Soul Shade
The issues he raised weren't really that difficult to understand and they were all explained to him multiple times in multiple different ways by multiple users. Maybe you're right and he really was as oblivious as you're saying. If that's the case then he's just irreconcilably stupid.
I don't know which one BAP would find a bigger insult. Being called manipulative or moronic.
If manipulation was his goal he was very very bad at it. The results speak for this. Either way, using your form of speech, he would be a stupid manipulator.
Personally, I am not calling him moronic or stupid as these are just catch all words and are insulting while disregarding the real issue he is facing. He is not stupid or moronic. He has good posts and says things I agree with and thoughts that require a good measure of intelligence. I am saying he lacks a certain understanding of social dynamics. Not everyone is capable of understanding the complexity of various individuals in all aspects.
Certain aspects of social rules and consequences elude me too. My understanding of why shock images are bad and what a shock image is and how it affects others is beyond my ability to grasp. I cannot even identify what a shock image is. I have committed an offense against this forum because of this inefficiency. I have attempted to question and pursue an understanding to fully grasp this concept but I am left blind and with the fear of committing the same act again. I have seen BAP suffer this line of thought and go through the same search for understanding on other social aspects. I have seen him question and question and question hoping to define these social concepts so that he may not commit the same offenses. I have gone through it and so I recognize it.
From the perception of others, at first, I was simply making excuses and was unable to let go of being reprimanded and wanting to debate it for those reasons. In truth I had a hole in my understanding that could not be filled and it was an irritation and provided me with a fear of falling prey to the same inadequacies and the same ignorance of social rules and concepts. It may seem obvious to others what a shock image is and it may be easy to make claim that I am stupid because I do not understand but that is oversimplification. I know I am not stupid. I simply have limits in certain areas.
It would be best if those limits were accepted and understood but that is not within the limits of everyone else to do so. In the end I simply avoid posting images.
The solution for BAP is equally obvious if he is willing to accept it.