Thought I'd share this with you guys. Thoughts?
What does this mean for science as we know it? What kind of uses does this have now that we can essentially reverse the flow of entropy?
I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I'm going to wait until the tech-support staff at the laboratory in question ensure that all the fiber optic cables were properly connected during the experiment. Remember that supposedly faster-than-light neutrino? The data showing it moving faster than light resulted from a fiber optic cable being unplugged-- I bet that C.E.R.N.'s IT guys were laughing their heads off after they received a call to this effect:
Physicist: Hello, is this tech support?
Tech Support: Yes, this is tech support. What seems to be the problem?
Physicist: Well, my particle collider is on the fritz. It's been saying that a neutrino just went FTL.
Tech Support: FTL?
Physicist: Faster-than-light. If the machine is right, I'll be a Nobel laur--
Tech Support: --Did you plug it in?
Physicist: Um, well, uh, let me check on that...*rumbling, clanking, crashing* *pause* No, darn it, no I did not. *click*
The moral of the story being, of course, to wait for further verification before declaring that science as we know it has changed.