One atom of me
Not sure where to start, but I will ask how many INTPs might be schizoid?
You might ask what schizoid means so here is my take on it. Whereas there are many theories why this personality type exists most agree that it is to certain degree a dyfunctional personality problem and causes problems in life, mainly not enjoying social life as much and relationships, romantic or intimate on any level.
The basis for schizoid label is that it is an extreme form of introversion leading people to be intensily preoccupied with internal life and not with outside world leading to not experiencing human interaction or life in full emotional scale, but rather in dull robotic matter. Indifferent to praise or criticism and mostly preoccupied with oneself schizoid lives out life mostly in fantasy and avoids people not just because of some sort of anxiety, but because of intense dissatisfaction with human emotions and behaviour that simply makes schizoids sneeze like a man allergic to a cat.
So I assume lot of INTPs might be schizoid, because for one they indeed have Fe as fourth function ( assuming you believe in functions and accept this rather ad hoc explanation) or infact in general many INTPs stray from social life not just because of absent mindedness, but because of intense dissatisfaction with the results and inappropriate expectations of their own state of mind. So lot of INTPs just hate putting themselves out there when they really just want to sit alone and think. Hermits or narcissist, it doesnt matter, schizoids have emotions and live a interesting life its just not understood. OK thats an understatement. Its completely met with hostility by mental health people and as well in general society.
You might ask why would a loner want to be alone if not for being mentally deranged. Here we arent talking about being busy with work or occupied with ideas, but rather with the fact that schizoids prefer to interact from distance afar as if from behind glass wall.
Now you might be asking why used the word immortality in my thread title and I am getting to that in a moment. First of all some psychoanalytical idiots ( Well technically they arent idiots, but sure as hell have lot of psychoanalyitical baggage with them and always pull out some Freudian tool out of it trying tell you that all you want is sex with your mother), but they are completely off base as far as I am concerned. Schizoids are considered narcissistic in that they have fragile egos and lack the proper gut reaction. The fact is it is none of that, nor is it about self adoration on basis of preserving one self.
However it might get confusing right now, because now we are getting to the immortality part. Schizoids hate to be vurnelabl, and hate to redefine their own relationship with the world. IN fact schizoids prefer to live in sort of incubators. THey prefer to be untouched by the enviroment. They love their internal bubble and prefer it over the rigid life style of constantly flexing social muscle trying to fit in and divide attention between themselves and others. They cannot integrate others into their internal bubble and hate to contaminate it with anything alien to themselves. Thats truly confusing as schizoids are humans as any other, its just that the emotions they have must not touch or interact. Its simply the fact of life for schizoids that they never want to change and consider it sort of death on to their psyche. Schizoids maybe outgoing and outspoke and consistently extroverted as if they really are, but they do it only to mask the fact they dont fit in really and its sort of miming technique in oder to not get their precious world contaminated and flooded by emotions of others they cannot deal with. The true only advantage of schizoid people is their ability to turn of their mentalizing mind in order to not get it hacked by reactive people.
The true goal of schizoid is the fear of death and by overcoming this fear, by preserving the sense of self that they posses. This is not based on just ego, but their whole understanding where they fit in. SO where do they fit in exactly. Well nowhere and thats exactly the point. They dont fit, because their egos are rigid and unflexible so trying to have a vurnebal schizoid is like trying to squeez a round peg through a square hole. All in all its a disaster and it wont work.
Schizoids hate emotional, intellectual or even physical vurnelability. They avoid it like plague. Its not that they dont realise or infact think they are immortal, or that they are infact superior or they think themselves as truly capable of living in a bubble. Its just that the affirmation of real world that we indeed must die one day incapable of preserving our vurnelabl selfs means to us the great discomfort in everyday life. These mentalizations of fear of death leads us to go further astray from normal life, but it doesnt give us discomfort. It would would be a normal life that would lead to discomfort.
You might ask what schizoid means so here is my take on it. Whereas there are many theories why this personality type exists most agree that it is to certain degree a dyfunctional personality problem and causes problems in life, mainly not enjoying social life as much and relationships, romantic or intimate on any level.
The basis for schizoid label is that it is an extreme form of introversion leading people to be intensily preoccupied with internal life and not with outside world leading to not experiencing human interaction or life in full emotional scale, but rather in dull robotic matter. Indifferent to praise or criticism and mostly preoccupied with oneself schizoid lives out life mostly in fantasy and avoids people not just because of some sort of anxiety, but because of intense dissatisfaction with human emotions and behaviour that simply makes schizoids sneeze like a man allergic to a cat.
So I assume lot of INTPs might be schizoid, because for one they indeed have Fe as fourth function ( assuming you believe in functions and accept this rather ad hoc explanation) or infact in general many INTPs stray from social life not just because of absent mindedness, but because of intense dissatisfaction with the results and inappropriate expectations of their own state of mind. So lot of INTPs just hate putting themselves out there when they really just want to sit alone and think. Hermits or narcissist, it doesnt matter, schizoids have emotions and live a interesting life its just not understood. OK thats an understatement. Its completely met with hostility by mental health people and as well in general society.
You might ask why would a loner want to be alone if not for being mentally deranged. Here we arent talking about being busy with work or occupied with ideas, but rather with the fact that schizoids prefer to interact from distance afar as if from behind glass wall.
Now you might be asking why used the word immortality in my thread title and I am getting to that in a moment. First of all some psychoanalytical idiots ( Well technically they arent idiots, but sure as hell have lot of psychoanalyitical baggage with them and always pull out some Freudian tool out of it trying tell you that all you want is sex with your mother), but they are completely off base as far as I am concerned. Schizoids are considered narcissistic in that they have fragile egos and lack the proper gut reaction. The fact is it is none of that, nor is it about self adoration on basis of preserving one self.
However it might get confusing right now, because now we are getting to the immortality part. Schizoids hate to be vurnelabl, and hate to redefine their own relationship with the world. IN fact schizoids prefer to live in sort of incubators. THey prefer to be untouched by the enviroment. They love their internal bubble and prefer it over the rigid life style of constantly flexing social muscle trying to fit in and divide attention between themselves and others. They cannot integrate others into their internal bubble and hate to contaminate it with anything alien to themselves. Thats truly confusing as schizoids are humans as any other, its just that the emotions they have must not touch or interact. Its simply the fact of life for schizoids that they never want to change and consider it sort of death on to their psyche. Schizoids maybe outgoing and outspoke and consistently extroverted as if they really are, but they do it only to mask the fact they dont fit in really and its sort of miming technique in oder to not get their precious world contaminated and flooded by emotions of others they cannot deal with. The true only advantage of schizoid people is their ability to turn of their mentalizing mind in order to not get it hacked by reactive people.
The true goal of schizoid is the fear of death and by overcoming this fear, by preserving the sense of self that they posses. This is not based on just ego, but their whole understanding where they fit in. SO where do they fit in exactly. Well nowhere and thats exactly the point. They dont fit, because their egos are rigid and unflexible so trying to have a vurnebal schizoid is like trying to squeez a round peg through a square hole. All in all its a disaster and it wont work.
Schizoids hate emotional, intellectual or even physical vurnelability. They avoid it like plague. Its not that they dont realise or infact think they are immortal, or that they are infact superior or they think themselves as truly capable of living in a bubble. Its just that the affirmation of real world that we indeed must die one day incapable of preserving our vurnelabl selfs means to us the great discomfort in everyday life. These mentalizations of fear of death leads us to go further astray from normal life, but it doesnt give us discomfort. It would would be a normal life that would lead to discomfort.