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The Illuminati is Good


Welcome to Costco, I love you
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Oct 10, 2009
Or we could have very cheap if not free, clean, endless energy but that would spell doomsday for the current order.

How the hell do you propose we obtain that? Be sure to cite a source for your claims.


Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Feb 21, 2010
Nuclear fusion is one way. The problems is that energy companies simply won't allow any kinda of alternatives. Look at Exxon Mobil(used to be Rockerfeller standard oil)for example, their profits keep rising and they keep getting more tax breaks, their power is virtually limitless, do you think they are willing to give that up?


Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Nov 6, 2009
Nuclear fusion is one way. The problems is that energy companies simply won't allow any kinda of alternatives. Look at Exxon Mobil(used to be Rockerfeller standard oil)for example, their profits keep rising and they keep getting more tax breaks, their power is virtually limitless, do you think they are willing to give that up?
1. Sustainable nuclear fusion has not yet been achieved.
2. ExxonMobil is essentially just an Oil and Gas corporation, not a general 'energy' corporation. They have a lot of power (literal energy as well as influence). They are selling a rapidly depleting resource in extremely high demand. Why is the demand so high? Because damn near everything modern uses oil in one way or another. Couple that with gas and essentially everyone is their customer in one way or another.

I'm not trying to defend their business practices, but that's just how it is.
It's not a conspiracy, it's greed, power, supply, and demand.
Ultimately, a corporations only concern is maximizing profits.


Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Feb 21, 2010
Why do you think it has not been achieved? Probably because nobody is really interested in it. We found a way to split an atom and send men to space, yet we are still dependent on fossil fuels? This is not a technological issue.
Nicola Tesla(basically the father of electricity) proposed the idea of free wireless word wide electricity, the facility he created was seized and torn down my the marines and he ended up dying alone and in debt.(thanks to JP Morgan and Rockerfellar)
Free energy is not something that we cant achieve, its just not profitable.


Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Nov 6, 2009
Why do you think it has not been achieved? Probably because nobody is really interested in it.
Nicola Tesla(basically the father of electricity) proposed the idea of free wireless energy, the facility he created was seized and destroyed my the marines and he ended up dying alone and in debt.
Free energy is not something that we cant achieve, its just not profitable.
I said sustainable fusion hasn't been achieved (ie, that which would be a viable option for generating power). Unsustainable fusion however, has been achieved. There are facilities across the globe dedicated to nothing but nuclear fusion research. Nuclear fusion is an absurdly hard thing to produce, much less control. Also, a source of unlimited energy would be unimaginably profitable to anyone who could produce it.

'Wireless energy'? You mean lightning? :rolleyes:
Tesla was a smart guy, but it was pretty apparent he was nuts. He claimed he could split the world completely in half with a few well placed/timed explosions. Also, where did you hear that the US marines destroyed his facility?

Update (reply to your update):
We found a way to split an atom and send men to space, yet we are still dependent on fossil fuels? This is not a technological issue
Splitting atoms (aka, fission) is much easier than fusing them. Please go learn what fusion is before you start making wild assertions that don't coincide with reality, because it is quite apparent that you don't have the slightest idea of what the challenges are (which are well documented).


Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Feb 21, 2010
Of course splitting an atom is easier, it was done like 80 years ago. It doesn't really matter which method you use, if loosing dependentss on fossil fuels was actually a priority it would've been done decades ago.
I don't mean lightning by wireless electricity.
Maybe Tesla was nuts but its the nuts who make all the break throughs.


Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Nov 6, 2009
Of course splitting an atom is easier, it was done like 80 years ago. I don't mean lightning by wireless electricity.
Maybe Tesla was nuts but its the nuts who make all the break throughs. An old saying goes: "Those who say something can't be done - should stop bothering those who are doing it".
My point was he wasn't always right. Even genuineness can be wrong.
There's probably merit behind the idea, but it's likely greatly exaggerated. Like his "earthquake machine" which was tested by Mythbusters.


Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Apr 23, 2010
And still no one has answered my questions. What the damn.


Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Feb 21, 2010
Mythbusters can be a fun show to watch but you can't take it too serious. I mean you got some hollywood special effects experts on one side and one of the greatest scientific minds in history on the other. Im not saying they were wrong or right.


Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Feb 21, 2010
Apparently not. Would it not have happened already? You believe that these superrich families have complete control, but claim that if people want to change things they can...
The problem is that ~95% of the people are "sheep", they are just followers or they just choose to play along because it's much easer then trying to change something.

Have you ever considered that there is a reason the system is there, and it isn't to fuck you?
What else is it for? Look at whats happening to the people, they sit there and stair at their own pictures on facebook, watch tv all day(be it sports, reality or w/e else), nobody wants to think anymore or question anything. The marketing techniques have been nearly perfected, the ultimate goal being bypassing your consciousness, then you will think, do and buy exactly what you are told and think those are your own decisions. "None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who think they are fee".


Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Nov 6, 2009
Mythbusters can be a fun show to watch but you can't take it too serious. I mean you got some hollywood special effects experts on one side and one of the greatest scientific minds in history on the other. Im not saying they were wrong or right.
Mythbusters is a much more credible source of information than the ones you still haven't given. See, what I did was make a statement about I wasn't sure you'd just take at face value, and provided you with a source supporting my claim. What you do is make outlandish and ignorant statements and fail to provide any insight at how you arrived at such conclusions.

Regardless, information should be judged on its merit, not the background of the person from which it originated. For example, Edwin Hubble was a lawyer long before an astronomer, but that doesn't in any way alter his contributions to Astronomy.


Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Feb 21, 2010
No single source is sufficient enough, especially not a TV show made for entertainment. Do your own research, don't take anybody's word for granted, talk to as many different types of people as you can, listen and don't be prejudice. Keep looking for new sources all the time, try to get as much information as you can. Most people are either blind or choose to close their eyes, its easier to just play along.

I've "seen the light" back in '07 after coming back from Afghanistan. While over the, I've seen and heard a lot, working with the army, navy, air force, marines, special ops, FBI and just about everyone else. At first I was simply amused by the news media and how far off they are. Then an army finance girl got murdered, the story surfaced on the net and probably didn't reveal too much to the outsiders (the circumstances and location wouldn't mean much to somebody who wasn't there) but it was taken off, like it never even existed. I emailed one of the guys who was still there, he would've at the least seen the death certificate, but he never got it.(some high ranking people where involved and she happend to be too smart for her own good). That's when I began to pay attention, becoming a kind of sensor, simply absorbing all the information I can get my hands on. I was always interested in history and military history, espionage and that kind of thing, that led to geopolitics and opened me up to everything else. (stock markets, propaganda techniques, marketing techniques, psychology, fossil fuels and alternative fuels, religions and just about everything).

The more you learn, the more realize how little you actually know.


Welcome to Costco, I love you
Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Oct 10, 2009
No single source is sufficient enough, especially not a TV show made for entertainment. Do your own research, don't take anybody's word for granted, talk to as many different types of people as you can, listen and don't be prejudice. Keep looking for new sources all the time, try to get as much information as you can. Most people are either blind or choose to close their eyes, its easier to just play along.

I've "seen the light" back in '07 after coming back from Afghanistan. While over the, I've seen and heard a lot, working with the army, navy, air force, marines, special ops, FBI and just about everyone else. At first I was simply amused by the news media and how far off they are. Then an army finance girl got murdered, the story surfaced on the net and probably didn't reveal too much to the outsiders (the circumstances and location wouldn't mean much to somebody who wasn't there) but it was taken off, like it never even existed. I emailed one of the guys who was still there, he would've at the least seen the death certificate, but he never got it.(some high ranking people where involved and she happend to be too smart for her own good). That's when I began to pay attention, becoming a kind of sensor, simply absorbing all the information I can get my hands on. I was always interested in history and military history, espionage and that kind of thing, that led to geopolitics and opened me up to everything else. (stock markets, propaganda techniques, marketing techniques, psychology, fossil fuels and alternative fuels, religions and just about everything).

The more you learn, the more realize how little you actually know.

And yet we still wait for actual, verifiable sources. How hard is it to site a series of web sites/books/periodicals/etc.?

As far as the military, yeah they cover stuff up. A lot. That still doesn't mean the world is an economic conspiracy.

As far as the "what else is it for"? The purpose of the "system" or economic conglomerate varies slightly depending on the political administration. In a general sense, it's there to keep the financial world alive and maintain the economic freedoms of as many people as possible. The part that varies comes in where different political parties want to instill their own values (collectivism vs. individualism is a good example). All-in-all, there are no inherently malignant intentions and it's certainly not targeting you or anyone else.

Eventually, you're going to have to take responsibility for your own situation. Sure, everyone is born into different circumstances, but just because someone has a shinier bike than you doesn't mean that Big Brother or whatever built it for him.


Local time
Today 12:15 PM
Nov 6, 2009
No single source is sufficient enough, especially not a TV show made for entertainment. Do your own research, don't take anybody's word for granted, talk to as many different types of people as you can, listen and don't be prejudice. Keep looking for new sources all the time, try to get as much information as you can. Most people are either blind or choose to close their eyes, its easier to just play along.
Last time I checked, 1 > 0.
Also, few people have the time, resources, or interest to research things they aren't particularly interested in just to prove something to someone on a forum. I'm not prejudice, I'm skeptical. If someone tells me there is a raccoon on my head, I wouldn't accept that information as true without first assessing its validity. This can be done without physically checking the top of your head for a raccoon, by way of logical reasoning. For example, if I could see a reflection of my head and there wasn't a raccoon sitting atop it, I would be able to reasonably assume that the information that had been given to me was inaccurate.

But please, don't start criticizing my sources when you STILL haven't even provided 1


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:15 PM
May 31, 2010
There's no OWO, just big business and stupidity.

The system is flawed and as time passes the damage caused by these flaws will only accumulate until the system itself is no longer sustainable, then it collapses and a new system is introduced, with new flaws of course.

In all likelihood it's not going to happen in our lifetime, unfortunately.

Thats so...romantic:o

Caduceus Mercurius

Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Mar 3, 2012
The Netherlands
Many people still think that the Illuminati is some kind of an evil force threatening/ruling the whole planet.

But most of these people have never read the official Illuminati webpage.

I encourage you all to read that.
I read the entire website. It's about 2 million words / 3000 pages long, and it took me about 7 months to get through. It's written by and for INTPs & INTJs, particularly those with a revolutionary bent. The authors discuss philosophy, science, mathematics, psychology, mysticism, theology, history, politics, sociology, community, redistribution of wealth, the resource-based economy and many other subjects. I highly recommend everyone to read at least the front page. Don't let appearances fool you! It's not another conspiracy theory website.

If you don't feel like reading, close your eyes and listen to the audio in this video I made two days ago.



Few can see the border between the real and unreal
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Feb 20, 2012
Mind Mathematics: G = ∞, G = 0

was that so hard...


Few can see the border between the real and unreal
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Feb 20, 2012
I've come to the conclusion that "http://www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk" was not written by any sort of legitimately continued society. Therefore they are not really "The Illuminati" but are just an attempt to continue what the Illuminati stood for.


Biking in pursuit of self...
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Nov 12, 2010
Somewhere North of you.
Mind Mathematics: G = ∞, G = 0

was that so hard...
OK, unless someone changed the rules, wouldn't
G = ∞, G = 0
mean that
∞ = 0?

How can infinity be equal to zero???


Few can see the border between the real and unreal
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Feb 20, 2012
Infinity can equal zero. The question then is 'what causes it?'

That answer is mind. Illuminati say mind/imaginary number is equal to G or whatnot.

I honestly can't think of a better way to portray it. Any ideas? It seems okay to me as is.

Not sure if I buy into this "Illuminati" website though.

Caduceus Mercurius

Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Mar 3, 2012
The Netherlands
I've come to the conclusion that "http://www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk" was not written by any sort of legitimately continued society. Therefore they are not really "The Illuminati" but are just an attempt to continue what the Illuminati stood for.
Yes, that's quite possible. If the Illuminati existed in the 60s and 70s they've surely remained remarkably quiet. It's possible, of course, since they are supposed to be a secret society, but a bit unlikely. I'm not that interested in the Illuminati themselves actually. It's the topics that are discussed on the website (psychology, sociology, philosophy, community, revolution, infinity and so on) and their synthesis that are of interest to me.

The imaginary number is not equal to God, but related to time. Zero is not the same as infinity, but its flipside. The dimensional world exists in between zero and infinity.

Relevant pages:

The Genesis Singularity

The Celestial Human

The Quintessence

The God Within

Mysterium Tremendum

Escape Velocity

Philosophia Teutonica

The Imaginary Dimension

Zero and Infinity

The Incompleteness Theorem

The Great Chain of Being I

The Great Chain of Being II


used to fly like Peter Pan
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Jun 16, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I think this word is tripping up a few people:

con·spir·a·cy   [kuhn-spir-uh-see]
noun, plural con·spir·a·cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

Key thing to note here is the element of a group of people working together (meaning they are in contact and in agreement on a course of action) to ensure 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer' etc. I would agree with what Cory is saying in that I do not think it is a conspiracy in the actual sense of the word. It is something born of greed.

I guess I just can't see the type of people who seem to make up the "rich crowd" forming some kind of secret worldwide society where they meet for tea monthly and discuss world domination. Sorry that was a bit of a straw man, but I just don't see it happening. These people are fueled by greed, with a desire to beat the competition and leave them in the dust, not make friends with them and share business plans. It is exactly this lack of cooperation between people in this '10%' that would make a large-scale conspiracy impossible.

Also there are quite a few people who are rising to riches nowadays, think of those in the area of computer science, acting, or sports, who came from families that were not rich but now own quite a vast sum of money. They possess skill sets that allow them to earn high wages.

However I do agree that the 10% owning 90% of the wealth (is this an actual statistic? I have never seen one of these referenced with an actual census or anything. If anyone is aware of something that shows actual data I would love to see it so definitely make me aware of it) is an unfortunate and uncomfortable thing. Here is an article on this topic that I thought was rather interesting.

There will always be people with power (in this day and age money equals power) and there will always be far more people with varying degrees of it or without it completely. Humans are greedy for power, the ones most compelled by this work to satisfy their greed for themselves alone, as it is a selfish thing. Some may pass it on to their families, some may spend it all at their own pleasure. There may be long lasting family lines that have been and will be wealthy for a long time (I'm thinking royalty especially here) but I don't think there is inherently a conspiracy within that which could control our lives. I don't think the long standing families are the only members of the '10%' or that they control everything. There are way too many other people with power to factor in.

SIDENOTE: That website looks like it was made by a twelve year old. One would think a secret society promoting a radical worldwide shift in well, everything, as a realistic possibility would be able to present itself in a better light.

Caduceus Mercurius

Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Mar 3, 2012
The Netherlands
I posted a video in this thread where, in the first minute, the term Armageddon Conspiracy is discussed. It's primarily the title of a novel, the first book published by Mike Hockney a couple of years ago. The website is not about conspiracy theories (in fact it debunks quite a few of them). If the title trips some people up, that's their misfortune. Just as it is for those who don't read anything because the site "looks like it was made by a twelve year old".

In one of the most recent articles, the authors state: "The whole world is trying to boil down the essence of everything into a 30-second advert, a five-word soundbite. But the world can't be reduced to this infantile level. Some things are immensely complex and there's no getting away from it. This website is enormously complex. In fact, it's the most complex website on the planet. We try to simplify it as much as possible, but the fact remains that anyone who wants to understand Illuminism will have to work through two million words. That task is beyond the capabilities of most people."


used to fly like Peter Pan
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Jun 16, 2011
Ontario, Canada
I posted a video in this thread where, in the first minute, the term Armageddon Conspiracy is discussed. It's primarily the title of a novel, the first book published by Mike Hockney a couple of years ago. The website is not about conspiracy theories (in fact it debunks quite a few of them). If the title trips some people up, that's their misfortune.

This is the point I was trying to make by defining the word, like you said it was being used erroneously to portray the purpose of this website. Most of my post was in response to the posts in this thread, not the particular website itself, but I suppose we can get into that.

Just as it is for those who don't read anything because the site "looks like it was made by a twelve year old".

Actually, I have read most of the site. The fact that it is terribly designed is, however, a tell-tale sign that this isn't a professional website for an age old society whose goal is worldwide revolution. The website quotes a 2011 movie starring Justin Timberlake, uses the words "dumbocracy", "freedumb", "Super Gang", and includes the statement:
"dumbocracy must be destroyed and the people must take control of the money. Any other suggestions are bullshit and a supreme waste of time."

A well structured and compelling argument, to be sure.

This site proposes quite a number of claims without references, proof, or compelling evidence of any kind whatsoever. If there is such a thing as the Illuminati, I don't think they would want to be associated with this website (I'm assuming they would be trying to attract intelligent and rational thinking people, not conspiracy theorists and fanatics). I know I wouldn't want to be associated with it and I'm not a member of any worldwide society bent on global revolution.


Few can see the border between the real and unreal
Local time
Today 2:15 PM
Feb 20, 2012
Yes, that's quite possible. If the Illuminati existed in the 60s and 70s they've surely remained remarkably quiet. It's possible, of course, since they are supposed to be a secret society, but a bit unlikely. I'm not that interested in the Illuminati themselves actually. It's the topics that are discussed on the website (psychology, sociology, philosophy, community, revolution, infinity and so on) and their synthesis that are of interest to me.

The imaginary number is not equal to God, but related to time. Zero is not the same as infinity, but its flipside. The dimensional world exists in between zero and infinity.

Relevant pages:

The Genesis Singularity

The Celestial Human

The Quintessence

The God Within

Mysterium Tremendum

Escape Velocity

Philosophia Teutonica

The Imaginary Dimension

Zero and Infinity

The Incompleteness Theorem

The Great Chain of Being I

The Great Chain of Being II

I've read only a few of the pages and I'm only slightly impressed. I wonder why that is.
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