Bitcoin is a nice idea. In fact, it is an incredible idea. It provides you anonymous way to pay money. Hell, even if it wouldn't be anonymous then it still would be great way to pay for things. There would be no need for central banks anymore and they could function mainly as bullion dealers for I don't trust in bitcoin to handle the job fairly. I heard some bad stuff from other people about bitcoin though. Suppose, someone uses EMP on your storage device. What happens? What if there is no electricity and bitcoin is the only way to pay for stuff? The life in cities would stop, simply because we are dependent on electricity. Also, every technology is hackable. Thus, I would spend about 10% of my wealth on bitcoin. I don't have faith in electronics when we're dependent on electricity and big companies that provide it.
Currently, the world is struggling towards replacing King Dollar with something else. Instead of Petrodollar, it will probably be Petroyuan. China's drainage of gold for the past 1.5 years around ~1ton every month means that new monetary system will be based on gold again. However, I don't trust this too. We've already had gold standard and in the past, people used to deal in gold and silver only. Still, they were scammed by bankers because they can rehypothecate the gold and to this day, this scam has been running for decades. There are several times more gold contracts than real gold. That's an issue and it means that central banks are the problem. How to fix this? Just start making deals with new currency, open-source, ignore the criminals and don't do business with them. CNN has already lost 50% of it's audience and so will banks.
The biggest threat is that when bankers get into trouble, they take your attention away from their crimes by taking you and your citizens to war. This has to stop. As George Carlin said, "politicians pay attention to you when you reach military age". And he's spot on. People must refuse to let their children to go to war which is not necessary and is used to cover up crimes. Currently, US is like Venice in the past. They had huge military of mercenaries and was fucking with everybody all around Europe and Asia. In the end, world was so pissed off that they all united to take Venice out. Same fate will happen to US if they continue bombing people. Compare the strategy of China vs US: China competes with US for resources and alliances with Africa countries by investing into infrastructure, providing jobs there in factories and giving people hope. US goes into country, bombs people and then steal their resources. Which country will get more love from Africans? Some argue that US has biggest military and thus can do whatever they want. That's wrong thinking. Venice had such military and was smashed to pieces. There's been a story two years ago that China's warship fried US warship with EMP weapon. These are the weapons new war would be fought. No need for nuclear weapons anymore, just fry infrastructure of the city and then move in with army. No damage to buildings, only panicked and controllable people. <-- stupid engineers working with cool toys that will be used against them.