Toad, take a moment to stroll on over to FacetiousPersona's Fairy Castle (or w/e the eff), and you'll be instantaneously convinced that you're reading the musings of someone far disconnected with reality due to a severe lack of experience and world esteem. Also a very grandiose perception of self. And maybe an idiot with a shoebox filled with poetry who goes around telling everyone she hates poetry. *puts hands up defensively* Just sayin.
My first dealings with Face consisted of this:
Please refrain from voting if you are not INTP. Posting is fine, but the poll is for INTPs only.
What is your astrological sign and, regardless of how incredibly stupid you may think astrology is (I am certainly one of them), do you see any relation in the description of your sign to your INTPness?
Our DoB decides which MBTI type we are!
Hmmm... I would doubt that my being born in November is what made me an INTP... Were you making fun of me? lol
No, I'm entirely serious. Every INTP was born in November.
Face, what's the deal? If you're bored, go ahead and vote. Just stop posting hooks.
There are criticisms below the surface.
That's Fac for you, Cobra. But s/he's actually nice to have around, as long as you read hir posts with a grain of humour and some cynicism.
Hmm. I'm neither convinced nor impressed. And it's led the thread astray. I hold a grain of humour and cynicism to the posts of people I'm familiar with. I hold no obligation to those with whom I'm not. Sorry, Face. You're a close talker.
Casual reactionary rhetoric. I have no respect for this. Since that day, I neither hated Face nor enjoyed her company. I felt that she brought no intellectual stimulation to
anything that has ever happened on this forum, contrary to (perhaps a somewhat) popular belief. Put simply, when Face would run out of things with which to propose a reactionary contradiction, she made sexually explicit comments about her body and lifestyle whilst wading in a sea of virgins. If that's not reactionary, I don't know what in the blue fuck
I hate to label people with unsavory pop culture coinings like "troll" (usually because people who are labeled as "trolls," in my experience, do not wake up with the intent of derailing forum threads... they simply wake up each day bored because no one is reacting to them, and when found on forums and other types of conversational websites they are labeled as these mythical destroyers [further fanning their flames]), but if anyone has ever fit the mold most unconsciously and most ignorantly (to the utmost sense of adverbial tags) it has been Face. That's my opinion. Not necessarily others.'
I say
all this in the obvious peril of doing exactly what I just denounced; fanning flames, and such. But since trolls, in my opinion, don't actually do as much damage as legend seems to have it, I doubt my contribution to a banned ex-member's inverse ego will really do any more harm than DEVOTING AN ENTIRE WING OF THE FORUM TO HER. Although I've never questioned the Mods, Face's corner of the forum definitely had me coming close. But, since it little more than confused me, I never really spoke my opinion on the matter. Besides, would it have closed her wing? Definitely not. Is that my goal on INTPForum? Absolutely not. So who cares? Carry on. She's a dead pixel, so it was of no concern. Most people probably thought I had her on Ignore like Da Blob has done to me.
Anyway, make up your own mind about Face. I'm sure there's some validity to why some people seem to enjoy her secretly pissing in everyone's cheerios when they're not paying attention.