anything to keep whatever power they see they are entitled to. They whether they admit it or not, like a phone, think we are an extension of them, and are eager to say that we depend on them more than they depend on us.

People have discarded the notion of "evil" when what they really needed to do was reframe/evolve it. From my perspective. Star Wars was too simple, boring today, and everyone wanted to see in shades of gray, that is what is in fashion right now. If you call something evil, it is seen as dismissive. Wild af.

Right now this is the nasty trend I see spreading. It is what the "sensible" part of the population is breeding in twitch streams and online. Now you are a "rational egoist" that has a "good moral system" as if that is anything different from what we had before. People operating on prefrences that they didn't choose. It's painful to look at.

libs and cons do not operate by the same emotional drives and do not understand them in the other.

Communicate even when the other person doesn't want to. Force them to understand what you mean and make it known that you intend not to have hate in your heart. If they shutdown, I don't know, at least you know you tried.

Hate pointing fingers, but in the name of discourse, this forum we seem to have a good thing going even if it is just the same small group. When we are communicating not opposing virtues, very different people can come together and generate insight even if it is not for the intended thing.

STILL. People seem to take different things seriously, so to speak.

Perfect example is when I brought up Platonism and large Pantheons and how this relates to the real world, OT dismisses it usuriously because- some arbitrary reason (we know why). I know what he is talking about when he talks of God, or I think I do, and but it is more convenient for him if I don't know what I am talking about or am misguided.

Same with osts, I brought up a valuable point, and I haven't gotten a response about that, which I can only assume is because he doesn't have one, and if he were to try to get an answer to what I was talking about it would leave him with a mess he has to contend with. At the very least he will have to discover where his faith and opinions meet.

So it's this hard on this misfit forum of people who can't seem to let go of this place, imagine how the broader internet is when they can't even stay off Twitter for a fucking day or whatever.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
Progress for sake of progress, economy for sake of economy, growth for sake of growth, change for sake of change, being better for sake of being better are limited too.
When people like gay pride run around with butt plug flags its obvious this is going to come off as indecent and trollish a obvious form to grab attention of media.
The problem of push backs is they will always be there so long as conservative people don't see the value of new things. Butt plug flags will have accomplished very little understanding and sympathy but do elicit emotions and attention.
Thus people sling emotions around as if it were a currency or weapon.
Its a weapon and it became an increasing weapon media and internet.
This weapon has limitations as it becomes hard for people to accept something nonsense. Emotion cloud judgment and rational thinking.
The more you fight the better at it you get.
Eventually society becomes at war with it self.

Conservatives are mostly working class sensors, who need to see things to work.
Once they see things work they accept them blindly, even so blindly they will defend them. But if you prove to conservatives you are there just to fight their values then they will defend those values even though its just virtual war.
So these emo movements are drawing virtual battle lines that become new reality.

Its understandable that people various opposing views, but most people are not radical at all. But if you can train people to blow themselves up for few virgins then you can train people to do all kinds of crazy things.

Then society is just training it self to fight it self through misunderstanding.
So push comes to shove and so on the cycle goes on until people are so alienated from eachother and radicalized they will be forever stubborn and it will go on and on, then you end up with people who are so emotionally loaded they will act out of emotion.

When people feel their values are under attack they always become defensive, but defensive becomes close minded and that goes for all people.
Once you are close minded and feel like every topic is battle people have two options.
Have huge irrational arguments or have administrators shut down any reasonable debate before it gets out of hand.
But reasonable debate has to be a skill that is honed and taught and repeated.
It cannot exist from nothing.
If people want better discourse on social issues they have to able to put emotions aside to some degree.
That is however nature of these problems. They are complex and they hit emotions where ever.
Little can people do to see the other side.
So eventually you have just childish people.
The problem is values are our biases.
They cannot be debiased or seen only rationally.
They have to be accepted on emotional level.
But if the public is so much in war, how can you be rational and accepting?
Well you just cannot and never will be.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
We put 10 Jesuses in every city. At least a 160 IQ each I think

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Conservatives are mostly working class sensors, who need to see things to work.
Once they see things work they accept them blindly, even so blindly they will defend them. But if you prove to conservatives you are there just to fight their values then they will defend those values even though its just virtual war.
So these emo movements are drawing virtual battle lines that become new reality.

I don't know?

That is exactly how my brother is and he is more autistic than I am.

I told him that 24 karats = 100% pure gold and he said: No a proof coin is only 2% gold. Like I was going to buy a gold proof or some dumb shit like that and waste money.

He hates Trump and my brother is ESTJ, he likes to make things, has a chemistry set and grows weed plants and plays video games, and made his room into a faraday cage to block electric noise.

I do not know what his opinion is on bidden but unlike most cons on the tech forum I visit I do not think he is a weak president. Trump acts strong because he yells and says all the right things about real problems people have issues with. Bidden is not left-wing he is a moderate so he is hated more than if he were burnie because at least burnie yells alot.

My brother does live on a farm and I live in the suburbs. So I don't know.

It is because of his autism and angry emotions that he hates Trumps yelling.

He has called me impractical in the past and that my interests are dumb. like a.i.

Because he likes to make things and if you don't make things then you're dumb.

You see he has a high pain threshold and I have a low pain threshold.

I believe in doing things the right way, the way in which you do not get hurt (I am a perfectionist) and he says "just do it".

My sister doesn't care about politics or debates but she says I listen better than him. She likes my ideas even though she is an ESFP. She is less stubborn but gets that way when she is on a mission. She is a secretary.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
I don't know?
You cannot change people.
You can only change the way you work with them and coexist.
Or you can coerce them.
Those are the options.
Realistically people are different versions.
There are more shades to politics as well.
But generally two party system eliminates those nuance things and puts people against each other.
GOP and Democrats were shitting on each other since ever, and its not going to change.
But weaponizing social movements leads to stagnation socially whether someone likes it or not.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
We put 10 Jesuses in every city. At least a 160 IQ each I think
My point was essentially the umpa lumpas of society are the only people who create value de facto.
Its not generals who make war, its soldiers.
Its not businessmen who make business its the working class hauling their shit and logistic chains that do that.
Its not the major of city that makes public transportation happen. Its the vehicle drivers who do.
Essentially if working people become oppressed underclass hated by everyone then society is fucked.
Because you can have 100 architects you arent getting any houses built.

So the happier work force you have the richer you get the more taxes you collect and the more the upper class can have.
Make people fight for rights and make them constantly fight for pay, tell kids they have to be layers and doctors to be happy and there you have modern society.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
People are canceling anyone who plays the new Harry Potter game. This is... Retarded. But then people are also buying multiple copies of the game to prove the SJWs wrong. People who would not have played the game, are playing the game. This is also retarded.
Is it though, would people be buying this game out of spite if it weren't being cancelled so hard? I see it like an immune response, the body has finally recognized woke for the disease it is and the fight has just begun.

The problem is the fight itself, though necessary, is going to cause damage, people are going to be polarized by the conflict and when the hitherto silent majority wins some legitimate aspects of the woke cause will be rolled back "Woe to the vanquished" style. That being said I'm not sure what those aspects will be (having thought about it some more since the OP) it will certainly be different to the conservatism of yesteryear, for example Bill and Frank from "The Last of Us" show are gay conservative heroes. I say again, gay conservative heroes.

The new battle line, which appears to have split the LGBTQ+ and feminist movements in half, appears to be the definition of degeneracy. Bill and Frank are gay but they're not degenerates, they're not latex wearing piss-drinking fart-huffing freaks, they're not trans people with tattooed eyeballs and provocative pronouns, they're not preaching hate against whites, straights and normalcy in general.

To the new conservatives you can be gay, you can even be trans, and that's ok as long as you're not a freak about it, if you conduct yourself with dignity and keep personal matters personal then its ok, how long that will last I cannot say. My personal intuition is that it won't last, that the woke Karens will become conservative Karens the moment they realize the woke ship is sinking and the definition of degeneracy will be expanded upon until history repeats itself. But I could be wrong, I hope so.

You and others have been "correcting" for wokeness this entire time. What is going to change that pushes it over the edge? What's the catalyst?
The Karens switching sides (the true enemy!) and you're right the world isn't turn based, its likely already happening.


think again losers
Local time
Today 10:13 AM
Mar 17, 2011
Nope it's definitely retarded ;)

If you find yourself throwing away money to enrich a canceled billionaire to people you don't even know (who are admittedly annoying) you're being retarded. This whole thing where people's consumer identity becomes their actual identity while also being a response to other people's identity is... cancer. Deeply stupid cancer.

I'm seeing people shift around a fair amount, but not in a uniform direction. My brother-in-law is conservative and he's skewing more left., but all my friends turn a little bit more conservative once they land a good job and realise how much money they lose to tax. The overall state of the culture war and the left-vs-right divide is a very large equation, and karens changing sides or whatever is a pretty small part of it. I think you overestimate the dynamism of political ideology. People are groomed into their ideology by media, they're groomed into turning a blind eye to the idiots and evil-doers they share a tent with. It's very difficult to actually predict a meaningful shift without a lot of data crunching, otherwise, there is an enormous selection bias. Blindmen elephants trunks forests trees etc.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
If you find yourself throwing away money to enrich a canceled billionaire to people you don't even know (who are admittedly annoying) you're being retarded.
You're not wrong but you're also not seeing the bigger picture, humans are creatures whose perception of reality is shaped by narratives and one of the most effective ways to convey a narrative to people is through entertainment. Thus entertainment is of considerable political significance, its a difficult connection to prove but I believe much of the nonsense we're seeing now is a direct result of the narratives being pushed in entertainment over the last 5-10 years.

It has been shown that movies in particular affect people's buying habits, a movie featuring a particular species of dog in a leading role will result in a higher demand for dogs of that breed. This was a serious problem after the movie Nemo as demand for clownfish for aquariums skyrocketed and the Australian government had to crack down on people trying to poach them from the great barrier reef. Likewise the movie Crackerjack did wonders for the Australian lawn bowls clubs who were, prior to the movie's release, seen as venues exclusively for stuffy old people, now they get booked out for wedding after parties, corporate Xmas parties and other such events.

A lot of people buying this new Hogwarts game aren't doing it because they really care about the game or who gets the money, its about sending a message and that message is clearly being received, cancel-baiting is the hot new thing in marketing. This will result in real change, journalists who built their careers on shaming entertainment companies for a lack of political correctness are now being forced to adapt or lose their jobs.

As the entertainment industry goes back to flipping off political correctness people will follow suit, attitudes will change, perceptions will change, politics will have to follow suit, I cannot predict exactly how this will play out but it's definitely happening.

You're entitled to your opinion but retarded or no, it's happening, and your opinion won't change that.

all my friends turn a little bit more conservative once they land a good job and realise how much money they lose to tax
That's not conservative, that's republican.


think again losers
Local time
Today 10:13 AM
Mar 17, 2011
I'm not missing that picture, I've argued about that picture here before (it's literally the argument for minority representation). I still think it's stupid to throw money at saving the capitalistic ventures of billionaires. That's damn close to mind control, on par with people who won't buy the game because they think it turns them transphobic.

IMO, both of these behaviours are over-corrections, just correcting opposing sides. I'd bet that more sales are lost from the boycott than are gained from the multi-sales, but I think the boycotters make their side look worse.

The only good thing that comes from this is how uncomfortable it makes millennial feminists whos childhood was JK but now they feel like they have to hate it or they're transphobes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
No it's not mind control it's the exact opposite of mind control it's an opportunity to actually have a say in something, to speak out against an oppressive regime that silences all dissent. I don't give a damn about whether JK makes money off this or not, its her intellectual property and if its popular she's entitled to her royalties, welcome to Capitalism.

Mind control, y'know that really pisses me off that you think that, that it's just indoctrination that these poor simple fools don't know what they want, that they've been brainwashed into wanting to buy this game. I will buy this game and I'm fully aware that the marketing team may have baited the degenerates into trying to cancel them, I don't think that's the case because it looks like they tried very hard to make the game as inclusive as possible, but its possible. Does that mean I've possibly been tricked into buying it? No. Because I want that, I want there to be a precedent established that cancel-baiting works, that game studios should go out of their way to piss off the degenerates and use them as free advertising. I am voting with my wallet to get the entertainment industry I want to see, to get the changes I want to see.

Mind control, seriously, do you have any idea how fucking pretentious it is that you think you know better what people want than what they know themselves?
I will buy this game to spite people like you.

Not trans people, not even 3rd wave man-hating feminists, I am buying this specifically to spite the pretentious fucks who think they know better.

Because that's what this is, when some games journalist (propagandist) or dyed-hair twitter-tard (useful idiot) tells people not to buy this game be its literally going to get trans people killed, that's what they're saying, that they know better. And if you argue with them at all, if you disagree with them on anything they do everything within their power to Shut. You. Down. Again that's what this is all about, JK was their darling until she said the wrong thing and now to them she's persona non grata, again it's an oppressive regime that silences all dissent.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
The reasons why I don't respect LGBTQ or feminism is that I believe it does not speak for most people.
Even if some of them are minority.
I believe they are a media bubble.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
Inception the movie shows what length you have to go to change people to be fair.

hating tax is merely rational
It's debatable if you ask me. I suppose being bitter about it and the reality that someone else will spend it however they see fit is something to be resentful about.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
The reasons why I don't respect LGBTQ or feminism is that I believe it does not speak for most people.
Even if some of them are minority.
I believe they are a media bubble.
That being said I do believe that their rights need to be corrected for.
I also believe they also need help as minorities and need to be accepted.
I just don't think the media bubbles are actually providing good incentives.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
IMO, both of these behaviours are over-corrections, just correcting opposing sides. I'd bet that more sales are lost from the boycott than are gained from the multi-sales, but I think the boycotters make their side look worse.

There are some internal contradictions on both sides. Not making a "both sides" argument that is just the truth when you don't have an organized group.

The left wants to neuter an entire franchise and industry for a certain cause. They are not really all that misguided in my opinion. The reality is the person who is now indirectly profiting of the IP of Harry Potter probably doesn't really care, and the larger corporate entity behind it is trying to learn from this to use it against them and when it "actually counts" they'll be able to just brush it off.

The right is trying to do a reverse of a boycott basically. Instead of disincentivizing certain behavior they don't like, they are trying to advocate for something they... do like?

It doesn't really make sense for either the left or right ideologically.

the larger corporate entity behind it is trying to learn from this to use it against them and when it "actually counts" they'll be able to just brush it off.

A key metric in the marketing department "awareness" made itself, and they can easily point to the fact that they have a trans character to pander to the right's need to feel vindicated that the left is crazy. Ultimately, the small sect of the left that is organizing this do have the right to be annoyed, but they also are now going after these individual Twitch streamers, which I am still trying wrestle with. They are holding less powerful people to account for what the corporate entities created. Which I guess- but who negotiates with terrorists?

No it's not mind control it's the exact opposite of mind control it's an opportunity to actually have a say in something, to speak out against an oppressive regime that silences all dissent. I don't give a damn about whether JK makes money off this or not, its her intellectual property and if its popular she's entitled to her royalties, welcome to Capitalism.

Is magic not some sort of mind control? Make someone believe that something is happening when in reality it did not? Misdirection more like, but when you make people do things they wouldn't do if they didn't know the truth (lie) I would say that you are control them.

I did not get the movie to be honest.
If its the same concept as Matrix I think I know what you mean.

Either it was lazy writing because it was inconsistent, or it was intentionally confusing to get people to talk about how deep it was.


think again losers
Local time
Today 10:13 AM
Mar 17, 2011
No it's not mind control it's the exact opposite of mind control it's an opportunity to actually have a say in something, to speak out against an oppressive regime that silences all dissent. I don't give a damn about whether JK makes money off this or not, its her intellectual property and if its popular she's entitled to her royalties, welcome to Capitalism.

Mind control, y'know that really pisses me off that you think that, that it's just indoctrination that these poor simple fools don't know what they want, that they've been brainwashed into wanting to buy this game. I will buy this game and I'm fully aware that the marketing team may have baited the degenerates into trying to cancel them, I don't think that's the case because it looks like they tried very hard to make the game as inclusive as possible, but its possible. Does that mean I've possibly been tricked into buying it? No. Because I want that, I want there to be a precedent established that cancel-baiting works, that game studios should go out of their way to piss off the degenerates and use them as free advertising. I am voting with my wallet to get the entertainment industry I want to see, to get the changes I want to see.

Mind control, seriously, do you have any idea how fucking pretentious it is that you think you know better what people want than what they know themselves?
I will buy this game to spite people like you.

Not trans people, not even 3rd wave man-hating feminists, I am buying this specifically to spite the pretentious fucks who think they know better.

Because that's what this is, when some games journalist (propagandist) or dyed-hair twitter-tard (useful idiot) tells people not to buy this game be its literally going to get trans people killed, that's what they're saying, that they know better. And if you argue with them at all, if you disagree with them on anything they do everything within their power to Shut. You. Down. Again that's what this is all about, JK was their darling until she said the wrong thing and now to them she's persona non grata, again it's an oppressive regime that silences all dissent.

Oh noooooo please dont' buy the game ouch my soul noooooo.

Mind control. You're having your actions dictated by other people. You are acting not by what is best for your interest, but what you think is worse for another. Acting out of spite is being mind controlled.

Ima go out and have gay sex to spite conservatives or whatever. That'll show 'em.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama

The Internet ATTACKS Innocent VTubers over Hogwarts Legacy​



cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Hado have you considered that you might be brainwashed?

Consider, you thought JK getting a profit from her own IP was a bad thing, why did you think that? Yeah wealth inequality is bad but she didn't become wealthy by screwing people over, she wasn't born with a trust fund, she created something of value that was enjoyed by a great many people and accordingly she made a lot of money off that.

I shouldn't have to justify her wealth to you, frankly neither of us should care and I didn't care but you brought it up and you expected me to care about it, why?
What's so bad about JK that I should be offended by her wealth?

You think I'm brainwashed? You're fighting for a cause that fucking hates you.
These woke people they think white straight men like us are scum, they hate us, they want to destroy and oppress us and they're not even shy about it, I can show you videos and articles of these hateful people saying that exact thing.

Stop being a useful idiot for this oppressive hateful regime.

Also I want to note I haven't per-ordered the game, that would be retarded, I'm going to check out the game when its released and if its not utter garbage I'll buy it and not just out of spite. I have read all the books, I am a Harry Potter fan from way back, and when I play the game if it turns out to be garbage I'll refund it. I don't actually need to give them my money to establish the precedent I want, it's enough to give them my attention to prove that cancel-baiting is an effective marketing strategy, then whether the game is worth the money or not is another matter entirely.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I never read harry potter, but my brother did, I read Isaac Asimov.

I don't even play video games no more. And I has no monies. sad. :cry:

people say don't support the woke, I know I know.

When Disney ruined Star Wars I gave up hope.

But I do not care anymore.

I don't have anything to do with it.

I avoid social media.

I don't have to play the game.

Google gives me everything I need now.



cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
A D&D executive producer Kyle Brink recently said on a podcast that "honestly guys like me" he's a white straight man "can't leave soon enough, for this hobby" as he's talking to two 'ethnic' people.

So utterly brainwashed that he's ashamed of what he is, if you want an example of someone not acting in their own best interests there it is, that's what mind control looks like. The guy is literally advocating for the kind of racism that will, if allowed to run its course, put him out of a job.


think again losers
Local time
Today 10:13 AM
Mar 17, 2011
My position only regards wealth inequality. I never said JK having money is bad, I said giving your money to billionaires without getting anything useful in return is stupid. I'm not offended by her wealth nor should you be. Weird that you thought that was what I was saying though.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Well I assumed the issue was with giving money to JK specifically because saying I should not be buying anything where a percentage of the profits will go to a billionaire is so utterly absurd.

Ok so no name brand products, no products from any franchised retailers, in fact I should just go hunt my own food because billionaires have diversified investment portfolios so practically every publicly traded company is going to be paying dividends to some billionaire somewhere.

Don't play dumb you know you live in a capitalist society, you know how this works, I'm not explaining anything you don't already know.

Wake up and smell the bleach, you've been brainwashed, you just defended a woke position (JK bad) that you have no stake in whatsoever and no credible reason to give a damn about, because your programming told you to.


enter text
Local time
Today 2:43 AM
Aug 14, 2013
look at flag
hating tax is merely rational
It's debatable if you ask me. I suppose being bitter about it and the reality that someone else will spend it however they see fit is something to be resentful about.
corrupt government taxes food and all goods>poor suffer
corrupt government taxes fuel, a lot>balloon costs>everything more expensive>poor suffer

corrupt government paying social grants to people made poor by paying 16% tax on all goods, 50+% on fuel>giving the poor something to nibble on while you bleed them dry for 'progress' and 'advancement' (Read: Business as Usual)

A CEO doesn't mind that much, in the end: They not gonna starve.

Theft is theft, farming humans has become such a drudgery that no one seems to care about enacting system that actually, you know, will give everyone a decent and fair life.

but whatevr i'm sorta over this kinda mind spewing

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
you just defended a woke position
giving your money to billionaires without getting anything useful in return is stupid.

How many copies did cog say he was buying again?

I bet it is over 5,000, that is what he said others were doing.

Following the herd is so convenient. On both sides.



Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
Punisher in clown makeup talking to batman/daredevil about how they aren't so different. I'm sorry I couldn't not see that for some reason


One atom of me
Local time
Today 12:43 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
Mind control, y'know that really pisses me off that you think that, that it's just indoctrination that these poor simple fools don't know what they want, that they've been brainwashed into wanting to buy this game.
Petty disputes are infinite supply, and none are immune to them, not the people who are right and not the people who are intelligent either.
You say you vote with your wallet, but you also vote to have your brain sucked into infinite vortex.
Jung is right we are not statistics we need to live as individuals, but at end of day you got control of you? Do you even know?
Petty bullshit is the easiest way to keep people down.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
Yeah. Witch hunts seem harmless until they are not though. I personally haven't studied too much about mob mentality, and I doubt the mob would turn on "innocent" individuals. But yes, making this about some wokist agenda bs is detracting from the actual issues.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
hating tax is merely rational
It's debatable if you ask me. I suppose being bitter about it and the reality that someone else will spend it however they see fit is something to be resentful about.
corrupt government taxes food and all goods>poor suffer
corrupt government taxes fuel, a lot>balloon costs>everything more expensive>poor suffer

corrupt government paying social grants to people made poor by paying 16% tax on all goods, 50+% on fuel>giving the poor something to nibble on while you bleed them dry for 'progress' and 'advancement' (Read: Business as Usual)

A CEO doesn't mind that much, in the end: They not gonna starve.

Theft is theft, farming humans has become such a drudgery that no one seems to care about enacting system that actually, you know, will give everyone a decent and fair life.

but whatevr i'm sorta over this kinda mind spewing
Apathy is the enemy. It is the one emotion that leads you no where and is supremely selfish. Sometimes we need that I guess..

Yes people hide their identity more than they care to admit on right. The fact is they don't WANT to believe the idea that Government can work effectively and instead appeal to some ideals that their God gave them apparently. Either that or they are just snakes.

You are right people aren't focusing on fixing the system, even people on the left seem to have their priorities up their own ass.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 1:43 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Petty disputes are infinite supply, and none are immune to them, not the people who are right and not the people who are intelligent either.
You say you vote with your wallet, but you also vote to have your brain sucked into infinite vortex.
Jung is right we are not statistics we need to live as individuals, but at end of day you got control of you? Do you even know?
Petty bullshit is the easiest way to keep people down.
Baby's first gaslight? Aww you're adorable.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Star Wars:

The only character that was bad was bringing back Palpatine.

We never find out what happened in the new lore. We never get the background.

Who were the knights of ren? How did kilo get tricked by Snoke that Vader spoke to him? Why was Rey abandoned?

We get no answers and no story arcs. Just stuff, there is no reason to care, and there is no resolution.

People just do things, with nothing to do with being a Jedi or getting over the dark side. people die for no reason. Kilo was not redeemed even in the right way.

Story and lore mean everything in star wars. It failed and killed a franchise.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
Story and lore mean everything in star wars. It failed and killed a franchise.
Is this because wokism or is it because a multi-billion dollar entity is trying to future proof its IP and ultimately save money? I want to ask the second question. People that ask the first might as well have rabies


enter text
Local time
Today 2:43 AM
Aug 14, 2013
look at flag
hating tax is merely rational
It's debatable if you ask me. I suppose being bitter about it and the reality that someone else will spend it however they see fit is something to be resentful about.
corrupt government taxes food and all goods>poor suffer
corrupt government taxes fuel, a lot>balloon costs>everything more expensive>poor suffer

corrupt government paying social grants to people made poor by paying 16% tax on all goods, 50+% on fuel>giving the poor something to nibble on while you bleed them dry for 'progress' and 'advancement' (Read: Business as Usual)

A CEO doesn't mind that much, in the end: They not gonna starve.

Theft is theft, farming humans has become such a drudgery that no one seems to care about enacting system that actually, you know, will give everyone a decent and fair life.

but whatevr i'm sorta over this kinda mind spewing
Apathy is the enemy. It is the one emotion that leads you no where and is supremely selfish. Sometimes we need that I guess..

Yes people hide their identity more than they care to admit on right. The fact is they don't WANT to believe the idea that Government can work effectively and instead appeal to some ideals that their God gave them apparently. Either that or they are just snakes.

You are right people aren't focusing on fixing the system, even people on the left seem to have their priorities up their own ass.
I guess I won't say I'm apathetic, I've merely become indifferent to certain circuses.

I'd look after me and mine, communicate with folk who got level heads and interesting ideas, appreciate folk who put great art and energy out there --- other than that the world goes on as it always has and as it will until the sun dies, don't see it being my place to police reality --- no one really can.


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
hating tax is merely rational
It's debatable if you ask me. I suppose being bitter about it and the reality that someone else will spend it however they see fit is something to be resentful about.
corrupt government taxes food and all goods>poor suffer
corrupt government taxes fuel, a lot>balloon costs>everything more expensive>poor suffer

corrupt government paying social grants to people made poor by paying 16% tax on all goods, 50+% on fuel>giving the poor something to nibble on while you bleed them dry for 'progress' and 'advancement' (Read: Business as Usual)

A CEO doesn't mind that much, in the end: They not gonna starve.

Theft is theft, farming humans has become such a drudgery that no one seems to care about enacting system that actually, you know, will give everyone a decent and fair life.

but whatevr i'm sorta over this kinda mind spewing
Apathy is the enemy. It is the one emotion that leads you no where and is supremely selfish. Sometimes we need that I guess..

Yes people hide their identity more than they care to admit on right. The fact is they don't WANT to believe the idea that Government can work effectively and instead appeal to some ideals that their God gave them apparently. Either that or they are just snakes.

You are right people aren't focusing on fixing the system, even people on the left seem to have their priorities up their own ass.
I guess I won't say I'm apathetic, I've merely become indifferent to certain circuses.

I'd look after me and mine, communicate with folk who got level heads and interesting ideas, appreciate folk who put great art and energy out there --- other than that the world goes on as it always has and as it will until the sun dies, don't see it being my place to police reality --- no one really can.
Not here to lecture anyone. The way I see it, we give and take what we believe we are owed. I suppose inaction doesn't mean you are enemy. It's just kinda inconvenient when someone wants to change something. To each their own.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 5:43 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Story and lore mean everything in star wars. It failed and killed a franchise.
Is this because wokism or is it because a multi-billion dollar entity is trying to future proof its IP and ultimately save money? I want to ask the second question. People that ask the first might as well have rabies

people blame it on wokism but public surveys are not how you make a good movie.

JJ Abrams should have directed all three movies imo. Breaking it into parts broke it.


enter text
Local time
Today 2:43 AM
Aug 14, 2013
look at flag
@EndogenousRebel Oh I was being really friendly there! Maybe my tone is just whack overall : )

Knew you weren't lecturing me, just giving my slice of pie I guess ; )

I think for me it's not a thing about inaction or action but rather taking action that brings me to a state of peace or enjoyment.... I've been an addict to either to alcohol or weed for like the past five years and now that I'm sober I realize all i really want is just to exist sustainably(personally, not environmentally) and not to be bothered by the troubles of an entire planet, i guess.

when i weren't sober i was just lost, and that can be fun in it's own embracing the abyss way but eh not as much maybe? maybe i'll embrace rock-bottom again, or learn some wise temperance.

overall tho i enjoyed this conversation and never meant to discomfit you(if i have)


enter text
Local time
Today 2:43 AM
Aug 14, 2013
look at flag
Story and lore mean everything in star wars. It failed and killed a franchise.
Is this because wokism or is it because a multi-billion dollar entity is trying to future proof its IP and ultimately save money? I want to ask the second question. People that ask the first might as well have rabies

people blame it on wokism but public surveys are not how you make a good movie.
i'd watch a documentary where public servants barge into random houses firing off questions, tho


Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Local time
Yesterday 6:43 PM
Jun 13, 2019
@EndogenousRebel Oh I was being really friendly there! Maybe my tone is just whack overall : )

Knew you weren't lecturing me, just giving my slice of pie I guess ; )

I think for me it's not a thing about inaction or action but rather taking action that brings me to a state of peace or enjoyment.... I've been an addict to either to alcohol or weed for like the past five years and now that I'm sober I realize all i really want is just to exist sustainably(personally, not environmentally) and not to be bothered by the troubles of an entire planet, i guess.

when i weren't sober i was just lost, and that can be fun in it's own embracing the abyss way but eh not as much maybe? maybe i'll embrace rock-bottom again, or learn some wise temperance.

overall tho i enjoyed this conversation and never meant to discomfit you(if i have)
I might also just be me. I have been told by personal friends that I come off as intimidating. My response is just "okay". I doubt anyone will make a compelling argument for why I should act the way they want me to act.

If you think that society afford this freedom to pursue happiness to everyone that's one thing. If you know that it's just for people like you that is another.

In either case, you aren't Batman or a vigilante, you're just a guy like me. I would say that even the smallest gestures are heroic. Cheers.
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