The Void
then you shouldbeget out of your nihilistic circle
On the contrary, it is the nihilism that helped me transcend beyond these shits of life.
then you shouldbeget out of your nihilistic circle
On the contrary, it is the nihilism that helped me transcend beyond these shits of life.
I want to, eat Manchurian Fried Rice, but too lazy to stand up and buy it.
This discontentment makes me keep going.
When I become fully content, and the void in me gets filled, that is when the real void occurs in me.
seems like a leap from one shit to another
You transcended from a huge pile of shit to...a...less smelly pile of shit
seems like a leap from one shit to another
You transcended from a huge pile of shit to...a...less smelly pile of shit
As you can see I was outside internet for some days. I spent my time in seclusion, observing the patterns of universe, and in continuous deep thought for 1.5 days and then I gained enlightenment. Or more like shitlightenment.
All is shit!
Mass is a form of energy. Also, energy is a form of mass. They are all the same thing.
Mass energy all is conserved. Everything in the cosmos is continuously changing form.
If you look beyond impermanence you will find the constancy. Everything is shit.
Everything is a different form of shit.
Shit is a form of mass.
Energy is a form of mass.
It is all shit.
Cause and effect. Causality is everything.
Effect is nothing but the cause in different form. How? You have to find that out yourselves.
Thus if there is a God, God is also a form of shit. Whether is God, or Dog, all is the same shit in different forms.
We intake foods from nature. We shit them out. The shit goes back to nature. Nature gives birth to food. This is shit cycle.
All is just shit but in different forms.
ALL IS SHIT. (Proved)
That is simple. You just think you want things that you don't actually want. You get them and you experience disappointment or buyer's remorse or whatever.
I am not really sure that boredom can be rooted out like that.
But who says I dont enjoy?OP, I'm sorry for deviating, but not intentionally.
I think you missed the point though.
All ends up as shit, after it goes through the processes,
but it begins as something else.
It's all about the experience and processes, mane.
Step #10 might = shit, but what about steps #1-9?
Why not enjoy them? Even if in spite of #10
You grow old and die, yes, but why not enjoy all that comes before even if in spite of the end?
You are correct. I have (perhaps falsely) assumed that your seemingly melancholic/suicidal rants was the equivalent of not enjoying, but that is not necessarily true.But who says I dont enjoy?
Labotomies eradicate boredom as far as we know.
Regardless of everything else you wrote, rooting out boredom really isn't that hard. You can easily do it by smoking some weed. In doing that, you are in a sense practicing neuroscience. We don't need to make things more complicated than they are, ya know.
Obviously smoking weed isn't perfect and there are better solutions now and on the horizon. But it does give some hint as to how easy it actually is to eliminate boredom.
You are correct. I have (perhaps falsely) assumed that your seemingly melancholic/suicidal rants was the equivalent of not enjoying, but that is not necessarily true.
I am not really sure that boredom can be rooted out like that. I guess it is related to memory.
The more memory and the more experience I have with something, the more boring it is.
At first it is all interesting, and then the mind, gets too used to it.
As most are now, yes. But keep in mind, people already have vastly different thresholds for when or what they can actually get bored of. I know people who can watch a movie 20 times over a 3 year timespan and be excited every time and I can't watch any movie more than once every 12 or so years without it being shitty boring. There are massive variables just within the current systems we currently utilize. This speaks a lot for the potential that lies in the possibility of changing them or influencing them.But can boredom be rooted out without altering memories?
When you master a game get some 300 damage in a rpg game and kill monsters at one hit, there remains no purpose to it anymore, the journey is complete,
the moment spent seeking it is gone, will the mind, really can play on the game without boredom after that, which such skill is achieved, the fun is in the journey, in improving the skill,
That's a very valid point. Unintended consequences (bugs) from design flaws can occur in some designs. We already see unintended wider-than-ideal consequences from the crude methods used in pharmacology. Seeing it as being highly unlikely that it is at all possible to modify things in ways that don't have negative side effects seems very pessimistic though.rooting out boredom may not be so simple, (while keeping humans still as normal humans),
All these kinda sound too high expectations, if it works it works, but I really cant help but doubt it, lots of things can be related to lots of things, eliminitating one bad thing may eliminate one important thing too, it is not all so black and white after all....
The mind gets accustomed to it in a manner. The manner can be changed or designed out in the next version.Being in a pleasure state 24/7 will lose its value, you never live feeling like it is all so special 24/7, even buddha messes up, the mind will get accustomed to it, evolution will do it,
It can be analyzed from history,
human society never really becomes truly perfect,
with solutions to one problem even more problems appeared, medicine improving, health decreasing, humans getting too dependant, but science, comes up with solutions, but again worse problems arise, it is an eternal cycle, if what you say works out then great, but I am not sure....
Now people may live in more comfort and all, but now even sillier things depresses people,
now people get even more easily depressed,
but old days, were not so golden either, slaves, wars, bla bla bla,
something progresses, something congresses,
Yes I agree with you on all the points.As you are now, yes.
As most are now, yes. But keep in mind, people already have vastly different thresholds for when or what they can actually get bored of. I know people who can watch a movie 20 times over a 3 year timespan and be excited every time and I can't watch any movie more than once every 12 or so years without it being shitty boring. There are massive variables just within the current systems we currently utilize. This speaks a lot for the potential that lies in the possibility of changing them or influencing them.
That's a very valid point. Unintended consequences (bugs) from design flaws can occur in some designs. We already see unintended wider-than-ideal consequences from the crude methods used in pharmacology. Seeing it as being highly unlikely that it is at all possible to modify things in ways that don't have negative side effects seems very pessimistic though.
It necessitates not only that the current systems necessary for the kinds of wellbeing we currently enjoy as humans are intertwined in an irreducible manner with systems necessary for the kinds of suffering we experience (in this case boredom and... excitement or stimulation or something), but that one can't build a new system that in the end achieves largely the same experiences but won't yield the suffering ones automatically in any situation.
Also, we might invent cognitive systems that can qualitatively provide much more amazing qualia in "feeling" than what any human has ever experienced before, without the systems working in a way from which whip is co-emergent with carrot.
The mind gets accustomed to it in a manner. The manner can be changed or designed out in the next version.
It's not necessarily an eternal cycle. Inductive reasoning relying on occurences from a slice of time where humans could not directly intervene in their own change is not reliable when it comes to a topic that transcends the relatively static element of human nature and physiology.
One could argue that human nature will steer how human nature will change to. And it will and it has. But the potential for changes that are on the horizon that we now discuss are the sort that can quickly lead to situations so alien from the starting point that it doesn't even apply anymore. Evolutionary ancestors far back had very different natures to us, and through very small incremental steps we arose as something very different from that. The steps to come through new technique can be galaxies to those grains of sand.
Labotomies eradicate boredom as far as we know.
Labotomies eradicate boredom as far as we know
Is that seriously your argument? What are you implying?
No No, it is different, it is not rooting out boredom, but that is just distracting the mind under simulation,
like even spamming the forum is enough to kick out boredom for me,
but that doesnt mean boredom is dead,
If necessary it may be possible to retain the functional analogs of pain, suffering, boredom but without the unpleasant experience. After all, pain does serve a function sometimes. But not all the dont eliminate it but simulate\entertain the mind, so that it dont get the chance to be bored.
What you are saying is not coherent with the base of the topic at hand, or the point I was trying to imply.
Boredom is combated using variation.
Now if humans gain some easy access to super blissful state,
then pleasure will get so easy to access, and they will get so much easy control over it, that the gettting-used-to-it function of the mind, will deteriorate the speciality of that state, and the state will lose its gravity,
Even while feeling all orgasmic pleasure, the mind may interpret it as nothing special,
mere pleasure and pain is nothing, it all depends on how the mind interprets it,
like sometimes, I can make the mind interpret pain as pleasure,
but to solve that thing something have to be done to the getting-used-to-it function of the mind (this function is the primary cause of boredom) but again eliminating this function can cause adverse side effects.
There is a possibility that it may work out (what you say), the very effect of eternal bliss may root out boredom forever, but I am just sketical a bit, but in the end I dont care.... because I have no business with all that,
oh there is another solution: the neuroscientists can scan my transcended brain, and find out what is special in me, and make everyone like me, beyond suffering and pleasure muhahahahah.
: )Yes I agree with you on all the points.
In the last part, I am not saying that humans will mess up, I am just saying it can be a possibility not necessarily a certainty,
I just like the term eternal cycle, I just make use of it everywhere without thinking much, just to dramatize stuff.
Yes I know about the distraction term, I just couldnt find a better term to say what I meant,Distraction is a word used for occasions when something important is supposedly going on, but your mind is elsewhere. That doesn't seem to apply here.
In other words, if your mind is being stimulated so it isn't bored, then that IS rooting out boredom. You seem to imply some alternative state where the mind is not stimulated but also not bored. You should know better. According to your silly Buddhists, form is emptiness and emptiness is form. In other words, there is no emptiness because it is always filled, there is always stimulation of some sort. If you are doing something that doesn't bore you, you aren't bored.
If necessary it may be possible to retain the functional analogs of pain, suffering, boredom but without the unpleasant experience. After all, pain does serve a function sometimes. But not all the time.
Yes I know about the distraction term, I just couldnt find a better term to say what I meant,
I will use an analogy here,
there is a devil standing infront of you,
you dont want see that ugly face, you just went to the other room to play video game,
but that doesnt mean the devil is killed, he is still standing there,
and again when your game is played and you will return back, the devil will be standing for you,
bad analogy but I guess the point is got accross.
boredom,That goes along with the first thing I said - if you say 'distraction' you imply that there is some other ominous thing going on you are ignoring.
My question is, what thing is that?
What I mean, when we simulate ourselves, the boredom disappears from the picture, or we are too absorbed in the simulation, boredom dont occurs,
but when the simulation occurs the boredom is there remaining,
it had been waiting all along.
So it is not killed permanently, otherwise it would not reappear again and again.
The only good possibility may be some genetic modification....(or special mental training).....(or varying simulations)
But in the end, what ever it is, I still think it will be possible to refine people minds far better than how it is now through neuroscientific means...
No no no, I didnt mean that boredom is something to be faced,I don't believe that. When boredom is gone, it is gone. When it does occur, it is just your brain's way of saying, 'hey, find something better to do.'
What is so important to you about boredom that you feel the need to face it? What is so bad about stimulation?
Dude... you just posted 6 hours of video for me to watch. I have other things to do.. as much as I'd love to just answer everyone's arguments with "just read The Singularity Is Near" I know that I have to take everything I have learned and process it for you all into a few paragraphs so you can actually do something with it.
Give me something meant for me specifically, from you specifically.
Isn't the fact that i oppose your position enough to be curious about why?
No. Who do you think you are? Lol. In fact, your apparent inability to state them yourself makes me a lot less curious about your position, whatever it is.
Let ignorance dwell where ignorance is due then...
The novice will decide him/her-self to focus their attention at any given topic, if they truly are dedicated to understand.
well, what can we learn from this?
Definitely an odd thing for you to say, considering you posted the same vid in this topic 3 times and practically begged me to watch it. Still waiting.
OP, I'm sorry for deviating, but not intentionally.
I think you missed the point though.
All ends up as shit, after it goes through the processes,
but it begins as something else.
It's all about the experience and processes, mane.
Step #10 might = shit, but what about steps #1-9?
Why not enjoy them? Even if in spite of #10
You grow old and die, yes, but why not enjoy all that comes before even if in spite of the end?