It depends.
Sun light according to some sources, says you have to be exposed to the strongest sun in the day.
That is when the sun is highest and also it has to be summer time, because if the sun rays have to cut through longer atmosphere it means the effect of vitamin D production is not happening.
In other words you need only 15 minutes of strongest summer sun to have enough to last the whole year.
But how many days I am not sure.
If you get exposed to too much to sun your pigment blocks vit D production.
Personally I would not be surprised if sunburns on skin prevent skin from manufacturing vit D either.
When it comes to supplements it depends how well your body absorbs the vitamin.
Very likely most of the vitamin does not get absorbed.
@birdsnestfern is correct in this sense that higher amounts are more likely to have positive effect, and you have to subtract the vitamin D that does not get absorbed.
SO if only 50 percent get absorbed then taking 30 000 IU could really be equal to getting 15 000 IU.
There also seems to be a different effect.
That is deficit mode the body works differently than in high amounts.
Vit D activates all cells in body.
If you have say 50 percent of vit D than the norm then that means all the cells in body work on 50 percent.
Vit D is not classified anymore as vitamin, but a hormone since it makes body cells active.
Vitamin science is not clear what is optimal or even what is necessary.
According to videos I watched on youtube by UCTV the doctor said that vitamin D is preventive medicine.
He claims the deficits in vit D are among people around equator as well as they hide form sun in afternoon time so they actually can have higher deficits than those higher above equator.
He also says the regular measured vit D on equators in African tribes exceeds by a larger than expected margin to what is considered the healthy norm by current recommendations by WHO and other organizations.
He also claims overdose is near impossible, though there are things like calcification that might happen in overdose.
Though its not clear what causes overcalcification and whether it is directly caused by vit D.
Calcium in bones gets absorbed only by physical activity. Therefore having calcium in blood does not translate to having calcium in bones, unless the body absorbs the calcium into bone, through mechanisms that are largely not clear yet, but physical activity is better predictor than drinking fortified milk or having higher amounts of calcium in blood.
When the doctor asked vit D specialist to anonymously place a number of IU of vit D on paper, that is how much they supplement he added the average up to be around 9000 IU daily. That is the people who study the vitamin D.
I doubt these people have reasons to promote vit D commercially too much as its dirty cheap.
So I would assume they are not lying, but who knows.
People of darker skin are more likely to suffer vit D deficiency.
EDIT: As you know I took Vit D + K and pooped it whole up, since it was not taken after fatty meal.
Fat soluble means you need to eat fat with vit D or taking vit D is meaningless.