Another good question. Look for a formula? Avoid rigidity. Are open themes better than closed ones because they invite or closed ones better than open because they accomplish?
Perhaps that would be best determined by the subforum? As of now, it seems to be one of many things we do not know (?)
Definitions! I associate science with analysis and art with context for values. Each uses the other though.
Yes, but should there not be a balance struck between the deconstruction that is analysis and the construction that is self-expression?
One can look for descriptive terminology but my thought is the terminology could be as difficult as the issue. To make a good forum, one needs good themes, good people, good technology, good management. These come from the outside, not inside. Given those inputs, would that work?
Ummm, no not really, the causality is inverted, if it works then all of the elements listed can be said to be good. However, gathering the best of assets does not mean the best of outcomes, re: Systems Theory
Da Blob, Note:
Qualities of a good forum:
1. Good themes - must have content
2. Good people - must be able to relate to that content
3. Good technology - must have liquidity of interaction
4. Good management - must have guidance when things inevitably go awry
5. Good interface with outside (publicity) to overcome attrition & replenish
This is a 'good' list, yet it seems to hint at a yet unidentified dynamic system, the process by which a forum, like a living organism, uses resources to flourish and grow - in some manner, whether in quality or quantity or both preferably.