So the news is 5 months old by now.
I went with building a less over-kill machine with:
GTX 970
and 240 SSD + all the parts to make it work that I'cba'd to list unless asked.
I still feel like it was an overkill since I can run any game in 1080 60 fps on maxed settings, I have headroom with custom cooling and overclockable cpu/gpu parts too, so I just want to see if it lasts for another 1,5 years or maybe the industry will make a leap.
I had some fun making it work, but I found I'm not really into assembling computer parts or cable management/fancy cool looks. What I had a lot more fun with was reconfiguring my old PC for the role of experimental server that could host some applications or programs as well as being a general FTP/media cloud for when I'm out. That does take some energy to have it constantly running, but I mostly turn it on when I leave and I feel like I'll need it, also remote boot is awesome, but I haven't managed to set it up yet.