Geez, you people really suck! I mean, just look at how you do whatever cheese tells you. I bet if he (she? arrrgh!) told you to get naked and hug eachother you'd do that too, huh? You'd pretty much have to. It's discouraging to know just how much sway that little dino really has around here. Pretty soon we're gonna all be holding hands, really really hard until we break them, because that's what the sicko wants to see -- everyone close together in tremendous pain. They're easier to control that way, or so I've heard. You know he's videotaping this, right? It's going right on his website, alongside videos of all the other rape victims. Noddy's website, I mean. Cheese is obviously a girl.
And now I see that I too am compelled to say something in response. Just another fool. Dammit, cheese'n'friends! Fine, fine. I can't help but say I was nodding along in acknowledgement of the truth of one of cheese's last posts (you know which one, the GOOD one!), along with Jennywocky and Auburn's responses. It (that post/this thread) reminds me alot of an earlier thread Auburn started, which really created an atmosphere of openness. I recall having many thoughts about that thread, but I didn't say anything, mainly because I don't really feel I belong here anyway. I felt like anything I said would somehow pollute the atmosphere others had so beautifully created. I suppose I feel that way now too, but I just don't care as much about saying the wrong things as I used to. It's something I'm trying to get over.
One line of thought I recall is this: This place seems tragic to me. Not tragic in that it sucks -- it doesn't suck, I enjoy it. But tragic in that it often seems like potential is being wasted. Potential for people to communicate without all the boundaries already mentioned; without egos and facades; without fear of being wrong, silly, evil or stupid; without concern for how you fit in, whether you do, whether anyone does, or whether you 'seem like an INTP', an NT, or anything else. It seems tragic because there are occasional glimpses of that kind of openness, and the kind of interaction you see then makes you (well, makes me, at least) wish you saw it more often.
But then, I'm projecting. Badly. I say these things because I don't like the person I've become, and that's a personal problem I shouldn't project onto this forum. I care far too much about how I'm perceived, online or off. I'm usually afraid to say anything that might offend anyone. It's sickening, really. I doubt I've ever had the kind of open interaction with people that I admire from afar. I feel like I want it desperately but then I ensure it can't happen with my obsessiveness. Gah. I'm not at all well-equipped, it seems, to follow my own advice, and it's likely I'm just talking to myself here. I don't know. I think I'll shut up.
I'll say this though: I like snafu. What the hell is wrong with you, cheddah? Everyone pisses me off at some point though. Especially the 'established' members who just complain about other people's posts (like I'm doing right now) instead of risking looking stupid by posting some ideas of their own. Noobs are awesome because they'll say anything. They don't care about you and your stupid judgments. (it's possible I'm imagining all of this, but it seems true)