Salvia, when I took 35x, was the most extreme drug experence of my life (maybe other than snorting some prepared yopo snuff). Think of reality as a deck of cards, and taking that deck in one hand, and flicking all the cards one at a time rapidlly while you're falling at terminal velocity. It's a complete ego-kill as well. Any sense of who you are, what you are, the acknoledgement of your existance and consciousness, is non-existant. This ego-kill makes the drug about pointless if you want any insight into your life or reality at all, because you can't think straight for the life of you while on it, and once it's over, the whole experence is just like a dream: once you wake up from it, your recollection quickly dissolves.
Oh, and don't get me wrong, I've done it with 10x before as well and jsut got werid gravity shifts and stretching of my enviroment and constant laughter... Which was simply annoying.
This may sound interesting, but trust me, it's far from it. Never again. But hell, try it for yourself, nothing to lose, other than 5 minutes of your time and a little bit of cash.