I think we should all do acid with Perseus. It might help.
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The Eagle and its Feathers
Most all North American Native People attach special significance to the Eagle and its feathers.
Both Bald and Golden Eagles (and their feathers) are highly revered and considered sacred within Native traditions, culture and religion. They are honoured with great care and shown the deepest respect. They represent honesty, truth, majesty, strength, courage, wisdom, power and freedom. As they roam the sky, they are believed to have a special connection to Creator.
According to traditional Native beliefs, the Creator made all the birds of the sky when the World was new. Of all the birds, the Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader... the Master of the Sky.
The Eagle flies higher and sees better than any other bird. Therefore, its perspective is different from other creations that are held close to the Earth, and it is closer to the Creator. The Creator also has a different perspective of what occurs below in this world of physical things in which humankind resides. The Eagle spends more time in the higher element of Father Sky than other birds, and Father Sky is an element of the Spirit.