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Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Aug 22, 2011
I always considered myself one, but I have recently discovered I am an INTP. Any relation to the two? I'm stating to believe that I'm just one of those ignorant narcissists who like to belive the are a Sociopath. I am lost in my own mind with thought, I can't seem to bring them together to form a conclusion. *sigh*


Local time
Today 7:10 AM
Jul 23, 2010
I always considered myself one, but I have recently discovered I am an INTP. Any relation to the two? I'm stating to believe that I'm just one of those ignorant narcissists who like to belive the are a Sociopath. I am lost in my own mind with thought, I can't seem to bring them together to form a conclusion. *sigh*
You hoped you were a sociopath so that you could feel proud that you are free from the mental bondage of anti-individualistic feelings, and you became a little disappointed to find that you are not. Am I right? I think I had those same experiences.


Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Aug 22, 2011
You hoped you were a sociopath so that you could feel proud that you are free from the mental bondage of anti-individualistic feelings, and you became a little disappointed to find that you are not. Am I right? I think I had those same experiences.

You hit it RIGHT on the nail. It took me 20 years of questioning myself to finally take the initiative to do some research on why I felt so different. I usualy just get lost in branches of thoughts, just to give up on trying to rationalize what the hell is wrong with me. Sociopathy opened my eyes. The characteristics were SO similar. But alas, it wasnt a perfect fit. But it was better then going back to the empty void of uncertainty. I have accepted the title of an INTP, both Flaws and Strengths. Although, thinking I was a Socipath was much more exciting :P

Although, I still will never understand why I pathologically lie for fun. Even for small things that have absolutely zero purpose. I just feel like I need to lie... About anything and everything.

Dimensional Transition

Bill Cosbor, conqueror of universes
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Nov 3, 2010
the Netherlands
Do you mean anti-social personality disorder or psychopathy?


The little professor
Local time
Today 1:10 PM
May 3, 2011
I read a long time ago, that the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths, is that psychopaths accept the current code of morality, and then go and do something different, that satisfies their desires and needs, while the sociopath comes up with their own code of morality, and then acts according to that.

INTPs are Ti-Ne. We analyse what we individually know, and then come up with ideas as a result. So we develop our own theories of morality, based on our subjective understandings of the world, which makes us our moralities unique to each INTP. We then apply Fe, to ensure that our unique codes of morality do not cause problems for others. For that reason, I believe that INTPs are sociopaths, but in a way that doesn't really hurt others, so long as others actually make the effort to understand our code of morality, and how it doesn't have to hurt others.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 3:10 AM
Mar 14, 2010
I've wondered about this too at times. I eventually decided some people have genetic predispositions that give them the possibility of developing into a sociopath or psychopath if they are treated poorly by other people or treated unfairly enough that any moral rules make no sense to follow. And maybe INTPs have that. That's as much as I'm ever going to say though.


observing y'all from my UFO. inevitably coming dow
Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Nov 4, 2010
INTPs might a-social, but they are not anti-social (as in Anti social personality disorder / psychopath / sociopath)

INTP = neutral, not much love, not much hate (lack of empathy, both positive as well as negative, more in a kind of schizoid/asperger/autistic kind of non-hurting way)

aspd/psychopath/sociopath = lots of hate (although they call it "lack of empathy" in text books, they actually mean "lack of positive empathy", because it is actually lots of empathy of the negative kind (hate): "negative empathy")

Lying is something you do to enemies, not to friends. If you do it to friends, then you see your friends as enemies, thus you see everybody as an enemy, which is a sickness.
Lying = strong thinking influenced by weaker hate feelings. (hate is for your enemies)
Lying = good for you, but bad for the other


The little professor
Local time
Today 1:10 PM
May 3, 2011
INTPs might a-social, but they are not anti-social (as in Anti social personality disorder / psychopath / sociopath)
Skywalker, if you noticed, I differentiated between psychopaths and sociopaths. Psychopaths are anti-social. Sociopaths are a-social.

Both are going to be a problem, if you intend on living in a society with others, because either you are behaving like an a**, or you behaving like a hermit, which most people seem to assume means you ARE behaving like an anti-social a**.

Don't have to like it. But society isn't about what you like. It's about what most DO.


Local time
Today 5:10 AM
Sep 30, 2009
I'm not sure where all these differentiations between sociopathy, psychopathy, and antisocial personality disorder come from. They all describe the same behaviour, and they certainly are not the same as being INTP.

There are a few minor parallels in our behaviour; for instance, both groups tend to not conform particularly well to social norms. However, we do it for different reasons and in different ways. An INTP might refuse to attend church because they find it absurd, while someone with APD might burn it down because they find it boring


Redshirt already dead
Local time
Tomorrow 2:10 AM
Jul 31, 2011
I think it's important to carefully define what exactly sociopathy is. It is a disorder that is expressed as a seeming lack of conscience; sociopaths may emotionally manipulate others for their own benefit without having any guilt or shame. Sociopathy is at its essence a failure to internalise societal norms. It differs from psychopathy mainly in cause (psycho- something wrong in the head; socio- something wrong in the upbringing). The outcomes are quite similar, and are both types of antisocial personality disorder, and can be seen as a lack of fear and conscience.

While INTPs do tend to have the detachment to analyse emotion in others, and also the ability to detach ourselves from our society to a degree, and to look at its norms from a wider view, I would hesitate to call us sociopaths. We might make good sociopaths, but for having consciences and fear.


Local time
Today 5:10 AM
Aug 27, 2011
Let me tell you another aspect of a (sociapath) I spent four years in the service and noticed that the true (sociapaths) always made the best killers. Why not? they couldnt feel like (normal) people could. So they labeled them scoiapaths and the government used them to assasinate or murder who ever they determined needed to be wacked. After they got out, there was no place for them. They were doing what they did best at. When their usefulness came too an end they were either wacked themselfs or got ignored and forgoten about with no real place for them in civilian life.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 8:10 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
I've met sociopaths. I've met INTPs. I am an INTP. I am not a sociopath. There's a difference between the two.

That said, I've met one sociopath INTP. So, it's possible.


Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Jul 1, 2011
People are quick to use this label on anyone they "don't understand". I can see how the label would fit me from certain angles, if having a strong sense of individuality make me a sociopath, i guess I'm one. Although i think i do have sincere attachments.


Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Jul 1, 2011
.......... do they rate sociopaths in percentages? i would say i'm about an 90% sociopath, cos i do my own ting.


Local time
Today 2:10 PM
Jan 15, 2008
There is peoples imagination, and then there is responsibility for others feelings. Imagined offence, even if populated, isn't an offence. Sometimes there is a point with laws. Common rules on the other hand, now, those are mostly just crap, but in an Fe sort of way. But for most people they work, so, so my opinion doesn't much matter. Unless I can come up with something better.

Like when writing I follow the rules, I notice. So I think the rebel is in my head, there are just slight deviances, sometimes. Depressing. I do think a gentle shake up/wake up could be needed.


Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Jul 1, 2011
I read over some sociopath post, some very awkwardly funny debates, i've noticed that I matched most the symptoms, I'm not in denial about it, i just feel normal, although i tend to accuse other of the disorder just to sway them off track.


Local time
Today 1:10 PM
Feb 6, 2017
The back of beyond!
Just replying generally here, not to any specific comment. My Dad is an INTP - Totally beats to the sound of his own drum and was diagnosed with Aspergers too. He can seem detached and cold in the way he delivers information and I've never known him to have a single friend in his life (other than my brother and I). If I take the time to see the world through his eyes and not mine, I totally understand him and he certainly isn't sociopathic, he's a very kind, sweet natured man, but in his own way. If you don't know him, you won't know that his actions speak louder than his words - He never says 'I love you' - never, but he does show you... subtly, but it's there.

I suspect any of the personality types could potentially glean a sociopathic name tag given the right circumstances in childhood. I would imagine a fair few of them are extroverts too rather than introverts - though I'm sure that could be wrong - I'm not an expert. I say that because I've read that they often need a feed of attention, and an air of charm in order to manipulate. Although I hate saying 'they' we are all so different, even when we meet on the same or similar spectrums. We can't tar one another with the same brush. Are INTP's known to be manipulators do you think? I wouldn't know, I'm an INFP. No interest at all in manipulating anyone. I'm more, go forth and be yourself beings... leave me out of it lol, I've got my own little world to live in.

As someone else has already said... the thinking (I've most recently read, no idea if it's psychologically up to date) is that psychopaths are born and sociopaths are made.

There's an interesting debate online about whether Sherlock Homes (despite being fictional) was a Sociopath, the feeling is that he appears more like a man on the spectrum - Aspergers. So was Sherlock one of you chosen few too do you think? Maybe there's no such thing as Sociopathy or Aspergers and it's all one big spectrum that all of us possess elements of up to a greater or lesser degree? We humans do love to pidgeon hole and group information, admirable, but we do miss shades of grey.
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