Funny you mention it, as I was just making this point... to myself!
I thought I was loosing my mind when I started talking to myself, but it's so helpful in clarifying my thoughts that I did it anyway. My sense is that since my thought process is non-sequential (I consider it holographic, or outside-in, or fuzzy-all-at-once-details-later) I need the imposed order of sentences to keep from trying to imagine everything at once, and therefore having nothing worth saying. But I only use it after the thought has taken hold. It's the birthing process. Conception requires less talking and more...
I'll see your quirk and raise you a psychosis: I sometimes talk to myself in accents to give what I'm saying a different vibe.
Yeah I get what you mean, my heads a sea of swirling thoughts, often only small bits or segments splashing me in the face; until I get swept aqua by a big wave, where then I start talking about that particular thought and debate and evaluate then question it all again. After that I'll find and go down lots of irresistible tangents then link it back to my original thought. This process normally can take between 5 to 20 mins, depending on how many tangents etc I go down and I'll often notice about halfway through that I'm talking about it.
This train of thoughts can often touch lots of stuff that goes cold turkey though. Apart from the original thought - often the tangents serve to help explain what I deviated from.
I fold to your psychosis, as it's distracting from my quirk, so distracting I decorated some of my words with fancy descriptive words.
Talk to myself 2x-3x as much as I talk to anyone else.
Most people are too boring...and...I'm just interesting as fuck.
This where I shut up and pretend to listen, as soon as people are involved, especially boring people, I can focus clearly internally on them, or the conversation around me. It's like I have room to breath when alone and can express myself out loud to myself
No but seriously, I can have entire conversations with myself without realizing it, and then I'll have been talking to myself wondering about what I've said to myself and then I notice and I just go wtf.
COLOR="DarkOrange"[]I do this, though a subconscious debate that suddenly becomes real clear when I notice, which seems to be much sooner these days. But I carry on anyway.[/COLOR]
For example, I can't fucking stand, or even maintain smalltalk. If people around me or to me are only conversing in this manner I will gladly (lol, usually unconsciously) begin to converse with myself instead.
COLOR="DarkOrange"[]Again I shut up, or just reply with my default smalltalk to end the conversation quicker.
Is this almost a coping mechanism wherein you almost hope others will join in a decent conversation rather than petty small speak?[/COLOR]
Oddly enough, this female ISTP was talking to me, and so I conversed with her, and somehow drifted into "somewhat" smalltalk territory, being the badass smart jocks that ISTPs are, she went "ha, I know you're not interested in that stuff." I honestly was just unconsciously continuing the conversation, but when she said it, it came to me that I really didn't care, just attempting to maintain the facade of sociability. I do have an affinity for ISxx's lol xD
Should of got her digitzz. Shame.
Far too often in conversation with anyone, I am far too obsessed with the idea of the conversation, the Ne-Ti stuff, not in the actual person LOL.
This here is threadworthy
. You surely converse about subject to exchange and check information, so the persons already lost relevance, unless it's a specific person with knowledge you're interested in. You can share ideas with anyone and see what they think, their opinions might not matter to you or may be utter dogshit; in which case you can then decide whether or not to talk to them in future or if they may matter in future.
My general view is the person doesn't matter, it's the information they have to offer which does.
But this is all assuming you're after stimulating conversation, and not that fluffy stuff that makes me want to vomit.
I often talk to myself as though I was explaining a concept to someone else. I ask myself questions too, and see if my unserstanding is enough to answer them.
It generally happens without my realizing, I just suddenly break into a soliloquy with two separate personas. I share the same sentiment that this process is helpful. I think the questions I ask myself are useful, since it's somewhat like trying to teach a concept - which makes me really flesh it out in detail.
Actually I do the same thing when other people are around. Every now and then I realize while I'm doing it, but mostly it seems unconscious.
Also I tend to end up unintentionally mimicking people's speech/behaviour patterns when I'm around them. Like I can fake enthusiasm without even intending to, I just adopt whatever the current mood is in some unconscious way.
I do all of this, except using different persona's. It's always as if I'm speaking a monologue and someone else is listening, then I'll explain myself in a way that answers unsaid questions. A natural progression of thought.
Sometimes I do question myself and what I'v said out loud though, without the pretence of being someone else though.
I do the mimicking thing too, but it's quite subtle and only seems to be around people I respect. Often lacking real enthusiasm though.