"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world. The theory of biological evolution is more than "just a theory." It is as factual an explanation of the universe as the atomic theory of matter or the germ theory of disease. Our understanding of gravity is still a work in progress. But the phenomenon of gravity, like evolution, is an accepted fact."
-American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Many people, creationists in particular, seem vary unaware of what a theory actually is. When someone says, "evolution is just a theory, though", they seem to be implying that it's a good guess at best. As said above, a theory is an explanation that is backed with a mountain of facts/evidence. When did the definition of a theory, or more specifically a scientific theory, become lost and/or misunderstood?
A possible explanation is:
When public education about science and politics was introduced, and when everyone got TV.
Before then, no-one was taught any science in school, unless you were part of the elite, or you were one of the very, very few, who would be given a scholarship for a better life. Everyone else went to work by 16 at the latest, and it was common for them to work 12 hours a day. There wasn't time to question or learn that much about science. Even if you had the time, you didn't have access to the material for self-study. It didn't matter if a theory was just a postulation, or an accepted fact. Only other scientists and members of the elite could question it. Most of the elite didn't want to mess with the system that helped them so much. Scientists didn't want to risk their positions by saying the wrong thing, to end up in a working-class job down the mines. So most scientists also didn't want to publicise anything that might rock the boat. The rest didn't have the knowledge to even begin to question it. On top, in those times, everyone was encouraged to accept people in authority as experts who knew far more than you did. It didn't matter if they were doctors, lawyers, religious leaders, scientists, policemen, or politicians. Everyone was respected in their field of authority.
Now, almost everyone in a Western country, has been educated by public education and TV. They've been encouraged to question almost all forms of authority, including politicians, policemen, religious leaders, lawyers, doctors, and scientists. Moreover, they've been educated so much about science, that they have the ability to form questions and challenges about scientific theories. Moreover, people only work 8 hours a day now, and only 5 days a week, and on top, they don't have to slog their guts out. People aren't knackered by the end of the day anymore. They have the time and energy to question as well. All that gives people the ability to question if scientific theories are correct.
There are consequences to everything. Some are what you hoped for. Some are unexpectedly in your favour. Some are unexpectedly against you.
I expect that scientists probably thought that if everyone was educated about science, then they'd all back scientists to the hilt. It was hoplessly over-optimistic, because the only reason that people didn't argue in the past, was because they couldn't, coupled with a huge amount of propganda designed to back government, that also made people back scientists out of ignorance. They'd never really been in the situation where large numbers of laypeople had the ability to challenge them, and the belief that it wasn't wrong to challenge them. So they weren't used to having to answer millions of people's questions and problems with their theories.
They imagined a utopia in their favour, and forgot to consider what might happen if things didn't turn out like they hoped. So they weren't prepared for the consquences, and they still haven't learned to adapt yet. Instead, they've tried to close ranks, and retreat into appeals to them as authorities. But that doesn't work any more either, because the desire to listen to authorities, is not science-dependent. When people stopped accepting what bankers and politicians said, they rejected the notion of appeal to authority, and with it, rejected the automatic authority of scientists as well.
This is what happens when things change. Some things adapt, some adapt slower, and those that are slow to adapt, receive evolutionary pressures. It's evolution happening in the present day.